
Grettings from an Australian Newbie

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:)Hi ive never jumped before but im going to start my AFF course over the next few weeks
im now 21 year old and have wanted to sky dive since i was a little kid , i have no idea why it has taken me this long to jump lol

I Have a lot of questions ill be asking over the next few days so if people can answer them that would be great

if your the kind of person who will reply to my questions with "just go and sky dive" please dont reply lol

I plan on being around this forum a lot so please help me with questions and over time when i learn more ill be able to help other newbies who are in my current position

thank you

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I'm a newbie too - did my first tandem on the 13th and will be signing up for AFF upon returning from my vacation to Arizona next week. When you finally get to jump you'll love it. It was one of those rare life changing events for me and I can't wait to go up again.

Also, I haven't gotten any smart ass responses here (yet). So don't worry about it - everyone seems really nice!


Arianna Frances

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yeah i hope i like it lol
ive been wanting to do it since the day i was born i think lol
when i was younger id get out a video from the video store simply because it had a skydiving scene in it lol

also i used to get my dad to drive me out to the local drop zone on weekends so i could watch the sky divers landing
I hope i like it as much as i want to like it
im currently working out what day to book in , im thinking of next weekend

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May I suggest you go to your local library or DZ and pick up one of the many fine introductory books on our sport to help you learn about it.

Look in the classified section of DZ.com for them as well.

Mike Turoff
Instructor Examiner, USPA
Co-author of Parachuting, The Skydiver's Handbook

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My questions are more like this 1 , if some1 can answer it it would be great

i dont plan on buying all the sky diving equipment straight after i do the course
but i am wanting to know are there any basic equipment most poeple buy

like say you's were starting out and had 300$ to spend straight up , is there anything you would buy , or am i better saving more as no single item is that cheap ?

as after i finish the AFF course im thinking of buying a jump suit or a helmet or somthing like that

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Greetings from the Northern Hemisphere.

I am currently an Aff student level 5, but I am grounded right now due to a non-skydiving related concussion.

If you have any questions you would like to ask, feel free to pm me. If due to my lack of experience I am unable to answer the question, I will be honest with you.

A lot of your questions can be answered by just reading the thousands of posts here...particularly in the training forum.

Best of luck to you and I'm sure you will meet many cool people here.



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thanx Muenkel
what country are u in ?

yeah i have read a lot of other posts here i read here for a few days before i signed up , after reading and seeing how diverse the experience level was here i thought its a great place to be a part of and here i am B|

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Welcome to you both.

I agree that there is no one here picking on you for asking questions.

Keep in mind that the answer sometimes is "just go and skydive".

but if you ask a serious question you will get a serious answer.

welcome to the sky,


have fun, love life, be nice to the humans

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Hi , another question
Once i finish my course how much on average will the gear id be looking at (in this stage of my skydiving level) cost me for good safe quality second hand gear

i been looking around at diff rigs and stuff on the next to trying to get a rough idea
rig's are a few K$ and im thinking i still need a cypress and main and reserve canopy on top of that or do the rigs useally contain a reserve ?

this could be rather costly sport lol

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This Saturday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or friday in the USA if im correct

I start my course this satderday and should do my first jump sunday (weather permitting)
the day is finally arriving
ive been waiting for roughly 18 years for this

i should have already started but they put the course back a few weeks


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Finally had a good day with good weather today and did my first jump from 11,000 feet

first time in a plane and would have been happy with the plane ride by its self but the jump was a good bonus :ph34r:
i wouldnt say there was any rush involved except me rushing towards the ground lol
i had prepaired for this a lot in me head but it was enjoying

i found the most Previous unexperienced feeling to be when i first let go and arched and couldnt see the ground but could feel me self falling

I found this to be a great experience and have learnt a lot

my main things to work on for my next jump will be pointing me toes out as i was arching heaps at the top of me body and not paying to much attention to me toes and bringing my feet into my ass

I cant wait to do my second stage which with luck *good weather* next weekend ill be jumping again then



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this is like a car accident
ive had a car accident before where i felt fine till the next morning when i woke up all sore and stiff

my hips are very sore but were fine yesty
when my chute deployed it absoloutly cained my leg's (where the leg strps are) for a split second , it was like a massive instance friction burn lol
but today my hips are very sore
feel's as though the big rip with the leg straps
ripped my legs up into my hips (not literally as they are still in tact) and now my hips are to sore to go for my daily run :(

is this a normal thing or did i have a harder opening then useal
or could it have somthing to do with me having my feet near my ass and not way out with my toes pointing out

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