
Hi from Canada... he!

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How is everyone! A hello and a thank you is in order since I just bought my first rig and I got lots of really good infos of you guys so... Thanks!

I'm a medic in the canadian forces posted out of Petawawa for now, so a special hello to all of you soldiers... and medics!

I am finally staying put for an entire summer, so I'm getting into the sport full swing this summer! Damn the budget and all that! It'll also be nice to go to the same dz for more than a few jumps and not be the new guy all the time...

Looking forward to get to know some of you better!
Somewhere, someone is training when you are not. When you race him, you will loose.

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Thanks all for the welcome.
Pics will be coming soon.. promised!
I will be in the field for work for the next 4 days so expect them for fri or sat. somewhere...

Did a jump today especially for you Katie!
Somewhere, someone is training when you are not. When you race him, you will loose.

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Hi... and huh? Don't know Kapowsin... is it in Ontario?
I just started jumping at Mile high so there might be a nick name for it or something but it's in Arnprior close to Ottawa... no other dz I went to had that name that I remember either...

talk soon!
Somewhere, someone is training when you are not. When you race him, you will loose.

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Thanks for the info...
You're from Edmonton! I was for work in apr-may but never managed to go jump. Heard good things about your dz though. You guys have a lot of experienced jumpers there... especially crew. I hear it's sorta the dz's specialty?
Somewhere, someone is training when you are not. When you race him, you will loose.

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There are two DZ's near Edmonton
Edmonton Skydive Centre at Westlock, north of the city
Eden North west of the city.
Lyal and Aidan at Eden are World Air Games Bronze
medalists in CReW
Aidan is also Canadian National 4 way silver medalist.
People from the two DZ's often combine to compete
at provincials.
There were people from all over Alberta and even some from Saskatchewan in the 10way teams.
Have to say a big thanks to Dave from Kapowsin
for bringing up the Otter B|B|B|B|

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