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I know all of you out there at one time were a student. We all have gone through the process in some way or another. I just wanted to take this moment and thank all of those out there who are helpful to students like myself. Taking the time to work with us so that we can become a better and safer skydiver.
I recently made my graduation dive. It went great and it was on the sunset load. And now tomorrow i hit another graduation. I am finished with college and move on to better things. In fact all my excitement about the sport has convinced my mom to come down and make her first tandem. Once again thank you to all who helped make the sport what it is today..


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That's awesome!!:)
Just remember even though AFF is over you never stop learning in this sport. Oh, and if you occasionally get verbally slapped in these forums, remember it's not to be mean to you. It's just tough love from all your friends.

Blue Skies
Ok, so it's pink, but I'm secure in my manhood, and I still look cool coming in under it!

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