
I'm new too, and I love it!

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Hello divers, I've made my first AFF on the 19th of January, and that's my new official birthday! B| My second is tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited about it! Unfortunately I'm not having a video taken yet.
(I'm in Austin, Texas. Anyone here jumping over Lexington?)

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What's it like? about two days after the jump, when thinking of it, I still couldn't believe that it was me who had separated from the airplane... Damn, when you fall, it's not like a rollercoaster, it's incomparably stronger!
My instructor told me prior to the jump to look up and see the wonderful view of the airplane flying away... No way! I only looked down, and could do nothing about it.
Though my arch wasn't perfect, my altitude awareness was very good, I can feel when another 5-5.5 seconds/1,000feet pass.
It's an unusual experience, certainly. It quickens your heartbeat when you visualize the moment of exit in your mind...

One more point: I didn't feel any fear. Adrenaline, excitement, but not fear. I did not hesitate for a moment, whether to go for it or not.

As to the canopy part, it doesn't feel like it's moving forward at all. Steering was easy, and I haven't tried any fast turns, though did normal 360-degrees several times. Landing was 100-200 meters away from the windsock, but I didn't care about that really. And later the photos showed that my ground speed was 0, which means 15-20 mph wind. So landing so off-target wasn't entirely my fault ;)

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Groovy feelinf eh?Altitude aware is good...Still
working on my bod position as well,but I will never
put that above my pull priorities...Good job dude...
P.s 15-20 mph is a little scary for us students to be jumpining in....I think I would have been grounded that day....peace:)

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Welcome to DZ.COM Frodo Baggins and welcome to our addiction. There's a girl which wants me to go rollerblading with her tomorrow (hmm...that would actually be today), but with the weather so nice, I can't waste a good skydiving day. :) I'm going to have to get her in the air sometime soon so that she'll understand this addiction of mine. :S

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Thanks y'all! What do you think, is it just an impression or is it true: everyone I know related to skydiving is a great person, very nice to talk to, very friendly, and they accept you in their circles because it's such a close community?

Btw today was my second skydive, AFF level 2...what can I say, it was great too, though kinda rushed. Like half an hour of preparation, relatively quick climb, and no hesitation whether to exit or not... I guess that's the way it should be, except I have to check the details more, like how comfortable and tight the harness is.

At opening I had a small line twist, about 2 or 3 turns, but I did just what I was taught to do - forced the risers apart and tried to "kick out" of the twist. But the first thing I thought of was cutaway, but when I saw that the canopy looks good otherwise, I decided to try fixing the problem. When I succeeded, i was quite happy, meanwhile noticing that my pulse hasn't even raised when I knew of the problem;)

Since there was a thick cloud layer between 2,000 and 4,000 feet, I didn't know which way to fly, and when I finally saw, it looked as if I can make it. But at the altitude of 500 feet I saw the power lines in front and instantly turned away and made a stand-up landing off-field.

I haven't done everything in freefall exactly as planned, but I guess because of my altitude awareness, arch, and landing they cleared me for AFF 3!

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Hi & Welcome Frodo,
My wife & I are also student's (5 jumps each) she also had a line twist last time and as instructed got out of it fine without a cutaway even if her & her instructor landed off site it was a good skydive. we can not wait to take our next jump (March 23rd!!!) Good luck in your training.

Blue skies

Scott & Teri

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But at the altitude of 500 feet I saw the power lines in front and instantly turned away and made a stand-up landing off-field.

Good call Frodo. You're on the right road if you make those sort of decisions. There's a popular saying in some skydiving circles at goes something like this "Now how many perfectly good fields did you pass on your way to landing in that tree?". But I can't use that one on you now can I? ;)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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