
Old Fart, on 12th or 13th childhood...

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Greetings all. I have been studying here for about two month now, and have learned quite a bit (mostly how little I know). Figured I should at least acknowledge how much help the contributors here have been, and express my appreciation.

I bought my son, Eric, the AFF course for his 18th birthday, and since I feel obligated to lead the way, well, here we are, learning together! We are very fortunate to live where (So Cal) the weather allows us to jump year round (I did make two jumps a month ago at 7 and 5 degrees F exit temp...chatter-chatter). First jumps were at the end of October, and now a little over half way to "A".

Thanks to DZ.com for the environment they have provided, likewise to all of you contributors that have expanded my knowledge base. And, I want to publicly say how much I appreciate the staff at Skydive San Diego...they have been nothing short of phenomenal! While I take full responsibility for my own actions, I have been confident as I entrusted two of my children to their care (my youngest daughter, Shannon, just had to see what younger brother and dad were so keen on, even after she had declared she would never jump out of an airplane!...she did a tandem).

Anyway, hope to make jump number 13 (and then some) tomorrow if high winds don't keep me on the ground.

This has been a great new chapter in my life, the skydive community is awesome, and I'm enjoying what is quite arguably the ultimate Father / Son / Daughter experience!


Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?

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Welcome! Nice to have some 'older' skydivers here;). Wow, what a Dad for purchasing your son's AFF! Me, I'm just a Mom who talked one son into doing a tandem when I did, and the other son.....well, he doesn't even want to discuss it or watch his 'crazy' Mom! Great site here isn't it?


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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This has been a great new chapter in my life, the skydive community is awesome, and I'm enjoying what is quite arguably the ultimate Father / Son / Daughter experience!

Hello Russ,

I have very good friends that are a father/son/daughter 3 way. They have been jumping almost 2 years now and began AFF as part of the wedding party. (Son was getting married, dad was best man, daughter maid of honor.) Harold is the patriarch of the group and has close to 300 jumps now, with the kids just over 100. (As of Saturday, Heidi did her 100th on a 4 Way team jump with "Harold's Angels.") And Mom is not to be left out. She is out there most weekends with the family and always supporting DZ activities. Gretchen has also has 2 tandem jumps in her log book. We jump at Skydive Elsinore most weekends. I say we, because I've been adopted into the family.:)
You could not have chosen a better "family" sport. There are many days of skydiving adventures ahead of you and your family.

Blue skies,


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Yes it is a great site, and I also have a couple kids who want no part of exiting an airplane that is anything other than parked. My wife will occasionally go to watch, as will my youngest daughter who finally did the tandem after watching us a couple times. Although the wife was interested in jumping years ago, she never mentioned it till after we had kids, and then there was no way she was going chance having our kids lose both parents... My two oldest daughters think we're all crazy, and the wife wasn't too happy when my youngest daughter decided to jump either. And as far as being a great Dad? well I wanted it as bad as he did, so I can't take too much credit.


Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?

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Yes, we're having a great time! And I believe I know just how you feel about the wait to jump with your son. I have been waiting to do this a long time. My son has been impatiently waiting since about the same age as your son is now. I introduced him to the SEAL community when I took his Cub Scout troop to the training center, and have had him back numerous times (he even did his Eagle Scout project there). His steadfast, oft repeated declaration to become a SEAL, and jump, no doubt prepared his mom for the recent occasion of his first jump.. (there for awhile, when he was younger, I had to sleep with one eye open). Don't know if he'll follow through with the SEAL ambition or not, but we are having great, sharing, quality times now! I just got back from dropping him off at school, and you should have seen the look on his face when, seeing my log book, he realized I was going to jump while he was in school...
I did take him to the Las Vegas Flyaway tunnel last year for a taste, and he has been on this site a couple times only. Just this morning on the way to school, I was encouraging him to read the forums for all the great learning it offers... Got to go, DZ is a two hour drive!!!


Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?

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Hello Mark,

What a fantastic way to not only commemorate the wedding, but to start a family activity and create a bond in the beginning of a "new" family! Sounds like you're a lucky "adoptee".

We will visit your DZ after we get our "A"s. Our last jump together two weekends ago, we were driving by Elsinore near twilight, and you guys had just deployed from a big way...must have been 25 to 30 canopies in close proximity. What a beautiful sight! There was one canopy high...at the time I was wondering if it might be you? You do shoot film don't you?

Oops, after going back to look, your profile says you don't shoot film...somehow I infered from early on in my lurking that you did...must have been regarding some pictures you were posting.

And woe is me, just got off the phone with the DZ...winds way too high to jump...at least I saved the two hour drive down there.


Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?

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yes on all counts, plus the fact tha you seem like you'll be able to post intelligently on whatever the subject, plus the fact that I gather you are/were in the navy, and even though they did just kinda piss me off I still have much respect for them. And if your like any other SEAL I've ever met you've got a rather entertaining wild side that's probably lurking just below the surface of these respectable sounding posts.:)

Truman Sparks for President

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Whoa! Sorry if I put some confusion into my earlier post...most unintended..

I am not now, nor have I ever been a SEAL...

I would still trade one of my nuts to even be allowed to attempt it. Lord knows there are already enough low life liars out there claiming to SEALS! Ironic, but to quote some of the lyrics from your PF graphic, I "trade(d) a walk-on part in the war, for a lead role in a cage" (Southeast Asia Period, remember, I'm an old fart). I have had the honor of spending some quality time with members of the SEAL community, as well as operators from other groups, and I have nothing but the greatest respect and admiration for them. And yes, most of the professionals I have known have a unique perspective that can provide a foundation for, shall we say, interesting entertainment. I would also add, that they are usually some of the most respectful guys you'll ever meet. I suppose that is often the result of living a life where confidence is acquired by setting goals, hard work, application to the task at hand, and not looking for some lame ass wannabe excuse to explain your own personal failure to achieve. Much as I perceive the environment here in skydiving...no room for bullshit...not more than once anyway.

Finally, I do have a wild side, but it is safely secure and held in reserve, in case I ever need it. Reality has been almost wild enough...


Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?

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Ah, my mistake. Either way, you do still post with grown-up puntuation;) Makes you a bit of a rarity, but not too much of one. As far as the teams go, I'm pretty much in the same boat. Never have been in, never will be, but I would surely love to try. I was trying to get in the navy but I just found out a couple days ago that since my right eye is kind of messed up they won't accept me. Oh well. By the way, you just used lyrics from my favorite PF song.

Truman Sparks for President

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This is an excellent Thread!
I have 13 & 15 yrs old dauthers & a 1yr old son.
If want to jump I promised them full brand new custom gear for their "A" Lic.
If they don't want to jump, we'll go to Orlando, plus some Vert.Windtunnel:)I love a good relationship story with family.

If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Hi Scotty, and thanks for the welcome,

You never can tell...my youngest daughter said no way (as did my two oldest daughters), but after watching my son & I jump a couple times, she did that Tandem... maybe your son might get curious as he sees your satisfaction!

Godspeed on the "A"s. How many more jumps do you need to do? Is the weather keeping you on the ground? I was raised in Michigan, and sometimes miss the snow...but not much now that I'm jumping!
Going to try to get in a few jumps tomorrow, winds permitting.

Hello Grant,

Yes, it is great to jump with family, and I'm hearing of more and more family groups who do. Sounds like your going to have quite a crowd, and your kids are fortunate to have parents that recognize the importance of shared family experience.

I inferred from Scottyb's post that you have to be 18 years old to jump in Pennsylvania. Here in Calif thats pretty much in stone...a parent cannot release liability for their minor in this state, so no one will take them up...I know, I tried!


Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?

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That's Fantastic Don,

Hope to copy you. It sure does feel great to share such an intense sport with your kids, doesn't it! I need 4 more jumps for my "A", and my boy needs 11...he's going to have some time to catch up to me... It's been somewhat of a tough week. Twisted my ankle bad last Thur on a hop-n-pop...so no jumping for awhile...and the computer died same time...now the sad owner of a new hard drive.

All the best to you & your kids.


Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?

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