
English Gent

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Hello everyone,
Been a newbie for a few days and thought I'd introduce myself whilst I sip my earl grey tea in sunny England.

I raced dirtbikes for 12 years then took up skydiving in '97. I've now done 70 jumps with most of these in Florida. Havent jumped much over the least 3 years due to educational commitments but I am coming back this year.

I've already made one posting to a forum regarding 'Asthma and skydiving' and I've been blown away with the advice and insightful experiences in the responses.

Really looking forward to talking to you all in the future and progreessing from a newbie to something else!


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I've only jumped at 1 DZ in Florida - Skydive Sebastian. Did my first AFF jump with Vladi Pesa and Mick Hall which was a great. Those guys really got me hooked.

Been back to Florida a few times but only ever jumped at Seb, did try to jump at Lake Wales once but the place was closed???

Im willing to try any DZ where the humour is better than the English :P.

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Welcome to the forums! Now I must confess, I, too, drink tea. I drink coffee, too, especially on cold mornings, but I'm not above lowering myself to the level of a cup of tea occasionally;) Other than the gentleman part I'm sure you'll fit in just fine;)

Truman Sparks for President

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Welcome to the forums, and enjoy your upcoming trip to the States. If you get the chance, there is also some great winter jumping weather on the west coast.

I suspect there are more than a few of us tea drinkers here... many of the younger crowd probably can't handle the funny looks that tea drinkers seem to get occasionally here in the colonies. I, on the other hand, couldn't give rat's butt whether someone else approves. Not that I dislike coffee (if it has enough cream and sugar), but I prefer to save it for the times I need to stay awake (a 6oz cup will jack me up about as well as a Dexamil).


Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?

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Hello :)
i have a cup of tea in front of me right now..! Has to be PG tho, with full fat milk.. hmmmmmmmmmmm

where abouts are you in the UK, i'm down in maidstone, kent way.

Did you do all your AFF course with mick? i ask because thats where i'm thinking of going, and indeed learning with...! what was it like? where did you stay?

Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
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Used to be a PG man myself, but have now progessed to earl grey.. great with lemons:)
Im in one of the skydiving voids of the UK - Bristol.

It was 97 when I did all my AFF and consolidation at Sebastian and it was great. The staff, facilities and training were all brilliant. We originally tried camping at the site, but it was the end of June and it was too hot and noisy so we moved to the Sandrift motel. After a couple of days we ended up staying with one of the instructors (for a small fee – beer!!)
My AFF was mostly with Vladi but I went back the following year and did 1 on 1 with Mick and he is excellent, very safety conscious and did not miss a single thing I did on my dives.

We went to Sebastian because it fitted with our travel arrangements (we were travelling down to Miami) and I have nothing but good things to say about the DZ facilities, training and staff. I have friends who have trained at other places in the US and every one of them has always come back with similar experiences that I have had. I.E They have met, befriended and learned from some exceptionally talented and inspirational skydivers.

For me Sebastian was excellent, but there are lots of really good DZ’s and I can’t wait to go and jump em.B|

So if your undecided as to where to go then think about what what you want to do and where you want go, then pick a DZ that fits in with that and ask in one of the forums what its like, you’ll get all the answers you need.

So are you going to be doing AFF? Have you jumped before??


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never jumped before, just going for it :)
i suppose i should look at doing a tandem or something, but it's just extra expense that i could be putting towards solo dives :)
Where do you dive in the UK?

Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
Performance Designs - Simply brilliant canopies

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Bloody Pommes! There everywhere! ;)

My mum is in Austrailia so I have to give you a hard time. Welcome to the.... whatever this is! Is great to have ya!

Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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