
New Kid on the Block

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I've hung out over on wreck.dot for some time, but never really spent much time here. I am a currently inactive jumper ... busted myself up about four years ago on a botched landing ... then went to law school, developed new career interests, got fat, and just never got back to jumping. But, there's always the future and law school is almost over.

For those who know me, I have a sordid student progression ... long and drawn out ... but, the bottom line is that I hung in there and I eventually graduated and had some really fantastic jumps in the process.

I wrote a book about my experiences ... it was promised long ago to many of my good friends on wreck.dot, and I finally delivered. It's called "Falling Into Place," and it's my first book. I had some wonderful people, both in and out of skydiving, help me with it. Early reactions to it have been very positive.

It's my story ... the story of what has probably been the longest skydiving student progression in the history of the sport ... close to 50 jumps. The names are changed to protect the guilty, but "insiders" will quickly figure out just who is who.

If you are interested in learning more about it, you can pm me for the information. (edited by skymama).

This is the only post I plan to make about the book, and please consider it informational, rather than advertising, in nature.

Blue skies!


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This is the only post I plan to make about the book, and please consider it informational, rather than advertising, in nature.

Welcome to the forums. You told us about your book, listed a phone number and a website so we could buy your book. Before I edit the post, I'll ask you why this isn't considered advertising. Do you know we have a Classified section where you can put that information and sell your book?
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I guess I don't consider it advertising because it introduces me. The book is my story ... the story of my long student progression ... and progression that involved many of my fellow skydivers ... many who appear in the pages of the book. They were the ones who cheered me on, they were the ones who commiserated with me so often at the bonfire when nothing I tried ... and no matter how hard I tried it ... seemed to work.

It took a long time, and only one person had that magic key that got through to me ... made me forget my fear of instability and allowed me to fly like a bird. He's the one who finally was able to sign me off student status ... after two long years of trying to get there.

So, this is why I don't consider my post strictly an advertisement. That term as applied to it seems so cold. Many have asked me repeatedly in emails when my book was going to be available. You see, I took just as long with it as I did with my student progression. I began writing it in the evenings, as I sat in my wheelchair at the kitchen table, recovering from my injury back in 1999. I spent four months in that wheelchair and got the first draft done during that time. Then it sat on the shelf because I didn't think it was any good. I sent manuscript copies to a few friends ... trusted ones ... who told me to publish it. It wasn't until about two years later that a publishing industry friend told me that I should take the manuscript off the shelf, get a professional editor, and go the self-publishing route. That was a year ago.

This book is a piece of my life, and it involves so many of my friends. That's why I don't consider my post strictly advertising. But if the classifieds section is where you want me to put it, then that is what I will do.

I'm sorry if I've offended you or violated a rule of this board. I promise I won't do it again.

Blue skies ...


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I could have deleted your entire thread, but I didn't since I thought some people might be interested in your progression. But, if you look back at your original post, I did have to delete the ordering information because it clearly broke the forum rules. It's nothing against you or your story. I'm here to moderate the forums for when the rules may be broken and you broke them. Click on "forum rules" at the top of the page to see all of the rules.

So, yes, please put it in the Classifieds section. I also told people to pm you. So, if you see the word "Message" at the top of the page highlighted in red, that means someone is trying to contact you.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Thank you for your patience, and for educating me a bit about how dropzone.com works.

I appreciate the referral to the Classified ads, and I have since posted my information there.

Again, I apologize for my violation of the rules, and appreciate your understanding.

Blue skies ...


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Hi Rita!

Welcome to dropzone.com. I know you will be a good contributor here as you were on wreck daht back in the day.B|

I can't wait to read your book; how far does it go? Up until your fine adventure with "Pudge"?:(

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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Again, I apologize for my violation of the rules, and appreciate your understanding.

No worries, and thanks for the apology. As Skymonkeyone would say, "it's all goody in the hoody!" :)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Dude (sorry, Babe), never heard of such a thing as a guy/gal being allowed to come back after 49 times!!!! but I'm interested, if your story is any better than your progression....

Hope to hear about your next book, Then the 1000 after, I'm buying the beer

I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!

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I've read Falling Into Place. Even though it's all about skydiving, in the end it's about a lot more than that. It's about taking chances, about going for what you want with everything you've got. Here's a woman who learned not to give up no matter how much grief she took or how many people doubted her -- even when she doubted herself! I learned a lot from that. I can't say that I'd ever jump out of a plane, but after reading this book, I'm determined to go for broke for the goals that mean the most to me.

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