
Jedei packing tips??

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Got a Jedei and I love the way it flies, but i'm having some not-so-nice openings. The end cells don't seem to fully inflate until I yank the rears, i'm not sure if this is part of what causes the squirelly openings? I've got some soreness from my legstraps from the openings yesterday... but, I did 8 jumps on it, so it could definitely be worse.

So, what can I do to make it open more softly/ less squirrely... more like a stiletto?? I am rolling the tail pretty good... should I roll the nose as well? Does it need a new slider? The slider on it seems to have been modified to add kill lines. The canopy has 700 jumps, might it need a new slider at this point? Could that be the cause of funky openings? I think i've heard of some people putting pockets in sliders to slow openings?? Thoughts? Anyonw with a Jedei care to comment?


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Lets start out with some info about you and about your previous canopies.

How many jump, what loading on the Jedei? What previous canopies are you compareing it to?

And you have soreness, but is it opening hard? Is it sniveling a while and still hurting you?
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100+ jumps on a Stiletto before this canopy. never had problems on openings. Loading at ~1.1 : 1.

I think due to the fact that the end cells are not inflating, it is jerky on opening. Maybe I should immediately go to rears and try to get the end cells inflated? It is not opening extremely hard, but hard enough for me to come here and ask questions about it. It definitely doesn't open like my Stiletto did. It opens faster and it with deflated end cells causing it to dance/wander within about 45-90 degrees, but kinda jerky, until I get the end cells inflated (which doesn't happen on it's own, only after yanking rears).

I read that lots of people are using pocketed sliders, i'm wondering if I should consider that, or maybe a new slider since this one has 700 jumps on it. How do you know when a slider is ready for replacement?

Anyhow, i'm going to play around with different packing methods, and trying to go straight to rears before it starts to dance around from having the end cells deflated. But, in the meantime, I didn't know if maybe others with this canopy might have general tips. I'm basically looking to 1) get the end cells to inflate on opening, and 2) have it open more slowly/softly.


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How old are the lines? My jedei's openings impoved considerably after a reline. Other than that, I didn't roll it too much, but pulling the slider all the way out seems to help.


Been pulling the slider out, but will definitely pay attention to that. The lines have less than 100 jumps on them, so they should be good to go. Canopy flies great!


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Been pulling the slider out, but will definitely pay attention to that. The lines have less than 100 jumps on them, so they should be good to go. Canopy flies great!


By "pulling the slider out" do you mean in front of the nose? Check out the Lotus/Samurai owners manual, http://www.bigairsportz.com/basoman.pdf, page 14, where Brian Germain says that this "opens the channel of air to the bottom surface, typically allowing the parachute to open sooner."

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By "pulling the slider out" do you mean in front of the nose?

Yeah, that's what I meant, completely out in front of the nose. It seems to help me, but, I didn't mention, I do have a pocket slider on my Jedei. I'm sure Brian is right about the theory part of it, but mine seems to open a little better w/ it in front.

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