
cool Building

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I was overseas and ran across this.I thought it was one of the cooler buildings i've seen and that maybe some of you guys might dig it. The pic isn't the best, but it was the best i could do while driving.

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Am i having some mental block or something? Umm, the pic is in my camera and my computer. The building is probably 30 min northwest of Shenzhen and Shenzhen is about a 1 hour north of Hong Kong. Next time I'm over there I'll print detailed directions so you all can get your huck on next time your in China. Am i naming a site and breaking the Base Jumper code?
I need to learn mandrine and bribe the janitor at the building. That way i will have some contacts for everyone too.
Cheow...Peow........PING!! :ph34r:

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That's way better than the pic in your original post. Sweet building!


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Am i having some mental block or something? Umm, the pic is in my camera and my computer.

That's awesome. I snorted coke all over my keyboard. Thanks buddy!

Edited to add: that's coke as in the Coca Cola variation.

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