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  1. Its going to be my goal to be in a wingsuit by the end of summer. Bob, I hope i see you around one of the DZ's
  2. hahaha,LOL You know.... my first jump after my accident. Thats exactly what happened to me. I was jumping with shorts on air shot up the liner for my leg and filled up like a balloon. Was lucky enough to have time and pull it off and land with it. Great first jump back into the sport. The next jump was fixed with lots o duck tap.
  3. yup, that'd be me. Scott and Jeff have been very helpful and i'm sure with guys like that around the DZ i'll end up in a wingsuit. If i really get my huck on maybe by this comming fall. Ed, Thank u and everyone else at Lodi. U guys got to me quick and knew what u where doing.
  4. DZ used to be Lodi till i got hurt, now its up north near Seattle. Make a long story short i ended up loosing my leg to a skydiving accident in Lodi and was out of the sport for about a year and half recovering. Numbers are to low right now to start the wingsuit thing but wanted to know if it were possible. I make my way thru there as much as i can tho.
  5. Anyone seen a amputee use a wingsuit? My left leg was amputated below the knee so I have control keeping my leg straight. Would really like to get into the wingsuit thing and thought i would ask if its been done before. Thanks
  6. Dear God, Man!! Just when you thought you've seen it all.
  7. your partner will have no problem. I am a below knee amputee and have been skydiving for a while. I have had only one problem. Tell him to not cut the liner to short. Keep it long. I don't cut mine at all. The reason being is i had my prothesist come of in the air. I luckly grab it before it flew away. I 've never expierenced and spinning. I know a few of the pieces of eight guys and jump with one on occassion. If your buddy wants to talk to any of us message me and i'll give you some emails. -Ben
  8. huckalingus

    KIDS and BASE

    You know if the kid has a good amount of skydives and gets some proper training for base, then alright kid get after it. It does seem like a young age, but at that age you are really athletic and can react faster than most. There are a number of sports where the young kids are dominating the scene and taking it to the next level. Who knows this kid could end up being one of the best Base jumpers of our time. Like i said, proper training is important.
  9. Well i feel like an idiot. I'll put the peyote down now. Does this work...
  10. Am i having some mental block or something? Umm, the pic is in my camera and my computer. The building is probably 30 min northwest of Shenzhen and Shenzhen is about a 1 hour north of Hong Kong. Next time I'm over there I'll print detailed directions so you all can get your huck on next time your in China. Am i naming a site and breaking the Base Jumper code? I need to learn mandrine and bribe the janitor at the building. That way i will have some contacts for everyone too. Cheow...Peow........PING!!
  11. Southern China near Shenzhen.
  12. I was overseas and ran across this.I thought it was one of the cooler buildings i've seen and that maybe some of you guys might dig it. The pic isn't the best, but it was the best i could do while driving.
  13. Thanks alot guys this has been really helpful!
  14. can someone explain to me what these numbers mean. Shutter Speed 60s - 1/2,000s
  15. This is one i was looking at. I hope the info below helps. Brand Panasonic Model DMC-LZ5K Series Lumix Optical Zoom 6X Digital Zoom 4X Focal Length 37 - 222mm (35mm Equivalent) Aperture Wide: F2.8 - F5.6 Tele: F4.5 - F9 Shutter Speed 60s - 1/2,000s