
by car from Switzerland to Norway (kjerag)

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Do you know the best way to travel by car from Switzerland to Norway (kjerag)?

Looking at Google Earth, it looks like it might be possible to drive through Denmark and Sweden without having to catch the ferry, is this the best way?
Or is it better to catch a ferry from Denmark, where do you catch the ferry from, and do you know the company operator.

Also if you are about and you want to make some jumps while I pass through, let me know.

errrrm, i have been banned from dropzone.com, if anyone would care to post this there i would appreciate it.

Michi (#1068)

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Do you know the best way to travel by car from Switzerland to Norway (kjerag)?

Last year i drive from Poland to Lysebotn.
Took ferry from Swinoujscie in Poland to Ystad in Sweden.
Then drive trough Sweden to Oslo in Norway and then turn left to Lysebotn.
That was long drive ;)

Look at www.norwegian.no - cheap flight to Oslo.

If you heave question just write PM.

CU in Swiss ;)

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Hey George,

According to Autoroute:
Shortest route - 1,500km 18.5 hours driving
Quickest route - 1,750km 16.5 hours driving

You are looking at about 200 euro of fuel

Both routes go through Denmark and get a ferry to Norway.

Fill your car up with beer and food on the way and it'll be well worth it ;-)


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You can take a fast ferrie from Hirtsals in Denmark To Kristiansand in Norway, this takes about 2,5 hours.
From Kristiansand to Lysebotn it's about a 3,5 hour drive.
The company operator is www.colorline.com
The name on the fast ferrie is Silvia Ana.
Theres also a new company selling out cheap tickets between Hanstholm in Denmark to Kristiand
Map (in Norwegian) from Kristiand til Lysebotn
I don't know if this is the fastet way from Switzerland to Norway, but it's one of the most common to use

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Looking at Google Earth, it looks like it might be possible to drive through Denmark and Sweden without having to catch the ferry, is this the best way?
Or is it better to catch a ferry from Denmark

going through Denmark from switzerland whith out the ferry will be expencive.. You´ll have to drive on 2 bridges,that requires road tax,however if you choose that way you´ll be 5 mins away from my house on your way,make sure to drop by:P

I think the fastest and cheapest way will be whith ferry from Hirtshals i think it is..

Shoot me a mail and i can make sure you can get a few jump on your way aswellB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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In 2003 I drove to the Extremesportweek in Voss from Barcelona (2864,2 km). I didn`t take the shortest route (which I believe was over Oslo by ferry), but definitely one of the most scenic ones. I drove up to Hirtshals in Denmark and took the shorter ferry to Kristianensand and from there to Voss.

I live in Switzerland as well now and a few of us plan to go to Kjerag this summer, perhaps by car. This way we could drive together. When are you planning to go?




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No offense but driving direction generators aren't always the best routes to go in the world.

If you type in get directions from Crested Butte, CO to Aspen, CO, mapquest drives you over a pretty difficult four wheel trail LOL:


I prefer to talk to the people who have actually made the trip rather than a computer...

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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I would say 24 hours is more realistic.

Micke N
Team Bautasten

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Hi George,

I went from Munich, Germany, to Kjerag last year by car, I travelled through Danmark and took the ferry from Hirtshals to Kristiansand.

Believe me, this is already long enough. I left Munich at 8am in the morning, I had to race like crazy to catch the ferry at 8 pm in Hirtshals (DK), and I finally arrived at 3am in the night in Lysebotn. Going from Kristiansand to Kjerag takes a long while as well, even it is not so many kilometers, but you cannot drive fast in Norway (or you should not, it might get expensive :)). It was in total approx. 1500 km and I was pretty tired, not ideal conditions for jumping the next day...

Unless you visit someone and make stops to have breaks, going through Sweden and without the ferry is imo too much. It will take forever, and I think the additional fuel costs will be equivalent to the ferry costs.

Do yourself a favour and take the ferry. Just book in advance so that you have good rates.

Best, Eduard.


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