
Twisting direction on twisting sommersaults

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While looking at videos from aerials over the time, I noticed that different jumpers tend to twist in a different direction than other jumpers. I have seen people (including DW) twisting counterclockwise and other people (for example JF) twisting in the exact oposite direction.

Is there a reason why some people twist counterclockwise and other clockwise? To me, twisting counterclockwise seems 'easier' for deployment. Or are there other factors in play that make up the direction you choose to twist in?

Twisting post...

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From your question...that depends entirely on the angle of the camera. Personally, I find it easier to do my flippy-dos counter-clockwise if the camerman is on my right and clockwise if the cameraman is on my left. :S

Edit to add: I guess I just don't get your point on one style being easier for deployment than others, unless you're talking about the location of the PC and direction of throw (generally right).

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Its generally in the direction of the aerialists dominant foot. For example, I'm right foot dominant so when I go to do a cartwheel, I put the right foot in front and hence, turn right. Same applies for executing a backward twisting flip (aka: full).


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deep thought:

a counter-clockwise twist filmed from below is a clockwise twist if filmed from above, isn't that interesting! Further - when you start a flipping twisty, assume you start by twisting to the left facing out (counter-clockwise right)... once your head is below your feet you are spining clockwise as seen from where you exited!


I wonder if the hemisphere you call home makes a difference, IE, more Aussies twisting counter-clockwise (as seen from above)...

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I wonder if the hemisphere you call home makes a difference, IE, more Aussies twisting counter-clockwise (as seen from above)...

Toilets do NOT flush clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere due to the Coriolis effect. The only known influence due to the Coriolis effect is on Aussie BASE jumpers. They just don't know or don't care enough to respect it. ;)


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The only known influence due to the Coriolis effect is on Aussie BASE jumpers. They just don't know or don't care enough to respect it. ;)


what about the Corliss effect?

.... wha wha wha

sorry could not help myself

I will get my coat

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sorry could not help myself

It's okay, you limey British wanker. You twats just can't help yourselves. Get back to what you know best: America-bashing. ;)

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funny stuff mate

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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