
Highest? Lowest?

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I agree - what specifically are you asking?

For me:

Highest relative altitude exit to landing with a significant freefall = 5700ft.
Highest relative altitude exit to landing without a significant freefall (s/l) = about 9500ft.
Lowest with a packed canopy = 98 ft.

Note that my definition of what is lowest has to include the proviso that you would more than likely die if

you jumped without a parachute. Otherwise the answer for lowest IS ZERO, and the competition is over.

That is unless of course you made the "highest" jump aftre the mushrooms and then had a real bad experience

coming off the high. As they say, no matter how bad you think things in your life are, there is always

someone who is lower than you. ;)

I think Yuri is the winner!!
Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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No kidding! As poorly as many guys use the word pussy, you'd think the majority of them were into other guys and hated the pussy. How sad. ;)

You say, what's that sound coming out of the hole in the wood?

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id like to hear about the dam jump... canopy flight time?

It was a very short canopy ride. If you know the way old unvented FOX canopies inflate, then you can imagine. It was over water, but I basically had time to reach up for the toggles and then I was wet.

This jump was pretty early in my BASE career, so my ability to analyze the jump was limited. I knew that it scared me and that I was content with that one jump there.

I did go back later with some friends to look at it (I left out the part about having already jumped it because I didn't want that to factor into their decision making process) and they elected to not jump. There was a jet of water (that wasn't there when I jumped it) exiting the base of the dam, shooting across the landing pool, so the landing area was basically cut in half.

I don't think jumping it at the time was a good idea, and I probably wouldn't jump it again, but it's a memory I have if nothing else.

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2000' E. /2000' A,

190'A freefall over ground, 170'E over water
140' Other. PCA

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Lowest with a packed canopy = 98 ft.

Yikes! Over water i'm guessing?

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