
leave no trace

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interesting reading at http://www.leavenotrace.org/.

It seems that there are still more than a few people who either don't believe in or choose to ignore these guidelines.

In my mind, this stuff is common sense; It's about trash, it's about locals, it's about respect. In a very large way, it about the image of BASE jumping as a sport...and its participants.

Aside from the obvious things you will find on the website above, some other simple rules for BASE are:

Avoid being seen:.
This will help you to not get busted. It includes not jumping high profile/illegal sites during the day, among other things. Legal or not, it's always best if no one ever knew you were there.

respect/call the locals:
This has been discussed before--look it up. Think about YOUR local objects and how YOU would feel if some out-of-towner burned them.

Be a respectful local:
The flipside of the "call the local" rule, when you get the call from the out-of-towner, be a gracious host if you can.

Don't bring the media to illegal jumps:
They're whores. They're the antiBASE. It only takes one or two fucked up newscasts or ignorantly written articles to show BASE jumpers in a poor light. They lie right to your face to write what they want. There's a better path to the glory you seek.

be safe:
what difference does it make how stealthy you are if you go in? Break your leg? Your back? Your Neck?

be smart/know your limits:
BASE is evolving quickly. There are fewer and fewer black and white situations and more and more grey areas. One must make a multitude of choices, many of them weighing life or death options. Gear, prevailing conditions, people you train and/or jump with, knowing when to say NO (a Kenny Rogers song comes to mind here: maybe that's another reason they called Frank "The Gambler"!)

be polite:
What is so hard about this? I don't get it. I've actually tried it--people respond pretty well! It's understandable if you get busted and the cop is a dick to mouth off a bit...But at legal sites, whether you like it or not you, the person with a BASE rig on...are an ambassador of the sport--this is true if you are hiking up a trail to make your first jump or just landed your 6000th. Antisocial? a smile will usually suffice. Of course, if you happen to be jumping in NYC, if you're too nice they might suspect something, so just blend in;)

Anyone care to add anything?


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Anyone care to add anything?

like your mama tosl you, "if ya ain't got nohting nice to say, don't say anything at all!"

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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I've been involved in LNT for a while as a backpacker and they have some beliefs that would be well served by the BASE community. (I can't believe I did'nt think of LNT before this :$)

1) Always leave a site better then when you found it.
2) Take nothing but pictures (or video), leave nothing but footprints.

Those beliefs go a long ways in the backcountry for backpackers, they could easly apply and be used by jumpers. I've never BASE'd so I can't tell you specifics of how they would help in every case, but they are good mantra's to live by in the backcounty or sites.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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1) Always leave a site better then when you found it.

In theory, I agree with this. But on an illegal BASE site, I prefer:

1) Always leave a site exactly as you found it.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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leave nothing but footprints.

Generally I agree, and for a legal site this holds true, but something about a Vans footprint on the top of a tower seems just a tad bit suspicious to me...I say don't even leave footprints that will be seen if you can help it...

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I say don't even leave footprints that will be seen if you can help it...

In the beginning, one time after landing and getting ready to haul some ass, It suddenly dawned on me I had tracked mud everywhere. The fence, the barbed wire, the concrete pad, up the tower about 10' or so. I had no choice but to back track and clean it off. To include going back up the tower a little and cleaning off the mud.

The things we do...


edit: which echoes what Tom A. said "1) Always leave a site exactly as you found it."

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In Reply To

1) Always leave a site better then when you found it.


In theory, I agree with this. But on an illegal BASE site, I prefer:

1) Always leave a site exactly as you found it.

at my local I have taken rubbish away left by the little shit kids who go up there to smoke chong and drink cheap cider - I dont want the police making spot visits cause the area is becoming a public eyesore just in case i maybe at that moment appreciating some beautiful ground rush........


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Thats my nickname, trace, space, and spacetracy,
Glad to know this I fully agree ;-)
take care,

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