
BASE Jumpers: Family status

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I've been married for 5.5 years and times were rough early on. But if you bring your girlfriend/wife along with you on all your trips, it definately helps. Get them involved, let them meet other girlfriends and wives and make them a part of your jumps. Whether it be working groundcrew, shooting stills, or just hanging out in the LZ watching everyone land. When you go on vacation, make sure you give her a day or two to do the things she enjoys. Juggling BASE and marriage can be tough, but give it some time and find an even balance between the two.
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I too am married with children. There was a time when I had a guilt trip about this. You have to do a lot of soul searching to BASE(or skydive for that matter) and have a family.

I've been on the edge waiting for that little demon to tell me it's time to jump, and then a thought of my family would flash in my mind.
What do ya do? I guess you stay true to yourself and do what you and you alone, know that you should do.

I understand how those who don't BASE, and say they wouldn't if they were married with kids, can see us as a bit selfish. We humans have been programmed that way. "When married, life stops. Begin new life. Have kids. Buy SUV. Get beer gut"[:/]

My kids know I'm not like most other dads they see when they go over to their friend's house. And I think that's a good thing.
When I'm with my kids, (they live with their mom by the way. Divorce not BASE related) I'm 100% devoted to them. I may drag them out to the DZ If I want to make a skydive once in a while, but hey, it's important that they are involved in things that dad likes to do to. I feel it let's them know that all though I love them, life is not always just about them. It gives them balance.

I've remarried, and actually didn't start BASE until my second wife. She's the one who screwed me up. We live life the same. On the edge, or as close as we can get to it.

One time I was on top of tower and I radioed down to her to start the video camera. This was gonna be my first video. I was stoked. Well, she calls back and says "I can't get it to work" It suddenly dawned on me I forgot to put a fresh battery on before we left home. But I wasn't gonna tell her that. So I throw myself off anyway, gather up my shit, and proceed to the car and gave her the silent treatment like it was her fault my special moment got ruined. I later fessed up. See, BASE jumping husbands are assholes too.:P

The next weekend we go out again, fresh battery, she nails it this time. Get's a great video even it is only 10 seconds worth. I was happy, and that made her happy.

Some advice to would be BASE husbands, if you tell your wife you're gonna do something like call her when you start climbing, just before you jump, and as soon as you land, DO IT. Little things like that mean a lot to them. And it's the little things that can make ya or break ya.


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first she did mention that her and the kids would be gone when I got back from Bridge Day.

NO one shouldnt ever ´try stop me or anything else in my kids name>:( they stands in the mithel and they are the only once that dont even sure understands what happens all time..they are innocent and should be treated like that.

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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This is all very late, but this is probably the first time in months I've been able to sit down at a computer for any reasonable length of time.

Sandy and I were married at TF last month and want to say THANKYOU! to everyone that either attended or sent us their best wishes.

To those that were there: Tom, Steve, Mark, Miles, Bryan, Luke, Chad, Stephanie, Grace, Craig, DJ, Ray, Slim, Al, Nathan, LJ, Raistlin, Ian, Des, Matt, Ron, Hazel, Dave, Theresa, Bert, Don and a large portion of tourists and residents of TF.....it was wonderful sharing our big day with all of you!

I finally got a K visa to cross the border after 8 months waiting and started work a few weeks ago.

Getting ready to amp up some jumping for the latter part of the year. Drop me a line if you're passing through PDX....first pint's on us.

(I'm pretty sure this post falls within the forum guidelines Tom, please edit if I'm wrong...thanks)

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i lost you mails as i got viruses(i simply formated the shit) i owe you a video from the day,whith wishes from DK... write to me soon and ill send it right awayB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I just think that the chance of not being around to raise my children isn't worth anything. I realize the reasons people base. I also realize the chances one has of getting themselves in serious injury situations or death. If I'm going to have kids, I plan on being around as long as possible to raise them is all and lets face it, and if you disagree, you certainly don't understand the negative facets of base, but base IS NOT safe nor will it ever be.

I'm not bashing anyone for their decisions, just explaining why I said what I said.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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Well put - if I may - kids can show you just as much about yourself as anything else in the world though. IMHO its a helluva lot easier to BASE than it is to KIDS (;)). But seriously, I guess I could rephrase my original post to say something like, I won't personally BASE if I ever have kids because I would consider it selfish to my own kids. I don't look at anyone else with negative eyes for what they do as the world is a free place and to each his own.

Well put though.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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If I'm going to have kids

i hope you will its a blast to give life to humans,and seeing them growing up and learning is just great..


I plan on being around as long as possible to raise them

so do i... if i think im gonna die or get injuryed at a jump,i wont do it.. that simpel,but i deside by each jump if its worth it(hope i explain good enough)


base IS NOT safe nor will it ever be.

we all say yes to take a risk,some more some less,thats why you have extreme BASE jumpers regular jumpers and "safty"jumpers.


just explaining why I said what I said

belive me i understand you,i had to deside which side i would be on.. ;)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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If I'm going to have kids, I plan on being around as long as possible to raise them...

I agree. I do plan to have kids one day. And I do plan to stop BASE jumping when that happens.

On the other hand, I have done a fair bit of BASE, so I doubt I'll feel like I missed out on the adventure. If the BASE adventure and the kids adventure were starting at the same time, I think it might be a little harder to make that kind of decision.

I know that the worst thing that's happened to me in this sport is losing good friends. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose a parent. I'm just not willing to take the chance of putting my children through that. This is especially true since I've already reaped a large percentage of my personal rewards from BASE. At this point, the risk-reward trade off still lands (narrowly) on the side of jumping. With kids, that will change for me.

Everybody makes their own decisions, based on their own risks and rewards. Make the decision that is right for you, then respect others for making the decision that is right for them.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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If the BASE adventure and the kids adventure were starting at the same time, I think it might be a little harder to make that kind of decision.

Correct, Sir. I have one whole jump, a new baby, a burning desire, and a good mentor who also has a new child. Since the kids came, neither of us has made a jump. We have been planning one for a couple of months, and also having many talks about this very issue. I definitely would never forgive myself if I deprived my son of a father (he probably wouldn't forgive me, either). Leaving a child is not worth anything in my opinion. However, the decision is not mine to make. If I truly thought that to BASE jump was to sign my death warrant I wouldn't even consider it. BUT, I would then not be able to consider (cliche alert) driving, flying, or many other activities. While some are necessary to make a living, isn't seeking beauty and meaning also vital to pursuing a life? I too am a Christian, and will take jumping one jump at a time, like Faber said; assessing the risks of each jump. I will show my son that I love him every day and he will know that when I go, by whatever means, I was fighting to live the whole time. I hope I didn't misstate anything, because, while clear to me, these thoughts are not well suited to paper or monitor.

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If I truly thought that to BASE jump was to sign my death warrant I wouldn't even consider it. BUT, I would then not be able to consider (cliche alert) driving, flying, or many other activities.

A friend of my wife lost her husband on a racketball court today. Dropped dead of a heart attack. Should everyone with kids stop playing racketball too? You have to live your life to the fullest while you have it in front of you. I was always taught as a child, If it's your time, it's your time. You reckon my mom, who taught me that, will remember it when I tell her I'm gonna start base jumping?


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You have to live your life to the fullest while you have it in front of you. I was always taught as a child, If it's your time, it's your time. You reckon my mom, who taught me that, will remember it when I tell her I'm gonna start base jumping?

it couldnt be said better...

sorry to hear about that guy

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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