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Everything posted by DanJohnson

  1. Accepting Israel's right to exist would be a nice first step. I'm not saying Israel doesn't have a right to exist. I'm just questioning whether they have a right to exist on Palestinian homelands.
  2. No one knows. We do have a pretty good estimate of how many were exterminated. ***Oh, and just for the record, Israel doesn't flatten anything. If they do, why haven't they dropped an A bomb on all of gaza??Quote Worried about their own fallout?
  3. so are you ok with me killing you to become owner of your land
  4. [replyIt was Britain's. You seem to not want to recognize that. The history of the world is full of nation's boundaries getting changed by war and diplomacy. Quote I see. So you also subscribe to the belief that if I kill the inhabitant of the land I am the rightful owner. Where do you live Mate? What size is your package? Your parcel?
  5. Great Quote!!! Why thank you, I cut and pasted it myself! You are so cute when you do that!
  6. No, it was not Palestinian lands. Uh where were the Palistinians in King Davids Realm??? I would guess Palestine. Do you have evidence otherwise? there have been Jews in the Middle East for oh....a few thousand years or so. Quote You are right about that.
  7. No, it was not Palestinian lands. Not your son. Palestinians were clearly not in control of that land. It was not theirs, they didn't govern it. The name applied to it is not related to those in charge of deciding what happened there. They lived there. Their fathers lived there. Their fathers fathers and their fathers before lived there. It is their land unless you agree that might and the ability to kill the occupiers grants one Title of Land. Oh .., one more thing.., you are my son, sundevil!!!! You are my sunshine my only sunshine ! You make me Happy when skies are gray !
  8. No, it was not Palestinian lands. Uh where were the Palistinians in King Davids Realm??? I would guess Palestine. Do you have evidence otherwise?
  9. No, it was not Palestinian lands. Quote LOL!! Really? You are hear to tell us that Israel was not created on Palestinian lands? That Palestine wasn't Palestinian? LOFL!!!!! God Damn!!!!!!! Really???? Damn Son ..,..,
  10. Quote[Yup -- they have West Bank and Gaza, and they had more before they decided to wage war on Israel since 1948. Quote My mind is a bit fuzzy but was 1948 the year that Israel was created on Palestinian lands? I think it was! So a bunch of Jews swoop down on the land like locusts but you believe the Palestinians were the war mongerring ones ?
  11. YO Euro BOY..... go back to Europe so you can help them save your Great White Homeland Laughing. I can't say I understand all the universal truths but I do understand the three universal truths concerning women. 1. All Women Are Crazy 2. Some Are Crazier Than Others 3. If You Ever Think You've Met The Exception To Truths Number 1 + 2, There Are No Exceptions And you know what my dear.. please refer to the pinky salute. No really but it's not your fault....., realy. I mean you got the week befor the *period*! The week of the *period * and then the week after the *period* That's three weaks out of four that you gals can claim insanity and a jury of your peers will be completely sympathetic. Science is on your side too. It has been scientifically proven , it's a written fact....., All women are crazy.......
  12. Dude.., you really don't want to go there! You poor poor put upon Jew! Jews believe themselves put upon when they don't recieve special treatment! HAROLD !!!! They don't have any cream Cheese!!!!!! Do I get a discount since they don't have any cream cheese? THEY DON"T HAVE ANY CREAM CHEESE !!!!! Jews in Egypt weren't exactly slaves as were those Afro Americans in the deep south. The Jews in Egypt simply weren't treated as if they were better than anyone else. To them that is to be treated wrong!! Slaves!!!
  13. [replyYou may want to tone down a bit. I have a feeling the mods here won't take kindly to insinuations of violence whether real or not. I'm sure there won't be a problem there as we've already established that by killing the occupant one rightly gains Title of land! I doubt the Mods would stand in the way of land transactions.
  14. Well . . . let's see . . . the pimp and the hooker? So what? It's a pimp and hooker and William is talking to them. Maybe William knows them, is freinds with them. Maybe Williams sister was best freinds with this(hooker) and Will just saw her on the road and wanted to say Hi. It could be that Will and the black guy (pimp) are friends from High School and just relivin' Glory Days". What evidence do you have William was engaged in crminal activity? Do you have any ??? Mr Quade, do you not have any friends who are hookers or pimps? How about drug users or dealers? Any that ever littered or tore the tag from their new pillow?
  15. [reply This also would have been a non-issue if the guy hadn't been trolling for hookers Quote What evidence do you have that " the guy...trolling for hookers?" Do you have any?? Do you Mr Quade have any credible evidence that "the guy",William, was trolling for hookers? But yet you believe that he , William , was "trolling for hookers". Ya' know what Quade.., I'm going to send you a copy of The BiBle absolutely free if you'll just pay shipping and handling. If you act now I'll double the savings !!! The Bible makes a great gift for those of your ilk who require no evidence before they declare an absolute. If you call in the next 10 minutes I'll even throw in a copy of the Constitution ,that insignificant piece of pissed on parchment that is proof positive that in the past Papa had a pair!!! Normal shipping charges will apply.
  16. Because the Israelis kicked their ass and took their land. Oh ! I see! So if I come to your house and smoke you I own your land. Is that how it all works? If I kill you I own your land? Yep. You catch on quick. What's your address and how much acreage do you presently claim as yours?
  17. YO Euro BOY..... go back to Europe so you can help them save your Great White Homeland Laughing. I can't say I understand all the universal truths but I do understand the three universal truths concerning women. 1. All Women Are Crazy 2. Some Are Crazier Than Others 3. If You Ever Think You've Met The Exception To Truths Number 1 + 2, There Are No Exceptions
  18. [Most peoples' existence isn't one that's characterized by facing extinction time and time again throughout history or having to fight for your very existence. Quote I think that is everymans' everyday struggle as they seek to feed their children . Why is it so much different if you happen to be Jewish?
  19. Because the Israelis kicked their ass and took their land. Oh ! I see! So if I come to your house and smoke you I own your land. Is that how it all works? If I kill you I own your land?
  20. [reply And to address the Palestinian part of your question -- they still have their land,Quote Really? The Palestinians still have their land? Do you want to rephrase that statement ? It appears to me that Israel has taken over most of Palestine. Palestinians have been dispossesed of their land.
  21. Im curious why you would post this on a skydiving forum?Quote This is speakers corner on a skydiving forum. Speakers corner is intended as a place where skydivers can discuss political issues etc. I'm a skydiver and I wish to discuss political issues, George. Anything else you're "curious" about?
  22. Ive been pondering this question lately ; Why does Israel have a "Right To Exist" on the Palestinians turf? Any ideas?
  23. And Medicare denies more claims than private insurers. Listen, If government health care is provided to the entire population you can still provide for your own private health care plan. Personally I believe that the US government (at this point)should provide all citizens with health care or pull their nose out of my health care choices completely. Don't mandate what drugs I have access or to whom I can entrust my surgery. Get your nose out of my business and let me decide what is best for my health or pay for my health care. .