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Everything posted by DanJohnson

  1. Then name one. You're currently batting 0 for 1 I think the problem Amazon is having is seperating state law from the Constitution of the united states of America. The Constitution doesn't prohibit gays from marrying or wedding their chosen partner.
  2. Every Atheist claims to know everything about religion, otherwise they would not be so certain there is no Deity of 'ANY' description. How else can you come to that conclusion? As an agnostic I am not entirely certain about anything and don't feel the need to be. You appear to feel the need to be certain. I believe the earth is spherical due to the images that have been shown to me, there are also a great number of other examples to suggest the earth is a sphere, in a solar system orbiting the sun. There are also as many unknown possibilities that can change all that. A fish in water seems larger than it is in air. And a different shape depending on the angle… What appears is not always tangible; a hologram is a good example of this. What we don’t know effects what we believe we know, infinitely. Quantum physics (along with other non mainstream subjects) will throw a spanner in the works of what most people consider 'normal thinking' or what we perceive as reality. Only a closed minded individual will eliminate the possibility of something unknown to exist... Atheists fall into that definition. So you think there is a chance that the earth might be flat. Got it. Every photo / video I've seen show the earth only having two dimensions. Flat Stanley meet Flat Steve. Flat Steve, Flat Stanley.
  3. So what is your opinion? I believe that the propagandists have many believing that our foreign policy is always based on some altruistic goal ie "To spread Democracy", "to save them from this murderous dictator", etc. I believe that US foreign policy in reality is about profit for the corporations which run the US. What do you think?
  4. QuoteGod defined marriage in the beginning as an intimate relationship between one man and one woman (actually with the intent of displaying what a relationship with Christ should be like). Quote OK .., wait a second here.., Pajarito, do you really believe that you know Gods' intent? And doesn't the Christ have a relationship with countless individuals? Is that the example God intended Man to emmulate ? So polygamy is ok with God?
  5. Well golly Jeepers!! I didn't mean to pee on your Cherrios! OK that's a lie! I was belly laughing as I peed on your Cheerios!
  6. You say hetero, thread says homo.... Did you get confused there, champ? Could be.., or am I unconsciencesly ..,
  7. OK. Although "our money" might mean "federal money" or "state money" or "local money" - it all comes from taxpayers one way or another. But we can call it "our federal money" if you like. I like "our money".
  8. A suggestion. In the future why don't we refer to it as "our money" instead of "federal money". And as far as "Republicans, Democrats" how about if we don't even recognize those name only distinctions? Rich vs poor is a clear line, Dems vs Reps is kinda muddy(imo) Further, every state should be and can be "cut from the trough". The Federal government should be "cut from the trough " as well. It's a matter of re-adopting The Constitution.
  9. [replyDidn't he bang an underage virgin that squirted out an illegitimate kid? Seems to me that this God feller wasn't all to worried about any nuptial. Why would he give a shit or two about anyone else? I see your point , freethefly. You are right! The Bible does suggest that Mary concieved Gods' child without benefit of marriage. But this thread isn't about illicit relationships between Biblical charachters.(I'm sorry) This thread is about polygamy and heterosexual marriages. Do you have anything to add to the discussion of polygamy and homosexual marriages, freethefly? If not I'm sure we'll have a discussion of the virgin birth in the next few days. Watch for a thread title something like " Virgin Birth" and then you can chime in ! But thanks for reading and gosh darn.., just being you and part of the group!
  10. That's a nice FF3 she's got there... So... intentionally obtuse question: if marriage is a religious thing first and a state institution second, how many divorces involve a church in addition to a courtroom? Can you even do that? I mean, it's one thing to argue and file paperwork, but you just broke a promise to the [wo]man upstairs. Holy shit. It's my opinion that getting married in church and making a religious ceremony out of the whole ordeal is a feel-good, but essentially meaningless, exercise to the vast majority of heterosexual couples who do so. I think a lot of people in this country a) are Christian, b) go to church on Sundays, and c) treat marriage as a religious thing that you do in a church because that just seems to be what everyone else is doing and they don't want to go against the grain. Actually going to the church to get married is a tradition encouraged by priests who gain Lira by participating in this "sacrement".
  11. So when couples write their own vows, those are legally enforcable? Yes.
  12. When was the last time a US court enforced one of these things: "To have and to hold" "To love and obey" "To cherish and honor through sickness and health, poverty or wealth until death do us part" All of those things are common oral promises given in religious marriage ceremonies. Are they enforced in divorce courts? Not US court but State court would normaly be the venue for a breech of promise(contract) dispute. Oh!.., and today would have been the last time.
  13. Uhm.., Bill.., You do realise that the oil refunds are a matter within the state legislature of Alaska and has nothing to do with the Congress of the United States? I know these matters get confusing for those not so brilliant.
  14. That isn't worthy of a response. Chuck I didn't expect you'ld man up and accept any responsibility. It's easy to point the finger Chuck. "it's those politicions fault!!" The true fact is, Chuck, the voters picked those "politicions" for office! The voters, the Citizenry, can only blame themselves for our current crisis. So how do we solve the problems we are currently facing? Do we vote in more "politicions" or do we scrap this government through peaceful revolution as has been exampled all over the world of late, and start over? Do we default on the debt? Whose debt is it Chuck? Is it yours and mine or does it belong to those "wonderful politicians" we elected to office? C'mon Chuck, you've attempted to place the blame at the feet of others although it is evident that you are at least partially to blame. Don't run and hide. Accept your portion of blame and then we can move forward toward solutions! What say you?
  15. I square is always rectangle, but a rectangle is not always a square. I contract is a promise, but a promise is not always a (legally binding) contract. Right? Sorry, a promis is a legally binding oral contract unless entered into under duress
  16. [replyWedding vows does not make someone legally married, it's that license they get that does that.Quote While you are correct that wedding vows don't make someone "legally" married, wedding vows are an enforceable oral contract.
  17. Dude, every divorce case is based on "common wedding vows". It is a promise. A contract. If the contract hadn't been violated there would be no divorce cases. First off, without obtaining a marriage license, is a marriage recognized and considered valid by the state? Can you get a divorce decree without ever having filed any type of paperwork with the government proving your marriage? I could be wrong, but I think most states won't consider you legally married until file for a marriage license. Secondly, if your example does work, it only works because there is a state definition of marriage. I'm considering a scenario in which the state does not define obligations involved with marriage. I'm sure that without a state definition of marriage, wedding vows would be considered an 'illusory promise', therefore not enforceable in court. Dude.., You make a promise it is an oral contract. If a contract is broken either party of the contract can seek damages through the legal system. That's just the way it is. Private contract disputes are infront of the court system every day. If you or your future heffer to be violate your " private contract" where would you expect the contract dispute to be resolved?
  18. Quote. Our wonderful politicians got us into the mess we are in and now, Quote Wait a second there , Chuck . All the blame can't be transfered so neatly to the "wonderful politicians". Who voted 'em in? Don't the voters ultimately bare the burden of responsibility? Are you a voter? Isn't this partially your responsibility? Are you trying to shirk your responsibility by blaming "the wonderful politicians"?
  19. Quote>Sadly it is my opinion that not one member of Congress would vote for a Bill which >would better the lives of millions if that Bill was detrimental to the congress persons >own wealth or well being. I disagree. I think 80% would. Quote If 80% would we wouldn't be in the predicament we are in. 80% didn't !!!
  20. Dude, every divorce case is based on "common wedding vows". It is a promise. A contract. If the contract hadn't been violated there would be no divorce cases. OH .., one more thing, and this is important.., if you are even toying with the idea of getting married ... Don't Do It!!!!! It's a fools game with no benefit to the male entering the contract. If you are going to get married I hope you find fat women attractive.., because that skinny little rocknroll piece of ass at the altar will turn into a round disgusting fat body long before death do you part.
  21. [reply1. Why did you assume I was homophobic and not afraid of left handed gingers instead? 2. I'm single 3. I'm not a guy and I really don't dig anal regardless. In response let me just compliment you on that Butch avatar!
  22. Yeah. I scare the living shit out of myself on a weekly basis. Oh .., Uhm.., well.., Just have your partner pack it back in before it's all the way out !
  23. If I promise my girlfriend that I will love and cherish her forever, and I don't, she can't take me to court. If I sign a valid contract with my girlfriend saying that I'm going to pay 1/2 of a mortgage on a new house until the house is paid of, and I don't, she can sue me. When in front of an audience you swear an oath "till death do us part" that "I do" isn't just an indication of your pussywhippedness. It is also a legaly binding contract between you. What you don't seem to understand is that oral contracts(or promises) are just as legally binding as written contracts. Generally they are harder to proove and therefor enforce as there aren't many witnesses. Marriage vows infront of a church full of friends and family and recorded on video or dvd , not so tough to prove.