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Everything posted by Namowal

  1. What oral quizzes? I don't recall that being in Elsinore's AFF (though I went through my AFF 3.5 years ago). If you mean the A license progression skills, you can do those as you continue on to 25 jumps. I believe they refer to the quizzes listed here. One of the paragraph at the link says: (emphasis added) For some reason, I had it in my head that the quizzes (and the card check offs) happened post AFF. so I never expected any. Plus I have had several instructors and nobody threw a former quiz at me (with the exception of my first jump). That being said, the material in those quizzes is more or less stuff we've gone over anyway, sans checklists and signatures. My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  2. Thanks. I'm afraid I'll have to downgrade "good progress" to mediocre progress- as yesterday I learned, somewhat belatedly, that I was supposed to take and pass oral quizzes corresponding to each jump level. I only have level "A" signed off! D'oh! Feeling rather stupid about that... My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  3. It's amazing how time flies, huh? Or to put it more correctly: Amazing how fast you progress
  4. I never thought of doing that. I do like to watch the ground fall away out the window. Maybe someday I'll get brave and try your head-out-the door flight. My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  5. Well, you do have a point there. When I got to AFF levels that included spotting, I thought I'd get dizzy or panicky by actually looking down. But it turned out to be more like "Say, it looks like Google Earth!" Thanks! I'm keeping my fingers crossed about the weather.
  6. That amazes me the way people sit by that open door like it was as benign as a television set. How long did it take to outgrow the door jitters? I think it's a combo of things that trigger it for me- there's the "don't fall off the ledge!" instinct, the noise, the novelty, the awkwardness with the heavy pack and the ever fogging goggles... ...falling out of the plane is a relief!
  7. Here's the cartoon about AFF level seven. Part of me still can't believe I did it... ...or that I'm trying level eight this weekend (weather permitting). My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  8. I've been listening in since my original post, and I have to agree with you. Useful and interesting stuff , but boy, I have a lot to learn. Thanks! I'll be posting what happened for AFF seven later today. Keep an eye out for it. Your work blocked it? Bastards! My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  9. In all seriousness, I have no plans to kick, slap, scratch, slander, libel or otherwise harm the door or the airplane. You're welcome. Thanks for calling them "wonderful." My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  10. Part of me thinks, Oh, that's wrong. The other part thinks, It would have been way easier for me to adapt to freefall (without being frightened out of my mind) had I been exposed to it as a kid. My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  11. Good advice on the ground and in the sky.
  12. SCR ceremony? Please tell me that isn't some weird kind of hazing... My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  13. Naked!? No wonder it seemed kind of chilly that day! My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  14. The rudeness (and stupidity) of some drivers is amazing. Once I was (legally) crossing the street in a crosswalk when someone zoomed right through. Not only did she almost hit me, but she gave me the finger because she had to swerve around me. The other half of the problem is, yes you have the right of way, but if a car was about to hit you, you weren't paying attention either. I see it all the time in San Francisco, people just walk across the street without looking both ways first because there's a law. Well, you have a point there. Stepping into a crosswalk without checking for traffic is asking for trouble. In that instance, I'd waited for traffic to clear before I stepped into the street, but the speeding finger lady zoomed around a corner and tried to flatten me. edited to add: (Well, I suppose everyone who survives being hit by a car says there weren't any cars coming and that the offending vehicle "came out of nowhere" My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  15. I like that idea, but the pilot may have a few things to say about that... Grippers? Since they get gripped, they should be called Grip-ees, no? p.s. At least I didn't call them the "little yellow sleeve thingies..." My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  16. The rudeness (and stupidity) of some drivers is amazing. Once I was (legally) crossing the street in a crosswalk when someone zoomed right through. Not only did she almost hit me, but she gave me the finger because she had to swerve around me. My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  17. Here's the cartoon about my AFF level Six Sorry it took so long! My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  18. Thanks! I'm still drawing these, but I was crunched for time recently so I'm still working on the cartoons for jump number six. Since posting this I've taken a crack at jump number seven- but you'll have to wait for the cartoon to find out what happened. My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  19. The AFF classes I'm taking have level 8 as the last one, so there's two more for me to conquer. The Flash animated tutorial shows the character exiting in the sitting position (and holding it), but the videos I've seen of students doing the jumps pretty much have them tumbling around until they stabilize with an arch. I believe the solo dives start after level 8, as does the hop and pop.
  20. Thanks. Since I posted the original question I did level 6 and found myself on my back right after exit (d'oh!) I remembered you could roll by bringing one arm in and soon returned to the correct position. I remember thinking, gosh, that wasn't hard at all. Now I'm looking forward to level 7! My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  21. This has me curious too. What are the disadvantages of a full face helmet (aside from the "doesn't feel right" factor?) My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  22. It's pretty amazing what you can do when you leave fear behind
  23. I think I was okay in the air because Fear Personified was still up in the plane. He won't go out that door. The last time I was there a few strangers come up to me and say "Hey! Skydiving Duck!" Maybe I'm getting notorious. My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.
  24. The wide angle lens does weird things. My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.