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    Cypres 2

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    Skydive Stockholm
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  1. There is a huge difference teaching first timers and teaching beginning skydivers. If you have first timers who paid for 1+1 minute of flying time, you want to maximize their flight time (flying by themselves) and to keep people safe, you turn the speed down and let people fly with really straight legs and arms. With a slow speed people cannot quickly de-arch and pop up high. If you teach them to arch (and let them fly at that speed) they can cause an issue if they panic for some reason and de-arch. If someone wants to do pre-aff training, this creates a very bad muscle memory unless you spend some time in the tunnel flying a proper box position. Doing 2 minutes of first timer flying before AFF is imo a waste of money. However, if you follow with 10-15 of real flying skills, dedicated for what is to come in the air, then the tunnel is a great resource for pre aff training. Bottom line, if people only want to fly 2 minutes, the first timer training is optimized for as much flying as possible under those circumstances but if you want do tunnel training as pre aff, you need to let the instructors know so that they know how to optimize the tunnel time.
  2. Get some Flysight data and I am sure that you will find that you fly the canopy differently in different wind conditions. I am not going to go into all the details on how you fly differently as it has either already been explained or has to be experienced first hand to fully grasp it. One easy way to get a better understanding of this is to consider the wind and then try to figure out how different wind speed and wind directions makes you fly your wing differently (crabbing into a strong headwind for example) Once you have noticed how you fly your wing differently, then you will probably figure out how flying the wing differently will affect your turn and roll out. Next step is to think about how different wind speeds change your perception of the ground and you have another set of variables that will affect your turn and roll out.
  3. Exactly which investment do you refer to? The investment of realizing that it is possible to build more tunnels like the Las Vegas one? Or any specific technical detail that is expensive to develop? I totally agree that if the patents cover technical ingenuity, it should be protected, but is that really the case here? There is a difference in stealing technical innovation, saving you from doing the work yourself and "stealing" an idea that doesn't really cost you any money to come up with.
  4. One broken femur + injured neck in Dubai last November with a pilot under a Peregrine. Could have been another one with a Petra, but fortunately the pond was in the right place and forgiving enough to let the pilot (and the rest of us) off with wet pants. Accidents have been happening with JVX and Comp Velos, I see no reason why it would be different with even more aggressive canopies.
  5. Will do (except for the part closest to the liner what I need to keep there to keep the liner securely attached in the ground.) I love the idea of using a variable depth as that will save on cost significantly.
  6. Hi! Skydive Stockholm is in the final stages of finalizing our swoop pond and I'd like to know how other DZ's have constructed their zone acc course. What is the depth of the gravel that you used and what kind of gravel did you use? We are probably going for a little higher quality gravel so I dont want to make gravel too deep unless I have to. Cheers! /Stefan
  7. I could quickly come up with the following devices: Cypres, Vigil, Argus, m2, Astra (which is a US brand btw). Some may not be in business any longer for various reasons but 5 different manufacturers for a relatively small sport is definitely competition in my book. I dont want to start a brand war, but just to highlight that there is competition and the competition for lower cost could very well have caused at least one of them to make a design decision that has proven to cause trouble. Some manufacturers state that their design is maintenance free (resulting in a lower total cost of ownership) where as others state that there is no way to make a device 99.999% reliable without a periodic maintenance. TCO is a point often brought up when various models are being compared.
  8. You forget the fact that people are expecting to lowest possible cost and applaud competition from lower priced AADs. FWIW, the level of aging tests performed by Airtec by far exceeds the normal level of testing that a similarly priced consumer electronics product are subjected to.
  9. If you submerge the unit (regardless of the filter) it will sense a rapid increase of pressure. At 15 cm below the water surface, the pressure will look like it is 100 meter below the ground level. To the unit, this will look like a rapid change of altitude and it may look like you are in freefall too close to the ground. To prevent two outs, the unit shuts itself off with some margin before it may be submerged.
  10. Haha, just to nitpick back then EMC stands for ElectroMagnetic Compatibility, ie if the device is not disturbing devices around itself and if it is not disturbed itself. This includes all sorts of radiation, ESD, etc. EMI stands for ElectroMagnetic Interference which is what you were looking for. Ie does the device emit things that it may not. As these terms have been used from time to time, I just thought it to be valuable for people to know what we are talking about. And yes, you were right, FCC only regulates EMI, ie does the device disturb other devices. All forms of disturbance on the device is subject to the manufacturers discretion. I guess this is a moot point though as the (at least my) Cypres unit has a CE mark in it which means that it has been tested for compatibility of all kinds. Ie, both whether it radiates and how it withstands outside radiation and other disturbances such as ESD.
  11. The dbi link was the result of a quick scan to digg up the ESD levels required by FCC testing, per your request. If you want to have the complete comparison, you probably need to contact a test lab. As far as self regulation. I know for a fact that this is not the case. Think about it, your product might be radiating signals into the licensed radio spectrum, it would potentially cause major harm to by civilian and military emergency systems. When it comes to ESD, I would agree that it is more of an internal issue, but I still dont think that anyone that has done FCC compliance testing would skip ESD.
  12. Talk to a local instructor if you are genuinely interested in knowing how your lifesaving gear works. (No offense meant, it is not uncommon that layers and journalists register accounts here to get a ammunition for their own agendas ) The internet is way to blunt as a tool to get understand completely how your gear works. I have been teaching 100s of students over the years and I have have never had any trouble using the AAD manuals as a basis explaining how the device works. However to be able to explain all the nuances of how things work, no manual will be able to accurately explain all followup questions. As for your 130AGL question, the logic is pretty simple. To avoid releasing your reserve in the event of a water landing, the unit will not react below 130 feet AGL. The difference between a Cypres and Vigil is most likely how the two manufacturers build in margins for any errors in the measurements.
  13. 1) The label on my Speed Cypres has the CE stamp. I am not sure if a unit sold in the US has the corresponding FCC stamp though. The following portion is taken directly from the manual: "14. Electromagnetic compatibility Manufacturer's Certification: We herewith certify that the automatic parachute activation device "CYPRES" (Cybernetic Parachute Release System) is free from electromagnetic interference in accordance with order no. 1045/1984 of Deutsche Bundespost. Deutsche Bundespost was informed of the release of this system, and has been granted the right to check that these products conform to standard. Airtec GmbH, Mittelstrasse 69, 33181 Wuennenberg, Germany" 2) I think the above is the reference you are looking for 3) http://www.dbicorporation.com/standard.htm#product. It is difficult to tell which class of product a Cypres would fall under, however the ESD requirements for most categories are the same. The ESD requirements are the same as CE (+/-4kV for contact discharges, +/-8kV for eir discharges. ) however, the test setup might be defined differently, but you'd probably have to buy the standard document to get the details. 4) I have no idea. I dont think that the Cypres is classified as an avionics product though. However, I am pretty sure that avionics get separate treatment as they have several sensitive ports that are exempt from ESD testing. (The same as external antenna ports on a cellphone) regards, Stefan
  14. ESD testing is required for CE/FCC approval. Airtec even published the test protocols from their testing. The fact that you have been unable to read and understand those is (imho) beyond me. FYI, the required levels of ESD resistance required by CE/FCC approval is way lower than the levels to which Airtec is testing. If you are looking for any luck in a consumer rights case, you need to prove that the ESD susceptibility is breaking the CE/FCC approval. Good luck doing that!