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Everything posted by RedDucati

  1. When a bike is hit by a car it is usually not the bike rider's fault. I have had cars TRY to hit me on purpose when I am riding. Probably because they have a small penis. Give the motorcycle some room please! If you have something to prove get a bike before you talk. Tyler
  2. Talk to several doctors. Internet advice is kind of like internet porn. (Not realistic or reliable.) Call your doctor and check his references with other doctors. Use the local membership for doctors like AMA or whatever. Find out where he graduated from and verify. My advice and other posts on an anonymous forum is meaningless. Do your own research, check references. It is your body and your spine is not something so mess around with even if it means more money.d Spine surgery is more important than any other investment you will EVER make. Spend the money, don't pinch pennies, and get well and be safe. Tyler
  3. A friend of mine had neck surgery a few years ago for a herniated disk. The anesthia (lumbar puncture) made him paralysed for 24 hours and he said it was the most scary thing he has ever experienced. Tyler
  4. Good thoughts and ideas. I have some things to think about. Blue sky and safe flights for you all. Tyler
  5. I'm interested in skydiving. A family friend was one of the few to survive a total malfunction because he landed on a huge pile of pineapple leaves in Hawaii during a training jump for the military. I have had 6 broken bones already at the age of 30. I promised my parents that there would be no more phone calls from the emergency room or ambulance after last time. Besides that serious injury is expensive as a bitch. So, who has been broken skydiving? Details? Cost? I have been bankrupt twice because of mixed martial arts and injury. I will never forget the sound of my leg breaking and I don't want to do that again. Tyler
  6. I have had my share and then some of shitty bosses and jobs. I'm into mixed martial arts and my former boss said he would see me in the cage at my gym. I was really sad he didn't show. That backstabbing piece of shit would have had an ambulance ride. He tried for four years to hold me down. Now I am in a new job and everyone at the old job knows what a cowardly piece of shit he is. I told him where the gym is. I was hoping to see him in the cage so I can break his jaw and not be liable, but Mr. Loser never showed up. My advice is find somewhere else and tell them they can blow it out their ass. Tyler
  7. I had an exchange student named Matthias (not you) in high school, he was a a loser and I tricked him into "coming out of the closet" even though he was not gay. Haha. Memories. This thread reminds me of an apartment I had in college. The elevator caught on fire. Drug dealers asked me if I needed any "doses" when I walked home at night. There were shootings at night. I got hit by a car one time walking home and they left me in the bushes. The SWAT team came to get my neighbor who was running around the building with a shotgun when my parents were visiting. Good times. As far as hotels, I stayed in a place in the Nevada desert where the roof was falling in, there were bugs in the room and it was $20 per night. Some rooms were closed because the roof had collapsed. The TV remote was wired to a table. You get what you pay for. I got a ticket in that little town. It was funny. They lower it to 30 on a 3 lane highway to raise money with speeding tickets. A ticket for 35 in a 30 mph is gay. Just a few minutes before that I was going 120. The car would not go any faster. Avoid Tonapah, Nevada if you can. The state troopers suck. If no one is getting shot it is not that bad of a hotel