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Posts posted by thedude325

  1. Quote

    The 89k in the upper right... Who made it and how do you like it?

    I just bought an SBR CA94. And am waiting for the paperwork.

    It's a GSG5k, and yes I have the paperwork for it too.

  2. Quote


    Most of us don't even bother engaging in these nonsense conversations anymore.

    Funny (peculiar) because hundreds of architects and engineers are! and thousands of students in those fields also and they are the ones that know about these things.

    That is peculiar. I am a student engineer, and I know why the building collapsed. It had nothing to do with thermite. I'm not going to explain it to you, because you will immediately try to counter. Don't dabble in things you have no clue about.

  3. Quote

    Anyone know how much it cost to determine this useless fact?

    I do recall them saying this one was basically a shoestring budget job. It was put together quickly and executed with minimal personnel.

    Bottom line, don't worry. You'll still get your Obama money.:|

  4. I wanted to do a Michael Jackson zombie, like in the thriller video. I learned the whole dance a while back, so it would be cool to do it dressed up. Not enough time or money to get it together though.

    I think I'll pull out my costume from last year. Officer Dangle uniform from Reno 911! I'd love to jump in it at our Halloween boogie, but i'll have to get it checked out first.

  5. Quote

    I calculated that it would take about a 4 meter diameter spherical, not mushroom shaped, balloon to lift 25 kilos. The boy supposedly weighed 50 pounds, Light weight basket and balloon, maybe 15 feet in diameter would have done it. How big was the mushroom balloon?

    Still smells of hoax, especially with the parents' penchant for self promotion. :|

    I came up with the same numbers. After further reviewing the photos with the guys running after it and the vehicle in the background, I'd guesstimate the volume to be around 2/3 of that. So it's a no-go.

    The "scientist" who built it should know the lift. I think he's just an ignorant ass who thinks he is smarter than everyone else and wanted some attention.

  6. She's got some great riding gear. :S

    I also like how she isn't holding on, just snapping pictures.

    Wear proper gear people! You never know when a bunch of Swiss tards will be riding your ass, about to plow into you!

  7. Quote



    That's what I'm saying. I can't believe that someone in this group of fucking experts didn't figure this out and save everyone a whole lot of worry and expense.

    That's what I thought, until I worked it out.

    At standard temperature and pressure, a 13 ft. diameter spherical helium balloon can lift 73.71 pounds. (This of course, includes the weight of the balloon.)

    I might agree if it were a regular shaped 13 ft balloon.

    Yeah, I know, the thing was weirdly shaped. I'd say it would be borderline at best. Probably wouldnt go to 2000 feet though. It looked a bit too flimsy as well.

  8. Quote


    "I'll figure it out when the time comes" doesn't seem a very sensible plan for a high speed mal?!?

    That being said there's footage somewhere ( of I think a russian jumper with a pilot chute in tow. He goes onto his back, reels it in then back on to belly and deploys his reserve. Probably not recommended, I think he was an experienced jumper with a fair bit of altitude.

    Here it is. Link at the bottom of the page:

    F THAT! That's freaking ridiculous.

  9. Quote

    That's what I'm saying. I can't believe that someone in this group of fucking experts didn't figure this out and save everyone a whole lot of worry and expense.

    That's what I thought, until I worked it out.

    At standard temperature and pressure, a 13 ft. diameter spherical helium balloon can lift 73.71 pounds. (This of course, includes the weight of the balloon.)

  10. My friend got his punched out with a circular scalpel. Basically a cookie cutter at a 0 gauge size. I was going to get it done right after him, until I saw it being performed. :o I would NOT recommend it.

    You could pierce and stretch, which is also not recommended. I think most piercers should be willing to start you out with an 8 gauge.

  11. Quote

    So, there is a wrong way to punch holes in people?


    Absolutely. I was the unfortunate recipient of nipple piercings that were deep into the tissue. It hurt so damn much, and they NEVER healed. I finally took them out a couple months ago, but there are scars left.

  12. Quote


    Just curious about magnetic riser covers. Do they work that well? Anyone have them? Are they more likely to prevent this problem?

    I have a new Vector container with mag riser covers, and I'll never get another container without them. This is my third container, the Vector 2 I originally owned had velcro, and it worked OK. The Voodoo I had after that had stiff riser covers, and they were ALWAYS coming undone. Mag riser covers are the bomb.

    Also, I have the Tru-lock toggles, and I think that would have also prevented the problem that the original poster described. USPA just sent out an email about two new incidents of this type - I suppose that the OP was one of those incidents. But I'm glad she posted anyway, because that picture is awesome!

    I just bought a used vector 2 as my first rig. The velcro seems pretty good. The student rigs I was using had worn out velcro that opened way too often. There were a few student rigs with tuck tabs, but they come open too. It seems to be the concensus that as long as you keep the velcro fresh, it'll hold pretty darn good on a vector 2.

  13. Quote

    Believe it or not,.there are plenty of people that still flat pack simply because theres nothing wrong with flat packing,,it works and causes no harm.......

    Our DZ requires the packers to flat pack. It's what they teach in packing courses too. It's much easier for us beginners to learn. Unlike some PROs out there. ;)

  14. >>Earth = 01
    >>Moon = 00


    It's at least:


    There were a couple of old lunar orbiters that were intentionally crashed into areas suspected of containing ice.The first attempt was in 1999. Another in 2006. This mission will crash two instruments.

  15. How about quotes of quotes in movies?

    "Up the airy mountain, down the rushy glen, we daren't go a-hunting for fear of little men."

    -The Tinker in Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory Quoting William Allingham's poem The Fairys

    "Why don't you all....ffade away?!"

    -Rex Manning in Empire Records Quoting The Who's My Generation

    "If you will it, it is no dream"

    -Walter Sobchak in The Big Lebowski Quoting Theodore Herzl