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Posts posted by thedude325

  1. Quote

    Oh....god! Why! Why is it that engineers have no game? Is it due to the soul crushing 4+ year that it takes to get an education? Is it the fact that on average your average girl to guy ratio in engineering school is 1/100?
    What is up with engineers having zero game?
    I hooked up a mate on a blind date, something I never ever due, due to the fact that no one ever did it for I’m not bitter....but anyhow. Date was on Saturday what does he do at the end...ask her out for Sunday movies.....ok ok...a little strange but ok.....and now what is the super dork doing...texting her nonstop. Sweet flaming Jesus man! Don't you know the game? Stop acting so desperate! Give the girl a moment or two to breath and come to terms with you!
    Now he's asking me if he should invite her to go couch shopping :S........I feel like shooting him in the foot for being so fracking stupid! It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion!
    What gives with engineers and not having game?

    I am an engineering student, and I see where you're coming from. The truth is, this is only about 20% of our students, most of us are very sociable and "get around."

    As for "losing game," I could understand what you mean. Some of the guys are getting worse as we're getting closer to graduation. I happen to work as a bartender in New Orleans, so I'm constantly sharpening my wit. Whenever I see a guy in need, I lend him "The Game" by Neil Strauss.

    Some people don't like the shady world of "sleeping around." You don't need "game" if your looking for the love of your life! Think about it. If he really is looking for something serious, let him be himself! Don't tell him what to do. See if she likes him.

  2. Quote

    Metallica will always have a place in my heart but they are just not relevant in music anymore. Death Magnetic is a great CD but these guys have been over the hill for a very long time.

    I saw them in '94, the last tour they played in standard E tuning. It was all downhill from that point on.

    I've watched recent U-tube videos of them. The lasers are tacky. The black beach balls that come down during Seek & Destroy are so bad[:/]

    These guys are just old and boring now.

    If you want to watch a good Met vid, here ya go!

    +1 If you want some good progressive metal that will never bore you, listen to some Opeth or Dream Theater.

  3. Well the guy is obviously at fault. One thing to consider if something like this happens again: the package could have been damaged in transit, losing some contents. I know that UPS will repackage items if the boxes are messed up. They have been known to "lose" pieces when doing this as well. If this happens again and it all checks out with the seller, (obviously not this case) file a complaint with the shipping service to find out what happened.

  4. I've been on 3 cruises to Mexico on Carnival ships. It's nice. Cozumel is ok. If you get to go to Progreso in the Yucatan, you can see Chichen Itza, the biggest Mayan ruins, and one of the 7 wonders of the world.

  5. Quote

    We are trying to put together a rig for a young jumper here and he has an Astra which works and is good for his AAD - but the cutter is timed out and the factory doesn't have any. (And he can't afford a brand new AAD).

    Anyone have any clues as to who might have one sitting on a shelf somewhere?


    That sucks...

  6. Quote


    What's an enterance?

    I was drinking when I posted that :P I did notice that today

    I thought skyrad posted it?

    BTW, keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot... :)

  7. Quote

    I had my 6th AFF jump Saturday. Exit @ 10K went fine. Five seconds into the jump one of the two instructors bumped into me sending me flying. I tumbled violently, uncontrollably so hard my shoe flew off. Finally @ 8K the other instructor finally pulled my ripcord. My one leg strap wasn't tight enough and the opening about tore my leg off. It knocked me out. Instructor one landed and told my wife I was 'flopping around up there'. I came to @ 2K. Helmet radio didn't work so I got my bearings, did maneuvers to 1K and headed for the landing field.
    My Q is - I think an instructor should have stayed with me when I was unconscious - not on the ground making cracks about my condition - is that possible, or do they have faster chutes that land sooner?

    I thought when people get "knocked out," they don't remember what happened about 5 minutes before? You remembered all 50 seconds or so of freefall perfectly?

  8. Quote


    Just a quick question; where do you live? Are there many African Americans? Are they well educated? Are they criminals? I'm guessing no.

    I live in Atlanta.
    Umm.. Ever been to Atlanta? Mostly Black By a LONG shot.
    Are they well educated?? Most Are.
    Are they criminal? Some, Much like any other group of people.

    Being Black has NOTHING to do with being a worthless member of society (But Being a Bigot does).

    As for the video.. Yes, I have a 17 year old daughter, and if it was my Daughter I would be furious regardless of the race of the guy. W heather the guy is Black or White does not factor into it.

    As for condemning a Race because of the actions of the 3 individuals that mugged you, Sad. Just Sad.

    I will back away now before we get this sent into the darkest of all neighborhoods, SC.

    Yes, I've been to Atlanta. Very nice place. NOT like New Orleans. I agree. I'm deleting my posts, since people think I'm a racist.

  9. For all the people who keep pulling the racism card...

    Just a quick question; where do you live? Are there many African Americans? Are they well educated? Are they criminals? I'm guessing no.

    For us, on the other hand, it's a different story. I don't hate someone for being a certain color. I hate someone for being a worthless member of society. Maybe I should come live with ya'll!

    You didn't have to grow up in fear of these people. I've been mugged 3 times, all by black males. I have to carry a gun at work now.

  10. Quote

    Now I am curious as to what type of site this is. I cant open it cause I am at work so tell me, what kind of site is this...:D

    In french, we call it "Le petit mort." "The little death."

    If that's what death is like, HELLO MALFUNCTION!

  11. Quote

    I'm still using pencil and paper to draw up my architectural design ideas for clients. I'm really good, but CAD is so much more professional looking.

    Can you take a course to learn CAD? Or is it something you can pick up on your own?

    I'm a junior ME student, and our university doesn't even teach drafting anymore...

  12. Quote


    Not bad drug....:)
    What they keep me on for my back pain all the time.
    Now the rod.Is it an internally placed rod or do you have a external fixation?


    its a keeper!
    an internal titanium rod + 2 pins
    and man this pain killer sucks!
    makes me feel drunk in a bad way and gives me hot flashes!
    Why would any one ever get addicted to this!

    Wait till you start itching and can't go to sleep!

  13. Quote


    I’m so embarrassed right now I just want to die …


    So … I work in a tall office building, located in an area with other tall buildings – when it’s windy, it’s always turbulent. Lunch time … I’m going outside … I’m wearing a dress … can you see where this is going???

    While the wind tried to undress me (and it nearly did) right in front of my office building, the only thing I could think of were those young software engineers (from my company) that I just passed a few seconds earlier and knew that now are walking right behind me; please god … I hope they have bad eyesight … really, really bad eyesight.

    Oh … if this wasn’t bad enough, right across the street a new building is in the middle of construction. Yep, those construction workers were on lunch break as well :(...

    Needless to say, I just realized something (duh … I’m slow):

    Dress + Thong = BAD Idea

    I don’t want to get out of my office right now … and I have cancelled (indefinitely) all meetings I have with Engineering. If there is anything you can say that might make this better, go ahead.


    Don't be embarrassed or ashamed!! Be proud of what you have and for making a couple guys day that much better!!! Just think in your meeting with the boy engineers - you have the upper hand - you have what they want!!!!


    Women.... they're so fucking wiley!

  14. Quote

    Ok,This is my understanding.I have no idea the origin of it.But a fluffer is a women who works behind the scenes of porno movie and her job is to get and keep the guy's ready for the "action"


    Anyone else??

    Fluffers don't exist in the porn industry. Your fluffer is your hand. Don't ask me how I know...