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Posts posted by Hellis

  1. Its not a GoPro.

    Its a Contour, and its mounted with a velcro. Its 3M Duallock velcro.
    I have the same mount on my helmet so i can just rip of the camera from my helmet and put it on the plane.

    I can upload some pictures later today.

  2. Problem solved??

    Heres what you need. (Try it first on a copy of your workbook)

    Hit ALT + F11

    Insert -> Module

    Paste the following code:

    Sub merge()

    LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

    For a = 1 To LastRow Step 1
    Range("C" & a).Value = Range("C" & a).Value & " " & Range("D" & a).Value
    Next a

    End Sub

    Hit F5

    Delete the code again (otherwise excel will say the workbook has macros bla bla bla...)

    Close the Window (Microsoft Visual basic)

    Now you should see the sheet with column C and D merged and columnd D deleted.

  3. Quote

    ... stick it up your "who who".... Cameras are a distraction!

    I dont know if thats good or bad.
    It could help him arch or be and distraction as you say.:P

    Even if try not to think about the camera when i jump with mine i still sometimes find myself (usually under canopy) "trying to get a good video".

  4. I took a still picture from the video when outside the plane and where there is the most movement.
    My screwd up exit.
    And looking at it there is no ghosting, but while inside the plane there is.

    Im just guessing here and i belive you know if im right or wrong.
    But when you shoot still cameras in low light they use more power to get the image (if you got it set to auto iso).
    Is there a similar setting on videocameras, when they "cant see" they work harder to get the picture and that leads to a worse picture?

  5. Then maybe i should mail the manufactor and ask what kind of filter it has.

    My GPS is mounted on the outside of my helmet. Its placed on the backside of my head and has a clear view of the sky.
    When i sit inside the plane it has almost full reception even though im sitting below the wings and the plane only have smal windows.

  6. Quote

    Since everything ends up in SD on the DVD it should be fine to use the wider low res modes too.

    Maybe its me thats missing something here.
    If you would render a video in 1080 and burn it on a DVD, why would it be SD?
    I can understand that the DVD-player/TV cant handle it, but if i would play the DVD on a PC?
    Or is it the DVD-disc that cant handle the bitrate needed to play a 1080 video.

  7. 28 mm on a full size camera or a 1.6x (canon 350, 400, 450 etc)?
    I would say it sounds much even if you are talking about a canon 450 with 18-55 mm lens (that would be about 28mm fullsize).

    Yes velcro on the plane and just stick it on there.
    It will give tandemvideos a nice shot to i belive while the cameraman climbs out.

    Usually the 43 mm lenses are only a 37 mm lens with a adapter ring.
    I have not seen any "real" 43 mm lenses yet.

    I tried the liquid lens, but the camera could not focus trough it.

    EDIT: and before anyone comments on the lack of seperation on the second video.
    I was videoing a 3 way RW jump and by the time i noticed the guy in the picture did not track off enough i thought i would pull before him so we would atleast have vertical seperation.
    That didnt work. Everything worked fine after that, we did not even get close to collision.

  8. I have not videod tandems (yet) but i would belive you have be at some distance if you are videoing in 1080.

    No didnt find any that is completly without vignetting, but im happy with the lens i have (raynox 0.5).
    The difference between 0.3 and 0.5 with the contour is not worth it (atleast when its raynox) you will only end up with more vignetting.

    The reason i like the xv mount is that i can mount the camera in a different angle and position if i want.
    If i would like to video the opening of my parachute i place the camera on my forehead aimed up (back).
    And if i want to place the camera on the airplane i can easily just stick it on there.
    This shot would be almost impossible without wideangle lens)

    There is one downside with the xv mount
    The record button can get slapped by the raisers:D

  9. As it is today this poll is a no brainer, BUT im sure that in a few years you are correct.

    Dont get me wrong i own a Contour myself, and have friends with GoPros and i love the quality.
    When the circumstances are good i might add.

    In good weather these cameras performe well, but in low light conditions im not that impressed.
    My camera has problems with clouds, when i can "see the sun" i get good colors and a picture that looks alive.
    But when im below clouds i get a very booring flat image that lacks colors.

    As for the Contour its not as simple as just buying the camera and beliving everything works perfect.
    I actually had to spend more money on "extra stuff" for the camera than i imagined.

    First the camera itself
    A good mount (i bought the xvusa.com mount)

    and then i realised i needed more wideangle (when shoting in 1080) so
    a lenskit to mount a wideangle lens
    a wideangle lens

    For me, it got more expensive than i thought.
    But i didnt have to buy a special helmet, camerabox and hypeeye.
    And my camera i more versatile than a sony because i can mount it at other places than the helmet and i dont have to pay for all the extra stuff a sony has that i will never use (zoom, video output etc)

  10. So does that mean its good to have the Kalman filter or not?
    I dont think they made a filter for track/wingsut jumps, or?

    Im using a Royaltek, because it was free :D
    I got it with my phone a few years ago and never used it untill now.

    I have been looking around for other GPS devices.
    This one looks good on specs but im unsure about the size and the fact that it has a screen (bad landing or bumping it the plane).

  11. The odd thing is that if you look at the first file (ends with 1409.xls) the numbers are "perfect".
    All numbers look good.

    The second file (1446.xls), it shows i hit the ground at 140 km/h.
    The numbers "flow" but looking at the vertical speed it seems to be way to high for a trackjump.
    I can understand that the GPS might missread the altitude once or twice, but to get the wrong altitude every time for almost one minute. Thats just odd.

    All numbers are in meters and km/h

  12. The Ripxx has been around for a few months.

    What i noticed from the jumps that i have made with GPS is that the altitude data is very unreliable in freefall.
    On one of my jumps the data shows me as ~3000 feet lower than i was, and when i was under canopy it noticed the misstake and bumped me up to the correct altitude.
    Usually i have very good reception inside the plane, so im really clueless on why it happens.

    The jump i made this wednsday was horrible, just as i exit the plane 1.5 minute is missing :(

    I think a GPS with barometer is the way to go.

  13. Quote

    The exhaust on any turbine jump plane will produce a heat haze when it's stationary on the ground - what do they look like in the air?

    Like this:
    But maybe the haze is all fake on these pictures?
    Because as i said, i have never seen it myself. Only on pictures like the above, where this haze is very clear.


    What are you talking about? You do realise that the wing and tailplane of the Caravan are what you can see framing the F16, yes?

    No i didn see that, thought i was a picture from under canopy.


    Are you the person that calls fake on every YouTube video ever posted?

    And your the asshole nobody likes.
    Now we know who is who

  14. I can honestly say i have never been that close to a jet in air.
    But, jetengines produce lots of heat. That heat makes the air 'wobble'.
    Even if the hot air is spread quickly i think you should be able to see it on the second picture.
    The picture is taken so close to the jet, and the background is still intact.

    Is that three jets on the second picture?
    One that just passed, one thats in the middle of the frame, and on that you see the left wing of?
    If you see the left wing, in that angle, the plane is about to hit you? B|

    Airplane is passing you at high speed a few feet away, your instinct is to point finger at it???
    If his finger would follow the jet you should see some "motion" on his arm.
    I dont belive you can move your arm that quick to "follow" the jet either.

    I think its fake, its more likely that the guy was pointing at something else and someone thought it was funny to photoshop jets in to the image.

  15. Dang!!
    Are they even allowd to jump with camera without cutaway?

    Even if i where allowd i would never trust something to fall off as a weak link.

    Ok i see your point, in the case when there is no cutaway.
    But if you dont already have rules regarding cameras (or anything outside the helmet) and cutaway requrement, i would atleast suggest a DZ rule about it.
    And just ground those who dont follow the rules.