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Posts posted by Hellis

  1. One question.
    What size of canopy are you looking at?

    Im asume its a larger canopy.
    And to get a linetwist on a large canopy is not a problem, it will more or less straighten itslf out.

    I also bought Skyhook on my first rigg, looking back at it now it was not a bad choise but i dont think i would need it.
    What i mean is the money i spent on the skyhook is not much compared to what the complete system costs, and it added that litle extra value.
    But since larger canoys are very forgiving and slow, it is very unlikely that you would be in such a situation where the skyhook makes the difference.
    Unless perhaps a canopy collision.

  2. Im not sure this game is safe to use.
    I got this message when i played it last time.


    What is Data Execution Prevention?

    Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a security feature that can help prevent damage to your computer from viruses and other security threats. Harmful programs can try to attack Windows by attempting to run (also known as execute) code from system memory locations reserved for Windows and other authorized programs. These types of attacks can harm your programs and files.

    DEP can help protect your computer by monitoring your programs to make sure that they use system memory safely. If DEP notices a program on your computer using memory incorrectly, it closes the program and notifies you.

    See also
    Data Execution Prevention: frequently asked questions
    Change Data Execution Prevention settings


  3. Why not render the video with song you like?
    Most songs are ok to use on youtube, you will only get a mail saying you used a song that you dont own. bla bla bla..
    You dont have to do anything... bla bla...

    And the result is this "add" below where you can buy/download the song.

    Using audio swap means you cant lower the volume of the music to get the audio from the video.
    You cant start the music when you want.
    You cant use more than one song.

    So its pretty useless..

  4. Quote

    Another gripe would be the extremly grainy/muddy picture the unit shoots in low light conditions (grey weather, sunset loads without a lot of bright light).
    And in bright light, its sometimes the opposite. Burning the whites so bright, all definition is lost.
    With colors often also showing a yellowish hue, far from the true colors.
    And compared to the footage Im seeing from the biggest section of professional videographers, the quality isnt fully compareable in sharpness either.
    and reliable performance for sure..

    Just to play with you.
    But you think a interlaced video from a Sony is more true than a progressive picture?
    A interlaced video means that half of the video is "wrong" :P

    If we are talkin about smal cameras and not just gopros, i can agree with you on the clouds thing.
    But in sunset loads i think i get quite good video.

  5. Quote


    The problem with using a GPS to find out the speed of a canopy is that it gives you your groundspeed, not airspeed.
    So unless the wind is exactly the same it can be the wind that makes the difference.

    How is the same person going to load a 170 at 1.1 and a 120 at 1.1?
    Got some magic diet?

    The data that a GPS unit can provide includes altitude, so it can be used as desired.

    And why would we need the altitude?
    explain please, i dont understand



    How is the same person going to load a 170 at 1.1 and a 120 at 1.1?
    Got some magic diet?

    He didn't say it would be the same person.


    I'm curious what a Sabre 120 at 1:1 versus a Sabre 170 at 1:1 is.

    Well, true. But he did say


    I think the Sabre 120 would definitely be faster but with some interpolation you could get good predictions on what a downsize would do.

    You dont normally talk about downsizing if its two persons.
    I read that as one person is going to downsize from 170 sqf to 120 sqf, and 170 pounds to 120 pounds.
    I might be wrong

  6. The problem with using a GPS to find out the speed of a canopy is that it gives you your groundspeed, not airspeed.
    So unless the wind is exactly the same it can be the wind that makes the difference.

    How is the same person going to load a 170 at 1.1 and a 120 at 1.1?
    Got some magic diet?

  7. Quote



    I usually do a 'scan' of my airspace before pulling

    I would say that is much harder than you would think.
    I had a jump a few weeks ago where i was going to video two people doing RW.
    On the jumprun the tandem decided to exit before us, and that suprised us alot.
    Because of i knew we had tandem below us i held my head in the direction where the RW was going on and i scaned for the tandem with my eyes, it took me quite some time to find the tandem.
    And keep in mind, a tandem is much easier to find than a normal jumper because of the drouge.

    Unless you have keept your eyes on the previous group all the time during your jump, i would say its luck if you find them

    1. Obviously that jump order was f'd up by either you guys or the tandem, automatically making that a unique scenario. If that had happened to me then I would have probably changed my dive to a tracking dive or at least would have done a higher pull than normal, assuming I/we were in the last group out. In addition I would have provided a lot of separation time.

    2. I said I 'scan' my airspace... I didn't say I look for every group or jumper that was out before me, that would be ridiculous.

    ETA: I wasn't there for your situation so I'm not saying I think you guys did any thing wrong or unsafe. Didn't mean to be a dick head. :)

    Let me make it a bit more clear.
    The door was open, two groups have exited (4 in total, leaving us and tandem), it was the next groups turn to exit, we started moving towards the door when tandems comes pushing hes way infront.

    So its not like it was a planned thing, atleast not for us.
    The video shows 9 seconds seperation from tandem to our group exits.
    I would say that is a rather healthy delay between groups with a turbine plane

    No worries, i dont think its at all unreasonable way you responded to this event.
    Even if everything worked out fine this time, those who reads this thread and has limited knowledge of normal exitorder might not understand the issues here.
    That the pullaltitude of a tandem might be an issue for groups exiting after tandem, and that a larger group drifts more in the wind.
    Even if its important to say "You guys fucked up in that lift" (not saying thats the way you said it), its also important to tell those who dont understand why.
    But we did leave a big seperation, and in freefall i looked for (and found) the tandem. If i would have thought the tandem was too close i would have tried to get my fellow jumpers attention of the problem.

  8. Quote

    I usually do a 'scan' of my airspace before pulling

    I would say that is much harder than you would think.
    I had a jump a few weeks ago where i was going to video two people doing RW.
    On the jumprun the tandem decided to exit before us, and that suprised us alot.
    Because of i knew we had tandem below us i held my head in the direction where the RW was going on and i scaned for the tandem with my eyes, it took me quite some time to find the tandem.
    And keep in mind, a tandem is much easier to find than a normal jumper because of the drouge.

    Unless you have keept your eyes on the previous group all the time during your jump, i would say its luck if you find them

  9. I dont understand why "everyone" seems to think its such a problem with having a 200 jump recomendation.

    Yes some people can handle the distraction and all that, but then there are thosewho get distracted by breathing.
    Seriously would you want some yahoo whos done 10 jumps on your load with camera on his head when you see him on the ground holdig his breath when hes tying his shoes because he cant focus on two things at the same time?

    If you have a 200 jump limit this guy will notice hes in the wrong sport well before he reaches 200 jumps or *natural selection* will take care of him when hes struggeling with his knot.

    As in the pm DSE posted, there might be some people that ARE capable with camera sub 200 that will get "punnished" by this, but why not let the S&TA determin if they find such a star?

    I was offerd to jump with camera sub 200 but i said no, because i still felt i learnd to much during the jumps.
    I still learn during my jumps but i feel alot more confident with all the "what ifs" than i did at 100 jumps.

  10. I have renderd 1080 videos before, but this time it was just horrible.
    The video is ~5 min long and has text, video, occasionally sound, background music, and for ~15 seconds picture in picure video (2 threads of video).

    Is that really too much for a
    2.4 GHz dualcore
    4 GB RAM
    Vista laptop machine?

    I did some googling and found threads about it might be memory problems, Vegas uses ~800 MB RAM when rendering.
    The task manager show 78-81% used RAM.

    I also found threads about the setting in Vegas called Dynamic RAM preview max (MB), that when this is set too high it could cause problems.

    Any thoughts?

  11. Yes.

    He did AFF and had done perhaps 5-10 jumps after after the AFF.
    Had a Pro-Track, came down bragging about pulling at 650 meters (the idiot didnt even know it records deployment altitude), so he was within the legal limit of pull altitude.
    But he was bragging about it as it was his biggest moment.
    And when we tried to have the saftey talk, he responded he didnt pull "in time" because he was thinking of what to do and eat that evening.
    The very next jump he pulled the reserve, i dont know and dont care why.

    I talked to one of the instructors about his attitude, he got grounded and i have not seen him since (8-9 months ago).
    I think he is ashamed of what happend and what to let people forget about it before coming back.

    Its kind of sad that we lost a jumper, but im not really sure if i would want to be on any of his loads anyway.

  12. Quote


    Somehow I don't consider using skydiving rig as a dragchute safe.

    Good thing someone else was doing it!

    Looks like great fun. ... and yes if course dangerous. [Laugh]

    In head wind, it works ok.
    But down wind is not recomended, we had problems geting enough speed to keep Axel in the air when going downwind.
    He made a big dent in the lawn B|
    He is ok, no injuries. But hes helmetcamera turned off at the "impact" :D