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Everything posted by NotBond

  1. I'd like to build the world a home and furnish it with love grow apple trees and honey bees and snow white turtle doves Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  2. That's real good advice! Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  3. He's right - that's exactly what you are doing. There is a certain amount of hazard involved. however, I believe that tandem accidents are much less common than single person jumpers. The equipment is more docile, the instructor has hundreds, if not thousands of jumps, and you are not in control - it seems most skydiving accidents are the result of poor judgment, vs equipment failure. Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  4. Do a tandem for starters. For a lot of people, there is a terrific amount of sensory overload, and some fear, too. In a tandem rig, you can participate somewhat, depending on the instructor, or just be "cargo" if it's too overwhelming or you're feeling ill. On my first tandem, my brain basically shut down. I have the video, but it's like watching someone else. The second was MUCH better, I knew what was going to happen and could concentrate on the fun aspect. Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  5. Welcome from another newbie! This is the place if you have questions. Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  6. My second one was great. Knew what was going to happen, so very little nervousness. Sun was shining, wind was rushing, I was spinning, it was very cool. I avoided looking straight down, and that helped a lot, also. Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  7. See if in addition to canopy work, your TI will let you practice freefall maneuvers. I had some tasks to do on my second one, spin and return to bearing (3x), alti checks, and deploy at altitude. Kept me real busy and focused, so I didn't have time to think about anything else. Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  8. Thanks for the detailed explanation. I seem to have ignited a bit of a fire, but it's all good info being discussed! Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  9. Unfortunately, that's pretty much what I'm looking at, too. But, yes, I'll be going into AFF after two tandems. Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  10. Welcome! I'm 47 and only have two jumps, so we are similar in experience. I can relate to the "falling out the door" part - just remember that's what your supposed to do! Yeah, it IS insane! And unless you have done it, no one you talk to seems to get it. I swore I would never go back after my first jump, but four days later, I was making the call for another! It is the most crazy, insane, ludricrous thing I have ever done - and I keep wanting to do it again! Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  11. Great job on the weight! Newbie here too, just a couple tandems. Advice? You're supposed to fall out the door, and it's only one step! You'll have fun! Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  12. Interesting. So, does anyone make a rig with front rip cords? FWIW, I'm not trying to start anything here - only have two jumps, so what do I know? But, when I pulled on the second, I had to take two craks at it before it released, and I thought it was kind of an awkward position. Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  13. I was referring to the main chute. Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  14. Just an odd question - the old WWII chutes had a ripcord handle on the chest. How and why did it move to the back of the container? Wouldn't a chest handle be easier to use? Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  15. Andrew, So far from what I have seen, yes, it is. So is saying never again, then showing up at the DZ the next week! Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  16. I posted my second tandem on the Safety/Training forum. You're right, is was a LOT different! Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  17. Kinda - at least I wasn't Skippy the Wonder Slug like the first time! Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  18. Yes, I was doing everything during freefall - a couple spins coming back to the same heading, and deployment at proper altitude. Canopy control was out due to the reletively high winds - we actually got towed back a few feet just after landing before the grounders collapsed the canopy. Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  19. So I did my Level 2 Tandem today. Beautiful day, but pretty windy. This time, I was aware and really enjoyed the whole thing. Still a pretty big WOW! at the door, but fell out anyway Remembered to arch right away, a couple seconds upside down, then got belly to earth. Did three spins - kinda sloppy, but hey, it's new. Altitude checks, pull at 5500. Didn't pull hard enough, had to do it again before chute deployed. My instructor handled the canopy as the winds were blowing pretty good. Good touchdown, actually hung for a second before dropping right on my butt
  20. Thanks Max! I am really pschyed about my next jump - so much opposite the first one! Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  21. How old is that? I'm 47 myself....... Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  22. You know, that does nothing. It's the view through the open door that gets me! I can look out a window at that height all day long. Take the glass out...uh oh! Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  23. Don't be surprised if the 'door monster' rears its ugly head can happen (and does for a lot of people). But it may not, and definitely gets better over time. Thanks! I would actually be surprised if it DIDN't show up again. When I think about it, I'm still nervous, but not the "dangling-cat-over-water" panic! Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  24. Nicely put. Ties into that parchute thread about whether you pack your own or not. Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne
  25. I always get in arguments with my buddies about who can sue and when. What my friends don't seem to get (and I do because I'm an attorney) is that the first question is not *can I win a lawsuit* but rather *do I have atleast a shred of an argument such that I can make it expensive for the other side*. Ergo, blame the lawyers. I did my AFF1 my second year of lawschool. I read the waiver and laughed to myself. No waiver is bulletprrof because certain things cannot be waived by contract. The waiver I had was so outrageous I figured (if need be) a good lawyer could get most of it severed. The reality is that almost any provision of any waiver can be challenged in court. Challenge is often sufficient to get settlement leverage. You are absolutely correct. I should have been more specific. But the mindset is the same - drag them into court to get SOMETHING, even if it's because of your own foolishness. And, yes, if I was paralyzed due to an radio error from the ground, I would consider taking anything/everything I could - but I HOPE I can put things into perspective and not get greedy. never having been in that position, I can't say.....I like to think I'm a better person then that.....'course if the family sues, what can I do to stop them? It's almost a lose/lose situation with anyone that could be considered liable. The Batman capes that say "Use of this cape does not enable user to actually fly" don't have that on there to take up extra space....! Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne