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Everything posted by weekender

  1. c'mon. i basically called the guy a tool for using outdated racist terms. i am certainly not part of a gov't attempt at dividing the nation. i am not a member of the PC police by suggesting polite people no longer use terms like mulatto or negroid. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  2. i admit i probably sound kinda boring and preachy in my posts. for the record though, i have probably spent more money in my life on coke and hookers than you have earned. my industry is pretty famous for our parties NOT being boring. its the only thing they get right in the movies. i might be an ass but i dont think you'd find me dull to party with. with that said, i do not purposely use racially offensive terms. so in that sense, i am not a blast at parties. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  3. In SA the common descriptor is 'zebra.' i was mocking you. thought that was pretty obvious. fyi, well mannered people use none of those descriptions. its just as easy and more accurate to say bi-racial. please do not talk to children. you will be doing the world a favor. Ah, to be so politically correct and humor impaired! I suppose you should be the paradigm of proper behavior to which I should aspire, and your permission to talk to children is a blessing for which I could only dream. What would I know about mocking? BTW, 'mulatto' is specific to negroid and caucasoid mixed parentage. 'Bi-racial' could refer to any number of permutations, each with its own connotations (Eurasian, et al.). BSBD, Winsor im not politically correct. i am person who strives to behave like a gentleman. i find purposely using insensitive terms negates that. also, there is no need for an explanation for your outdated, offensive terms. i am well aware of what mulatto means. i'm not a young man. you would not have to know that though, it should have been obvious by my use of quadroon. a hilarious word i use quite often to point out how silly people like you sound in 2013. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  4. In SA the common descriptor is 'zebra.' i was mocking you. thought that was pretty obvious. fyi, well mannered people use none of those descriptions. its just as easy and more accurate to say bi-racial. please do not talk to children. you will be doing the world a favor. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  5. "13:24JPM Filed a patent on a crypto-currency system that resembles Bitcoin - tech blogs- Back on Thanksgiving day, the United States Patent and Trademark Office published JPMorgan Chases" this shows that JPM, the biggest of the bulge bracket banks, sees revenue in the cryto currency model. that legitimizes the theory behind Bitcoin. there is no way GSCO is not doing the same, they are way to smart to be outdone by JPM. so this could actually be bad for the hippies who like Bitcoin. if JPM and GSCO decide they want to play they are going to smoke the free love guys. for the record, i know nothing about Bitcoins other than what i read on google news. so my opinion is really not worth much on this topic. even though i am quite an amazing securities trader. possibly the best i know. this is not my thing. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  6. in polite society we no longer use the term, "mulatto." i believe its proper to refer to those people as a "Quadroon" now. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  7. Really? Are you aware of the atrocities committed against the Tories and Loyalists? There were atrocities committed by both sides, neither was blame free. Are you kidding me? These are the Founding Fathers we are talking about. They never did anything wrong...ever. I can prove it too, there isn't anything in any history books about it...so it can't be true. oh c'mon, you are over reacting a bit. i never stated or implied they never did anything wrong. nor do i believe they were imperfect saints. i just do not think by modern standards and using historical perspective, they can be called terrorist. its pretty lame to compare them to people who purposely bomb train stations or the WTC. for the record, and to be very pedantic. i doubt the King of England would call them terrorist no matter of their acts. the word did not come into the English language until many years later during the French reign of terror. so there. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  8. Really? Are you aware of the atrocities committed against the Tories and Loyalists? There were atrocities committed by both sides, neither was blame free. i am not aware of acts of terrorism, comparable to modern day terrorism, in the American Revolution. I.E. the purposeful act of attacking civilians purely to inspire terror among that populous. certainly none by our founding fathers as implied by his post. i stated nothing that implied blame on either side. nor did i mean to imply the war was kind. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  9. Curious, what is purpose of your thread? do these acts upset you or is it that you feel the Jews are getting away with it? i remember a similar thread where you posted, "Don't you know you can't say anything negative about Jewish people, no criticism allowed no matter how true, or your a Nazi." that was in reference to a similar situation where they covered up child abuse that quote is rather telling to me of your motivation. makes me think you are more concerned with the Jew's getting away with something as opposed to another extremist religious group doing something improper. i dont think you like jewish people and your writing seems to imply you feel they are permitted to do things others are not. for the record and in the spirit of openness, im not jewish. i do not have "a lot of Jewish friends" and have even been accused of anti antisemitism at work. mostly because i fight with alot of salesmen who happen to be jewish. so to them it looks like i dont like jewish people when in reality i just hate salesmen. I'm a proud Italian American who had a great Catholic education and upbringing. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  10. Really? Where is that written in a history book or respectable document. Where isn't it? Simply look at the acts they committed from the viewpoint of the King of England. Terrorists and traitors every single one. Or did you think England sent troops over here to simply have tea with them? Actually, they were traitors to the crown. It's a bit different from terrorists. They were in open rebellion against the government and government forces. agreed. after all, they did sign a rather public document declaring they were independent from the British Empire. additionally, they formed a legitimate and recognized Army and Navy, that did not attack innocent civilians purely to invoke terror. they openly took to the field of battle and fought well with in the boundaries of what was then, modern warfare. sad that the poster would even make such a comparison. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  11. this is a local story and does make a lot of headlines in NYC area. the NYTimes has covered it and we recently discussed it on this board. there are closed christian societies that have similar problems too. so its not a jewish problem but a extreme fundamental religious problem, IMO. I think it would get more attention if they were christian or muslim, for sure. the NYT would be especially offended if this was a christian practice. the PC rules of NY society tend to be more tolerant of jewish quirkiness and have zero tolerance for christian quirkiness. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  12. labor unions run our public school system and they are turning out to be costly and inefficient? i for one am shocked. just kidding. my dad knew better. no one in my family went to a public school. we were educated by academic professionals and not by labor. i know there are some good teachers in public schools but they are certainly, imo, being held back by the unions. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  13. Wise move. So this drunk guy walks into a tough Jewish bar in Brooklyn. He yells out, "Any hot bitches here I can pork?" The patrons beat the shit out of him because he implied they weren't kosher. you lost me at "tough jewish bar." ok, i am putting myself in a time out. i know that was very intolerant, ignorant, PC and a bunch of other stuff. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  14. I didn't intend to make any legal point at all. Keying on your presumption "the sole reason", I was explaining that the kosher deli's "no meat & cheese on the sandwich" policy was as much, if not more, about business than it was about the owner's personal beliefs. I agree completely. i dont disagree with your point at all. just to be clear. as i stated earlier i only chose the deli because i thought it was a non offensive example. i didnt want to increase religious intolerance by siting more offensive examples. i realize now that my deli example was poor. perhaps not being able to use an elevator in a building is a better example. But i dont want to get in a whole fight over people can use the stairs, its only odd floors, private building, public building, co ops etc....hah. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  15. Not exactly. It's because it's a kosher deli. The stock in trade of kosher or halal food retailers is the fact that they're kosher or halal. That's the real niche reason they exist: to service observant Jews or Muslims who won't buy or eat there if they feel the place is not strictly adhering to dietary laws. To that kind of retailer, reputation - trust - for being kosher or halal is absolutely everything. If you combine meat and cheese in a kosher restaurant, then in the minds of the kosher clientele, it stops being reliably kosher, and they will never go there again, and will spread the word to everyone else they know to never go there again either. Depending on what percentage of their business depends on that, that kind of damage to their reputation could effectively put them out of business, and prevent them from ever working locally in the kosher food sub-industry again. . Ok, i cannot argue with your reasoning or understanding of the law. i understand this is the internet and your a lawyer. it is easy to use my words against me and completely miss the point. I was not trying to win an argument but make a rather obvious point. what i tell my boss all the time is that there is more to an honest discussion than the exact translation of words. my point has been all along that christians are NOT the only ones who impose their beliefs on others. i do not think you disproved that and am not even sure if you were trying. do you understand the broader point i was trying to make and do you disagree with it? do you think orthodox jews do not attempt to impose beliefs on others and only christians do? that is all i was trying to say. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  16. I missed this nuance earlier. Not selling the two together is a different matter than not letting their employees eat them on the premise. I'd agree that qualifies as an intrusion. i didnt mention it because my example was meant to be quick and only touch the surface. it was purposefully lighthearted and i mistakenly assumed people would get that. i could have given more serious examples using non christian faiths imposing their beliefs on others but it would have increased intolerance. which is the exact opposite of what i was trying to point out. anyone who has lived in a very diverse area has to know all religions tend to impose their beliefs as much as they can get away with. it is not solely christians. well, except Zoroastrianism which considers it a crime. also might explain why we dont celebrate any of their holidays or why they have no good deli's. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  17. And B&H Photo closes early Friday through all of Saturday, so they denied me the ability to see them when I was in NYC for the marathon last month. But that's hardly imposing their beliefs on me. They just choose not to be open during those hours for their beliefs. A company provides health insurance to its employees, or simply facilitates it as a group plan. It is not practicing immoral sex or abortions, or is it paying for these. And it's largely debatable if the employer is paying for the policy, if these aspects are costing them money. Childbirth is much more expensive than birth control or abortions, so clearly the argument isn't about cost. Their moral stand should result in a higher premium. And it begs the question, are they also taking this moral stand against Viagra and Cialis? It was only back in the 90s that we had problems with health plans that would exclude motorcycle accidents or other random activities I don't approve of. But more to the same point, if every employer wants a custom offering with minor variations left and right, the overhead only goes up. Thinking to the bigger picture - letting employers fuck with this standardization of policies will only encourage moving away from the employer provided insurance to single payer or individual only, which is almost certainly worse to ACA opponents. all valid points. not to nitpick or take away from what you said because i feel your points have merit. but my example was of a store that IS open but will not sell you a product solely based on their religious beliefs. that is imposing on you. Nor will they let their employees eat with meat and cheese together, thats imposing their religion on their employees. the sole reason is their religion. i dont complain because i am tolerant of their religion and can go to one of a million deli's. my broader point was just that christians are not the only ones who try to impose their beliefs. IMO, being relatively neutral on the subject, this entire argument is not about freedom of religion or speech or womens bodies. it comes down to both groups not liking the behavior of the others. both groups feeling morally superior to the other and refuse to be tolerant because the are certain of that superiority. you then mix in politics and our political courts and moderates are left shaking their heads at how extreme and holier than though both sides act. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  18. did you not understand my point? im not being a wise ass, just not sure if you didnt or just want to insult me. i responded to the other gentlemen who implied only christians impose their beliefs on others and not Jews. I cannot order a sandwich in many deli's with cheese AND meat. the sole reason is it goes against their dietary religious beliefs. that is an imposition on me since its completely normal to have cheese and they sell it. they are open but demand i follow their religious guidelines when ordering. my point wasnt that its a huge imposition. i stated it was a quick example and was trying to show in a more humorous way that Orthodox Jews do in fact impose their beliefs on others. PS. i dont truly believe global warming is a religion either. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  19. Well, Orthodox Judaism doesn't try to impose its beliefs on anyone else. Busybodying in this manner seems to be the province of some branches of Christianity. thats not entirely true. some quick examples. there are building in NYC where you cannot use the elevator on Saturdays or where it stops only on odd floors. they are trying to get me to not use the elevator or push the elevator buttons on their Holy Day. I do NOT have the option to change the elevator settings. they also do NOT let me put cheese on sandwiches that have meat in some of their deli's. they sell them both but not on the same sandwich. dont get me started on my halal butcher and my wife. it doesnt bother me, as i mentioned before but is an imposition and not unique to any faith. heck, your religion wont let me buy a good old fashioned light bulb. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  20. It's nothing like that, and you know it. The government has the right to set certain standards regarding employment. You may disagree with where the line should be drawn, but the government has decided that one of the standards is that employer provided health insurance must meet certain minimums. If the employer doesn't want to meet those minimums, then they pay a fine. It's really no different than the government saying that employers must provide safety equiment in mines or construction sites. If the employer's religion doesn't let them wear hats, do they have the right to refuse to pay for hard hats for their mine workers? Again I have been told repeatedly here that if a place of work has a union you are required to join if you chose to work there you must live with that No different for HC If an employer choses NOT to provide abortion inducing drugs and other contraceptives YOU have the choice wether to work there or not You cant have it both ways that is an interesting point. besides the obvious that those people like unions and dislike christians mostly, it really comes down to how the law is written. arguing whats right and whats wrong seems silly to me. life is not fair and i do not believe the courts are non political. IMO, as long as the USA wants religious freedom then they should allow people to practice their beliefs unless it hurts someone else. You do not HAVE to work at Hobby Lobby or for anyone any more than you have to work for a union shop. In all fairness though, if you work there when the law was changed you should be grandfathered in. the employer can exclude what they want going forward. new employees should be told when an offer is made of the exclusion. that seems reasonable and fair to me. a little of how my opinion is formed. I'm an atheist, 100%. i am not offended by Christmas decorations, menorahs or head scarves. just dont make me play your games. i love my halal butcher even though he really prefers my wife does not speak to him. Im ok with the mgt of the Hobby Lobby for the same reason. id probably quit if i worked there though. they seem TOO christian for me. i have a high tolerance to religious beliefs. except global warming, duh. those people are wack. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  21. http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/neighborhoods/crime-rates/25-most-dangerous-neighborhoods/ and http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/neighborhoods/crime-rates/top100dangerous/ world wide? well... google is your friend. But New Orleans and Detroit still make those lists. thank for the data, not being sarcastic. however, my comment was more about the relevance of the article. i dont find it very relevant to my concerns. or IMO most peoples concerns. if my purpose was to deflect attention from urban areas, then its a great article. which i suppose is the purpose of the post and the article. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  22. im curious to know what are the cities with the greatest chance of being a victim of a shooting. really that is all that matters to me. NYC is pretty safe compared to Camden or Baltimore, by that standard. London or Rome are even safe id guess. thats all i care about when i go outside or travel. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  23. interesting topic to discuss. IMO any zero tolerance policy is a bad idea. there are no exacts in the world. it would be better to allow managers to use their best judgement. point of interest for me though. the reason for this article and the reason the NYT's and liberals care is in the first sentence that ends, "that especially affect minority students." no matter why that is, the policy is going to be deemed racist and must be dismantled. maybe it should i dont pretend to know everything but its quite obvious why the NYT and the Obama admin doesnt like it. so i agree with them but for different reasons. or I'm racist but just got lucky on this one. stopped clock and all. (edit to add: i just caught the irony in my second sentence. there are no exacts in the world except ALL zero tolerance policies are wrong. hah) "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  24. cmon, lighten up. This isnt the Mensa, feed the poor children while solving the middle east's problems, forum. Its the speakers corner forum of a skydiving website. people come here to make fun of others and kill some time. Are people really offended that this is a topic? by all means, please if your offended, might i suggest logging off and doing something more productive. not me. I'm going to stay online till my wife gets in the city. then im going out to rack up my expense account on over priced drinks and food. i WILL tip 20%, no matter of service. not because i care but because i'm not paying. its all Tarp money anyway. (the last part was just me poking the serious people. my bank didnt actually take any Tarp money) "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante
  25. funny, i the waiters i know would never want that. they make more by not paying taxes. you make them straight wage employees and suddenly its not such a good job. "The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird." John Frusciante