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Everything posted by richravizza

  1. If you didn't use the analogy then I was mistaken, the exercise in narrative destruction is never wasteful. I found your agreement reserved, yet special, nonetheless. Why would a Union Member, Public school teacher not send their child to a public school of their employment.
  2. At least We agree there,and we know where funding for both of them comes from. Conservatives don't opposes education, we oppose not having a choice.But that's not a concern for Liberals they never seem to be affected by their own policies.You love to project what Conservatives are, you have your evil. While, shit canning more appropriately excommunicating most of the minority from campus. "It's bad for society - suicide rates go up, broken homes are far more common - but it helps liberal stay in power. And the worse society gets, the more liberal can blame conservatives for the results of progressive policies. It's worked for them so far." You should try and reverse engineer your arguments, I do. Wow your whipped..How did a STEM MIT grad become so partisan.A Maoist of moral authority, from liberalism to Despotism. A month late..
  3. Don't read to deep it might make you an angry man, like a woman scorned. Did you jump this weekend? It was gorgeous here, had to work Sat. but jumped Sunday. I recognized a face but now sullen from a month ago, recalling she mentioned "had a Love for Israel".Considering the real atrocities that occured. Searching for humor the well never far from Woke Academia.My mission for smile from her, sealed.Load three a high bred wing// angle, caught my chance.To my right was the Israeli /US dual citizen a beautiful glowing young lady filled with the usual nervous anticipation. I leaned in and said; Did you here about the woke student group, queers for Palestine.She replied with a concerned "No". Yup, they have a sister organization Blacks for the KKK....LOL Revealing that smile i remember so well, over the drone of runup she yells"where are they?" Harvard I replied, Havard.
  4. I couldn't agree more in your first paragraph.It's the second were we rub. I'm not in favor of a two tier system either I'm advocating for an alternative for those without or as many tiers as possible. In a recent survey in Baltimore, 11% of kids knew what 11% was. LOL Here in California as most in the liberal hive mind, come to the same conclusion as Bill.That it's a hyper partisan issue.But don't bother to look honestly,realistically. While California didn't make the idiot list, we actually made up 5 of the top 10 least educated cities of our Nation. I had to explain to a public educated adult that Christopher Columbus was not a Spanish Colonizer .LOL
  5. LOL that's a good one! Happy Halloween to you. and a smile back. Hey. Why was the witch childless?...Because, Her husband had a Holloweenie. LOL What do you think of the Christopher Columbus Hats this year.I thought the Left and academia canceled him and his dreadful Day. An idealists dream but this realist nightmare of omission of the "Innocent Eleven." Then again, Italians are just white people.LOL to realism and remix. skip the the first :28 sec of lip synch
  6. I'm not shorting the Mouse, I cleared my positions, Igers at the helm, my short trade is done. Unlike Bud, we'll find out if we learned a lesson.LOL Bud went full circle and is now a partner with there founding sponsor. Diana White, Cage fighting and by proxy Trump. In the word of Middle Weight Champ Sean Strickland I'm going to fix the Beer. Both the UFC and Bud say they have common values.....One Hundred Million of them. We should celebrate a 'W' when we get it.
  7. We seem to have a cosmic clairvoyance when we converse. I joked about the earth quake when my Right was abridged, but it really happened, and Shook me to my core mid keystroke. All while jumping in SoCal was rained out from the remittance of a hurricane. A first for many, and coined a term....The Hurriquake. I thought you'd like the genre, and the Libertarian perspective of some realism. Robert F.Kennedy just experienced the Sacramento Supermajority inspired, cycle of decay. Just disregard the first 60 seconds, for his account.
  8. If someone asks me what woke is, I explain that a single definition would be arbitrary at best, but toxic nonetheless, a regression of society by re-tribalism. I wonder if your a fan of Victor Davis Hanson he has a family farm not far from me. If you like the remix's enjoy,I like this one best.
  9. I'll agree with you.A public education aint worth poo, and Not all boys are blue. I don't want to disrespect Joeweber in kind, so i'm wondering if you thought this inappropriate, educational or just fattie erotic. with a southern draw and Deliverance playing in the background, some are being educated to the concept of "pubic education" lol
  10. It's great we can pick up a conversation, right were we left it years ago. Again, I am happy for you and yours. Does your school district determine if there is the need for competition. It's a weird concept right , LOL You once made the analogy of co2 as blankets on the planet that can't be removed, as so dire.I thought about it.First, we must image the planet in its natural state, a blue and white frozen ball with no blankets.This also means our starting point is a frozen dead planet, as we know it and devoid of co2 blankets.The image gets outlandish once we get to a thousand or two blankets with dinosaurs on them. I knew there was something special about you! Thanks for agreeing on choice, and for sharing your Jesuit schooling with me. I admire the concepts of mythos and logos, akin to yin and yang.Perhaps you can ask yourself who would opposes choice in education and why.
  11. Yet, Florida has some of the best outcomes post pandemic.Oh Phill if, if only funding was the issue. I'm sure we would be rushing our kids to LA Chicago and NY public schools.Where the correlation of per pupil costs are the highest, and would assuredly have the causation of highest outcomes. 4%2C 2023-,Florida is Ranked as Number One State,by U.S. News %26 World Report&text=Tallahassee%2C Fla.%2C May 4,by U.S. News %26 World Report. Now a nonagenarian, and one of my favorite authors may give us some insight. "Stupid people can create problems, but it often takes brilliant people to create a real catastrophe." You see, "A high IQ and low information is a very dangerous combination." Specifically when it comes to both unions and monopolies. You'll see the Progressive Left wants to make the decisions for us, for their own good. Teachers Unions are politically strongest of the organizations opposed to charter schools.They possess millions of members and make millions in political campaign contributions An easy read in layman's terms, I hope you'll catch a copy if not, here you can watch interview. Or Simply go to 22:59 to an opposing point of your concern. As for JaJa Jesus being taught, I could care less when our kids can't read or understand that 2+2 cannot equal five, and after a twenty year loss in learning progress in a few short years, we just might see an improvement. If we teach how to think, with reason and logic.They will figure out for themselves, the moon is not made of cheese.
  12. Hope he loves them, I hope you love the poorly educated too.I try to, I really do.I'm awe struck that you don't have any insight into your own industry.In a previous post you mentioned modern day slavery, among school choice advocate it is said "in education, we are slaves to our zip code." Perhaps we can agree on school choice.
  13. Quite an Idealist approach to criminality. The addicts that just broke into my car at the trailhead for nothing, they had merit and character.I should thank them for my absents here and for the $500 deductible, they don't have.Besides it was a victimless crime.The Liberal mind hive that is SF has been enjoying those benefits too.I had heard the far right majority {5%} recalled their DA because of this very same reasons. Do you know why there are so many addicts not getting treatment, some say because "it doesn't cost them anything." Besides, heroine is cheap... There are rooms were some of them meet.Rare, like skydivers the one in a million that: are at the hand of death unless they did something about it. You will hear a familiar sentiment from those that were arrested. " I wasn't really arrested, I was rescued."
  14. Is that, what you got out of my tune? .... Join a Union. LOL I was once a member of a brotherhood, The UAW.As per the union contract we built the first five C-17 cargo planes, and as per union contract 2,000 of us were escorted to the door. The U.A.W. for us meant; Unemployed Aerospace Workers. Some 20 years latter the plane is no longer in production as is the Union. I find your replies Idealist, rather than realist. The rich men north of Richmond are in Washington DC, I think we can agree there Enjoy a different perspective remix The Squeaky up tempo is great in this one too
  16. Find a new virtue signal, you've been using that line for years. I'm sure it's a winner in your circle, but it old and crusty. Besides the Unionized monopoly of public education is what makes the poorly educated of this Nation, such a smart man should know why half of all kids are below grade level in nearly every subject.Educate me.
  17. I'l bet an old blue collar democrat can sing this right along side his ignorant, toofless, Trump vot'n fellow American. As the controversy swirled " in a small town" this one Blew up in the woods. Punched me in the gut, some say touched their soul. 6 million view last week to 36, make that 41 million as we speak. I hope they doesn't try to disparage him too.Looks can be deceiving.
  18. When dealing with matters of sear Ineptitude and Incompetence, a High-Lite is needed for those in the dark, and preferred over a conclusion of malevolence.While the fattie persona is getting old I don't mind, I hope it helps folks blow off steam. Thank you Phill, a kind word goes a long way. But no, quite the opposite.Those with cluster B : Histrionic personality disorder and It's at endemic proportions. I thought you'd appreciate this, it goes long into my motivations here. "I have never wished to satisfy the crowd; for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve,I do not know" Epistles.
  19. I think you miss the conservative motive completely, It not hate or intolerance it's actually the same as yours, the wellbeing of our children. Conservative folks are consequence minded people, and see no harm in adults making life altering decisions ,but are scared shitless of minor making those choices.Let's be clear no matter the therapy, sterilization is the norm. As for the "Don't Say Stay Straight Bill" LOL I think we can agree, gender race or sex need not be part of kindergarten. My tossed salad post on the 4th did a poor job of highlighting the unintended consequence of the current agenda, akin to the cutting endemic with adolescence a few years ago.
  20. Have you ever come to a conclusion that you might be mistaken? Since your the judge jury and executioner perhaps you could be a little lenient. I thinks the crime of incoherency shouldn't be a basis to abridge anyone right to speech.Funny how the men with the funny hats won't agree. I think Joes a big boy skydiver and can stand for himself, besides he was being Honest.He doesn't bother with references. Maybe that's why there's a incoherency problem, besides Isn't there a warning that debates can get heated.I highly doubt his fragile sensibilities were harmed.I'doubt he filed the complaint, another honest answer from him would be awesome. So if I'm might have been mistaken again.That leaves me believing it's all you, and just another example of the Lefts quest for power and control. I'd bet this forums would do just fine without you,Joe and I can work out our differences without you doing the Helicopter parent thing.That or we;ve gotten soft, Thick skinned skydivers to old, thin skinned ninnies. "I swear if I swear at you ninnies, you'd cry"
  21. As for finding a reason to kill someone in todays society.It's diverse, from love to a Mountain Dew, like life is worthless. He probably has been arrested multiple times and released, and it's not her first run in with the nutter.What a terrible loss. But lack of empathy for oppressors and excessive empathy for victims can be.. "It's very dangerous because if you are a perennial victim, and this is your identity you would then tend to develop attendant behaviors ,for example you would feel entitled to special treatment and if you don't get this treatment you become aggressive." Like signs "these boot stomp TERFS" " or "get with the program or your pronouns will be was/were". I thinks will only lead to more violence. Bill told me that I didn't have the right to kick your ass, when you burn my flag, to his credit he was correct.But he doesn't understand the street reality.You see here in LA I could kick your ass bad, an would be out before your out of the hospital.If you didn't go to the hospital, with no cash bail and no regard for victims, I'll be out that night and "I'll be Back" To Bass's credit,Crime is lower because fewer crimes are prosecuted. Eyes wide shut to the Gay Glendale teacher, I see.what frightens you so much about the man? Or is it the host, another Gay man.LOL Who in Glendale attempted to stab a parent. We will never know.
  22. Yep,Bill gave me a time out, isn't that special. Principled. Like the very first sentence of this thread, wasn't there a Gandhi quote "Joke them if they can't take a fuck."
  23. America a Land of Persecution. LOL Put your focus on the man with the funny hat and get back with me.
  24. It's my skydive video and music,I believe a nine way, you'll see where.My two year test of big brother.The reach, veracity and indiscriminate messaging of a narrative. ..."Do you want to know more?"
  25. So you did it out of Woke Compassion ? LOL please don't do me anymore favors. I thought it was the last 24 hrs here for another month, but thanks to your compassion; In preventing me from jumping from a plane. I have a bad back, hopefully not skydive ending and used my down time for Yoga,So in my most compassionate way Thanks, the backs feeling great. What is that Dunkelflaute. I find your impartiality as a moderator: as compassionate and impartial as the Stasi. We once debated the uselessness of the US post office.You actually disagreed with 0bama,... You told me "We need to change the Constitution" that Was, what I was holding tightly, close to my heart.But you leave me disappointed more that anything.I suppose I'll be the Witch. I said, Martyr for Liberty.Get it together monseigneur I think you drink too much, of your own purifying elixer. Just be a good example and burn me good.