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Posts posted by RMK

  1. Getting directions, with landmarks, in rural America always seemed to both include landmarks that no longer exist (“take a right after where the old Dairy Queen used to be”) and also landmarks that are not required for your journey (“if you pass the Piggly Wiggly you’ve gone too far”).

    My bane in rural England is that the signage is all about location names instead of cardinal directions (there is some odd assumption that everyone in England knows the name of every little half-ass village) – you just need to know which way is east or west, but the damn signs just show directions with meaningless names like “Whipple Village” or “Lower Scrumpton”.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  2. This made me think of a dim-witted older woman in the US explaining to me that there are now more gays today; they didn’t have so many back in “her day”.

    I replied that it is not that there are more gay people, just that they don’t have to hide as they did in prior decades. The rough numbers point to approximately/roughly 5% of the population.

    Unplug your internet, leave your "prepper" shelter, go to the airport and get on a plane and go experience society for real.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  3. I live in London and have voted in every mayoral election since the early 1990’s. Oddly, this discussion on Sadiq Khan’s religious affiliation is only really making news in the US press. I’m here every day; I’m not seeing/hearing it discussed much at all. He could be Buddhist or any other random religion; we don’t really care.

    In our mayoral election process, you choose a first and second choice. After having a look at the candidates, I voted 1st choice) Kahn first and 2nd choice) Goldsmith. To me political party means nothing for a mayoral role; I go with the best guy. Though I work with people like Zack Goldsmith ever day of the week, I know he has a distorted view of life. He wasn’t my second choice because I liked him; it was just that the rest of the pack were a bunch of nutcases and I had to choose someone (so not too different than American politics)
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  4. Jumped one several times; we have one here at Hinton that makes an occasional load. Pretty cool and old-school. The door (though standing height) is only wide enough for one person. As for time to jump run - bring a packed lunch.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  5. That was cool.

    Here's some pics of my first little skydiver; Second one is starting now.

    When he's older, he'll realise who the skydiver in photo #4 is.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  6. Attached is a screenshot of Sony Vegas Pro render output settings. Without making any personal setup changes the default for 720p 30fps will be variable bit-rate of 16Mbs. If you lower that number, you will get resultant lower files sizes.

    Experiment with it to see the quality and also always use square pixels (1:1) for proper playback on YouTube or Vimeo.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  7. CornishChris

    I'll bite. I'm English & European and I have never heard anyone call someone 'Sooty', except a small puppet teddy bear...

    Yes, and actually Sooty is the ligher coloured one of the duo:



    However, understanding "jack shit" about living in Europe will not stop Turtle on commenting on what living in Europe is like - to actual Europeans living in Europe. Pre-empting his unintelligible comment on our understanding of the US; I'll note that I lived in the US for 18 years (so have a background to make comparisons)
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  8. Ron,

    Have you ever had a black family in your own home for dinner. Would it be OK if any of your children married a black spouse?

    That's a real result; not the usual down-south mantra of "I've got a black friend"
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  9. turtlespeed

    ***the article noted:

    ....Looking at where toddlers are pulling the trigger, some states stand out sharply. Georgia is home to the highest number of toddler shootings

    I thought they (and their pastors and dimwitted Sheriffs) all had proper firearms training. They are sadly failing their 1 to 3yr old demographic.

    I thought ALL Brits have bad teeth.

    What are you referring to; there is no "dental" reference in the above sentences. Is your blood sugar off today or are you just drunk.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  10. the article noted:

    ....Looking at where toddlers are pulling the trigger, some states stand out sharply. Georgia is home to the highest number of toddler shootings

    I thought they (and their pastors and dimwitted Sheriffs) all had proper firearms training. They are sadly failing their 1 to 3yr old demographic.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  11. I did my AFF in South Africa in 2002. You got assistance on your first fump (some kid holding up ping pong paddles on your final approach to give you help with your toggles) after that you were on your own for all successive jumps. The outs were thorny bush/scrub with the occaisional cobra sighting.

    I'm not an old-timer with the "in my day" stories, but I see that knowing that an instructor is going to talk you down on all your student jumps as being a mental crutch that doesn't really focdus the mind of the student in that he/she must understand how to do this.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  12. I don't understand the purpose of your posts. It's like back at the onset of the internal combustion engine, someone pedantically pointing out any slight problem in their developement and saying we shoud just stick with horse & buggies.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  13. Sad. The gun folk will just note that you can potentially kill yourself with anything found in the average home (however, handguns are one of the very few items designed specifically to kill). Of course, why not just lay some grenades around the home; swimming pools kill more children than grenades.

    Or maybe the "more training" argument. The local NRA nutjob could stop into nursery schools after cookies/milk and naptime and instruct the little ones how to handle a .357
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  14. He’s a tousled-hair buffoon. His background is journalism and appearances on low-brow UK game shows. I’d say he’s inherently more dangerous in a mayoral position than someone like Rob Ford. I believe he’s “done” in the next election.

    He’s American born with dual citizenship; you’re welcome to have him back.

    With the mindset of “a little knowledge is dangerous”, I remember being at a cocktail event that had some recent Oxford graduates. In speaking with them, I asked one of the young men “what sector are planning to go into”. His reply was “I plan to get a job in the City* for about a year then get into politics; maybe run for a seat”. I look at him in disgust thinking to myself that during a year in the city he will learn little more than how his boss likes his Starbucks coffee, then this wunderkind will go into politics with “experience in financial markets” on his CV – exact example of why politicians are usually shit; what type of person would actually want to be one.

    * "The City" is the UK euphemism for financial sector synonymous with the term “Wall Street” as used in the US
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  15. Sorry, I’m getting all my US mass shootings confused. Are we discussing 7 shot in Ohio or 5 shot in Georgia on the same day? Maybe we should get a spreadsheet or something to keep up.


    However, we shouldn’t worry ourselves with these dozen deaths; the US has far more pressing issues on their plate such as which bathroom people use.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"