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Posts posted by RMK

  1. wmw999

    You. Are. A. Dead. Man.

    Wendy P.

    I haven't been on DZ.com in a few days. Wow, looks like my account was hacked while I was away.

    Yes, just checked my calendar and definitely wasn't on here in the past few days :)
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  2. My rig got wet in our basement (drain backup) and developed a similar funk - could smell it from 10-15 feet in packing area.

    A soak in a Dettol www.dettol.co.uk solution worked perfectly.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  3. kallend

    ***Just voted a couple hours ago. I’m still amazed that even in central London in 2016, there is zero technology in our voting process. The people at the ballot stations have clipboards with printouts of the electoral roll for the area; they cross your name out with a #2 pencil and hand you a slip of paper (which you mark with a pencil) and drop it in a cardboard box – not a computer in sight, but it works.

    Easier to commit and hide vote fraud with computer systems.

    Our little mini-conspiracy today was something like #bringapen. Our resident tinfoil hat crowd were saying that MI6 is behind a govt led action to stay in the EU and would be erasing pencil-marked leave votes and changing them to remain - made me think of RushMC.

    edit: here it is: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23bringapen
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  4. Just voted a couple hours ago. I’m still amazed that even in central London in 2016, there is zero technology in our voting process. The people at the ballot stations have clipboards with printouts of the electoral roll for the area; they cross your name out with a #2 pencil and hand you a slip of paper (which you mark with a pencil) and drop it in a cardboard box – not a computer in sight, but it works.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  5. RichyR

    As you're in the UK, the top-quality options are Vertical or Tonfly.

    I've never bought anything from Canada (re Vertical); are duties/import different than buying from US?

    Thanks to all for the above info. I'm now leaning to a Raptor or Raptor2 from Vertical, just having second thoughts re the 12-14wk wait (of course I should have thought about all this back in February; then wouldn't have a problem)
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  6. I look at this from a finance/business perspective. In my own non-scientific sampling, I haven’t encountered anyone I personally regard as highly intelligent/skilled from the “Leave” camp. I’m certain “some” exist, but I’ve not encountered any in either my personal conversations or across the table in a board room.

    If the vote goes wrong, don’t worry about me bitching – I will be making plans to move to Switzerland over the next years (I’ll leave the years of pain to others).

    ...Yes, Switzerland isn't EU, but the UK is no fucking Switzerland.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  7. This picture seems to encapsulate the situation on gun culture in the US:


    Training 3yr olds at nursery school what to do in shooter lock-down?? I have a 3yr old and coincidentally just dropped him off at nursery school. This evening I'll ask him what he did today. I'm glad to live where the reply will not be "Daddy, we learned how to hide if a gunman comes into the school shooting & killing people".
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  8. ryoder

    Tyler just blurted out, what Trump implied.:|

    Why the large numbers at a Trump rally? It's effectively a White Power rally without the guilt.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  9. I've never met anyone who regretted not getting a tattoo. However, I've met many who regretted their decision to get the ones they have.

    However, everyone is free to do as they please (but please don't complain when it causes problems/embarrassment in the future).
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  10. I need to buy a new FreeFly suit and have had look at the following:

    - Vertical Suits
    - Intrudair
    - Jedi Airware
    - Sonic

    In brief, 92kg at 183cm (200ish lbs and 6ft) so want a normal/relaxed fit; not the super-tight pro style. Will do some tunnel with it, but probably mostly skydiving. Would like to add low-profile grips as I’d use it as an all-rounder with some occasional flat flying (hence not putting this in FreeFly forum).

    I’m Indifferent on price and OK to pay up for best quality, but would like as short a lead time as possible.

    I haven’t looked at new FreeFly suits in some time (so a little out of the loop) any feedback on the above or any alternate ideas?
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  11. A gun is such a simple device. Why do the gun nuts take such pride in their knowledge of gun part nomenclature? Clip? Magazine? Who the fuck cares; it's just the stamped metal box that holds the bullets.

    I'd have a closer look at the real intelligence levels of both sides. Now I say to the barking gun nuts "Put your phone back in pocket, put your name badge back on your shirt and get back to the loading dock/warehouse and get back to work before your more educated smarter left-wing boss comes and fires your ass"
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  12. rehmwa

    The point should simply be that individuals should have the option to choose to protect themselves.

    The point should be that that individuals shouldn't have being shot very high on their list of daily concerns.

    You don't need to reinvent the wheel on this one. Pick any of the other advanced nations and try copying them - seems there is a working solution everywhere but America.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  13. RonD1120

    Two radicalized Islamic terrorists from the same FL mosque. Here is an explanation as to why the FBI investigations failed.


    I knew this was going in the direction of "Obama" before, I even clicked Ron's link. But God Damn, it's literally the first three words of the rambling diatribe.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  14. Joellercoaster

    the OP is proposing to do something fairly unusual

    I don't believe anything offered in a "shopping mall" setting is particularly adventurous or provides much of an accomplishment - indoor skiing, indoor rock climbing, indoor skydiving ... all the same sanitised experience. I'm involved in several outdoor hobbies and juggle my time between them.

    I too have a fair amount of tunnel time; I'm just a proponent of getting out doors and doing it for "real".

    If you want to have fun and are ready to part with 6 grand, I think it's a disservice to the OP to tell him that dropping it on an account at the tunnel is a great idea. Fuck, he can learn to be a pilot for that price.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  15. You've just got your A License; now plan to spend around 6,000 on tunnel??

    I think it's a waste and a "piss away" of your money. Use your money to travel other dropzones and do some "real" skydiving.

    Tunnel is OK for brief periods and can be a good training tool; but is like comparing sitting on a stationary bike in your living room compared to a ride through the countryside.

    I actually find it laughable that people list their tunnel hours with some kind of odd pride here (it's not really a feat/accomplishment) it's just money expenditure.
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  16. akarunway

    Well. Parker is trying to expand the far cut and get his 2 million dollar goal while fighting the viking trying to get his dredge going (man those fuckers don't have a clue about heavy rigging) and the other guys are running out of pay dirt.........

    I'm confused, I thought the Pomrenke's were working to get enough gold to go inland mining, then Shawn could take the "Christine Rose" to the Bluff. Meanwhile, Zeke and Emily are still not working together.

    Damn, there are about 7-8 Alaskan reality shows running now; I've gotten sucked into a few myself[/I]
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  17. Maybe we should follow-up on some of the inane ramblings here on Speaker Corners.

    Here's one of Kennedy and RushMC praising these "patriots". Yet today, we see the group's leader convicted of sexually molesting a 5yr old girl:


    I'd be a little more discerning in choosing my heros
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  18. Not surprising for the US Border Patrol; they seem to get the "dregs" of society for these positions.

    They seem to be assholes on 100% of my visits to the US. Can you image the professionalism you encounter if you are brown-skinned or from the Mid East?
    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

  19. RonD1120

    I was trained primarily in Gestalt and Rogerian Therapies

    I don't about this Rogerian therapy you mention above; is it the same meaning as the cut/paste below:


    In British slang it means to have anal sex, usually between two men.

    : "I gave him a good rogering"

    "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"