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Posts posted by anthonyfellows

  1. Quote

    Dude just get a doll. You can also use it to introduce your cougars to 3-ways. :|

    A doll? There comes a point in time that you have ask yourself what you'll drop a few thousand on and what you wont.

    Personally, I wouldn't spend 4K on a real doll and the shitty 100 dollar blow up ones that I had when I was 14, just don't cut it. The nipples are way too hard to be considered life like.

    3 ways are just fine, as long as each of the three breathes, eats, and sleeps.
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  2. Quote

    > If you don't like the calls from angry wives/girlfriends, perhaps you
    >should require them to meet you in person before providing service to
    >their significant other.

    Well, or at least talk to the person enough to know that their SO is going to be OK with a power exchange relationship. "It's no big deal" is a big warning sign.

    But still ... Don't you agree that people can make a lie the truth by believing in the lie?

    However ... I agree, if you're a good judge of character, you should be able to test and weed out a lot of the unknowns.

    From her point of view, why weed them out when the fact is that you would be weeding out income.

    Which brings me back to my point of view ... It's the nature of the business that you're in, so stop bitching about it :)
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  3. Quote




    You can put dildos in the dishwasher.... :)

    So I hear.... ;);)

    Hopefully you're not putting a vibrating dildo in the dishwasher. Seems like it could harm the electrical intricacies of the device.

    Some vibrators are waterproof or water resistant. For like jacuzzi play. You didn't know that??

    One of my weekend friends has a bunch of the lelo's. Those are pretty cool looking actually. The control interface reminds me of an iPod. High tech dildos and dongs.

    WTF is that??
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  4. Quote



    how the hell do you clean that thing?

    OH SHIT...

    you're supposed to clean them?!?!?!?

    You can put dildos in the dishwasher.... :)

    So I hear.... ;);)

    You should write a book called "Dongs in the Dishwasher".
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  5. Quote


    You can put dildos in the dishwasher.... :)

    So I hear.... ;);)

    Hopefully you're not putting a vibrating dildo in the dishwasher. Seems like it could harm the electrical intricacies of the device.

    Some vibrators are waterproof or water resistant. For like jacuzzi play. You didn't know that??

    One of my weekend friends has a bunch of the lelo's. Those are pretty cool looking actually. The control interface reminds me of an iPod. High tech dildos and dongs.
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  6. Quote



    how the hell do you clean that thing?

    OH SHIT...

    you're supposed to clean them?!?!?!?

    You can put dildos in the dishwasher.... :)

    So I hear.... ;);)

    Hopefully you're not putting a vibrating dildo in the dishwasher. Seems like it could harm the electrical intricacies of the device.
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  7. Quote


    how the hell do you clean that thing?

    OH SHIT...

    you're supposed to clean them?!?!?!?

    Of course you clean them. No wonder your neighbors continue to complain about the smell coming from your house :)
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  8. Quote

    guess your buying supplies for the cold winter?:P

    Supplies for the weekdays ... When you work 75-80 hours Sunday-Friday, it's difficult to get laid ... Gotta love those weekends when you have a few cougars waiting on you to have some free time though.
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  9. Quote

    how the hell do you clean that thing?

    The insert comes out of the case. Actually there are like 6 different inserts that you can buy for the thing. It has to be the best male sex toy ever created.
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  10. Quote

    I knew it before I even clicked on the picture.

    You're turning into quite the little pervent, sir. Bravo!

    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  11. Quote


    So have you ever stepped on a man's balls with your high heel?:D

    Are you kidding me? :D

    Why do you ask, Billy? Are you wishing for her to crunch yours?

    Personally, I'm not a big fan of ball abuse, no matter what the weapon of choice may be.
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  12. Quote

    chasing mercury on tiles is kinda fun

    I used to break thermometers just for that challenge when I was a kid.

    Oooh look, something shiney. Little silver balls you can't pick up. :D

    You said little silver balls :)
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  13. Sounds to me like it is just the nature of the business. If you don't like the calls from angry wives/girlfriends, perhaps you should require them to meet you in person before providing service to their significant other.
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  14. Quote


    Tuner, I want to know HTF someone your age would know who the hell Chuck Woolery is??? :D:D


    Seriously Karen, don't you know that they played re-runs of that show for ever? That's what I watched during summer break in elementary school, when none of the neighborhood milfs were around :)

    Seriously, Tony D., I did not know that. :P

    Elementary school?? Dude, is anyone registering for Megan's Law BECAUSE of you? :D

    Haha .. Probably not. If I were getting milf love in the 4th grade, do you really think I would have told anyone? Hell no, I would have loved it too much to jeopardize such an unstable relationship :) I had to wait until I was 16 to get any milf love and she was only 28 at the time.
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  15. Quote

    My taxes are already done by teh free turbotax.

    Mine too! The "paid" ... "free" version :)
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  16. Quote


    So I guess I'm almost ready to start the fun...

    Any recommendations on software?
    I've used TurboTax mostly....but I'm curious what else is good out there. Looks like TurboTax hiked their prices...

    Be very careful with Turbotax!! The Secretary of the Treasury used it and it (allegedly) caused a $34,000 error!!! It must be very difficult for us commoners to use.:P

    34K to the secretary of treasury is probably the equiv. of 34 dollars to us.
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  17. Quote

    A bad first date movie is "Kids". Learned that the hard way.

    Nice!!! That was actually a pretty decent movie I thought. Guess you never heard from her again?
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  18. Quote


    What the fuck? Are you Chuck Woolery trying to play Love Connection or some shit? :D

    Tuner, I want to know HTF someone your age would know who the hell Chuck Woolery is??? :D:D

    Seriously Karen, don't you know that they played re-runs of that show for ever? That's what I watched during summer break in elementary school, when none of the neighborhood milfs were around :)
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  19. Quote




    LOL - Plus I'm old enough to be his mother. Hahahaha!!


    there's a saying here that goes along the lines of "you learn to cook on old pots".. and you get the benefit of juvenile endurance! its a trade-off that works for both sides, i always had older girlfriends at that age.. :P

    :D:D:D I do NOT like that saying. :D:D:D

    And I'm well aware of the benefits of "tadpole lovin'". :)


    Hahaha .. Oh I love that one ... You learn to cook on old pots ... That is great!

    You would "Cougar Hunter"!!! :P

    No kidding ... I not only learned to cook on old pots. I continue to enjoy the hobby :) :) :)
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  20. Quote

    I cant watch youtube clips at work....[:/]

    You could if you had an iPhone :)
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  21. Quote


    LOL - Plus I'm old enough to be his mother. Hahahaha!!


    there's a saying here that goes along the lines of "you learn to cook on old pots".. and you get the benefit of juvenile endurance! its a trade-off that works for both sides, i always had older girlfriends at that age.. :P

    :D:D:D I do NOT like that saying. :D:D:D

    And I'm well aware of the benefits of "tadpole lovin'". :)


    Hahaha .. Oh I love that one ... You learn to cook on old pots ... That is great!
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  22. Quote

    This is going to sound totally wacky but it really helped me....

    When I was married, the house I lived in had this big floor to ceiling windows across the front of the house. The sun would shine in and warm up the carpet in those places like a MFer.

    I noticed my kitties would lay there in the sun all afternoon. And they would turn over on their backs, show their bellies and purrrrrrrrrr. So, I think, "Why can't I do that??".

    I put a blanket on the ground, grabbed a pillow and spread out on the floor in front of the windows in the glorious sunshine! I would lay there and nap or read for a couple of hours whenever I could. And the kitties would cuddle up with me. It was bliss.
    Feeling the sunshine on my face and the heat of the sun all over my body was absolutely magical and therapeutic. I swear that's what kicked the winter blues for me.

    My xH thought I was nuts. I told him I was pretending I was laying on a deserted beach and sunbathing nude. That statement got me our first trip to Jamaica that very winter. ;)

    Anyway, find a way to get some sunshine on your face. And SMILE when it hits you. And think good thoughts! Works wonders!!

    Oh yeah, I was thinking about looking into one of those "natural light " lamps for my desk at work. I work in a gray cube farm. Ugh.

    That's all good and nice Lucky, but how about this one ... Have a lot of sex! :) If it works for me, it must work for everyone else :P
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

  23. Quote





    Well, a guy's package can look huge when their jumpsuit is on..... and then when its off..... not so much.

    Just be prepared to be disappointed. :|

    I don't care what he's "packing" - me likey!! ;)

    He probably has a mr. potato head in his pants.

    Believe it or not, I'm totally okay with that. ;)

    Not a surprise. I always figured you to be a meat and potatos girl.
    Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
    H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs