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Posts posted by freeatlast

  1. Hi Taris

    Depending on whether you are looking for a new or used canopy and where you jump then you could also add NRG canopy from paratec and X-Fun from Basik and Dragon 7 Cell or Stealth 9 Cell from Atair and possibly the Electra as well...

  2. Quote

    I can talk only from my personal experience. Speed 2000 is the reserve with the smallest packing volume on the market. 120 packs the same or just a bit smaller than Optimum 113.(and performs better than Optimum).The openings are the same,but Speed 2000 has more powerful flair.
    They are all good reserves.If you can,jump them all and make your choice based on you own experience;)

    Good advice - the best way to decide is to demo them personally.

    BTW - Sangi there are no options for SPEED 2000 as an option or an X-Fast reserve.

    Both are low volume reserves and have been on the market for several years and are tried and tested designs and are available in large sizes now :)

  3. Hang in there...

    I know it's important - but they are only exams and can be re-sat.

    BTW - I'm impressed i thought that i was the only one who tried to do the 'hundred most dramatic life events in a year' - except i seem to try them roughly every five years !!! :D:D

    Have a glass / bottle of decent wine / tub of icecream / nice meal - watch a good movie, get a good night's sleep and then hit it again ...

  4. Quote

    Yes, you ARE saying that you are awesome ( I can handle a 150 perfectly, ........) - which is both Arogant and Cocky.

    If your profile jump numbers are correct (29) , you don't even know what you don;t know about handling a canopy - get a grip and FAST

    I didn't mean it in the sense that I've mastered it, know it in and out, swoop with it.. I simply mean that for the time being, aka landing straight and nothing high performance, I can handle it. Meaning there is room for me to improve, which is what I want.

    I hate to sound like Dave and all the others but you simply do not know how to handle your canopy yet.

    In time you will master those skills and then you will understand.

    In the meantime if you carry on jumping something that is beyond your capabilities and with the attitude that you are displaying then you are dangerous to yourself and to others.

    Over the years several very experienced jumpers have been killed by much lower experienced jumpers whilst under canopy.

    As you have said - we were all inexperienced like you once - I certainly was and it's not until something goes wrong that you really think 'i should have listened to those guys' - but at which point it's too late as it's actually happening right there and then!

    I know that you are not likely to listen to the advice that has been given, but to re-itterate Dave's point - in all likelihood most of us here will never meet you face to face but there has been something like 60 posts where concerned experienced (and some inexperienced) people are trying to advise you to SLOW DOWN.

    Whether you take the advice or not is up to you - but in my seven plus years of jumping i have had two close calls where someone else has nearly killed me with their stupidity / lack of skills and judgement.

    Please find a local decent jumper who has reasonable canopy skills and plenty of patience or go on as many canopy control courses as you can.

    It will help you.

  • OK - so i've booked the Holiday Inn and i'm sooo looking forward to it now!

    Just tell me it's warm and dry cos it's crappy weather here now ...

    And tell me that you've still got cold cheap beer and the girls still like the english accent :P:P:P

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    I *love* pleasuring my man, but it turns me on and if I don't get my fair share I think *that* is very rude.. >:( In this case, I would prefer to start with a bj and finish with sex so I can get in on the action as well - maybe a little selfish, but only fair IMO.

    Seems perfectly fair to me ...

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    i've noticed quite a few people at the DZ skydiving with headphones.
    is it distracting in freefall? can you even hear it?
    i figure i should wait till i have a few more jumps before i should try it, or does it not really make that big of a difference

    and what do u guys listen to who jump with them?


    I often take a little DVD player with me and watch a short movie whilst in freefall - or one of my soaps that i've not had the time to catch up with.

    It's amazing how much you can fit into a skydive whilst multi-tasking ...:S:S:S

    I was trying to watch one whilst BASE jumping the other day but couldn't find a program short enough - does anyone have any suggestions :P:P:P

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    In the end it's our decision to jump out of the plane, it is also our decision what size chute we will take with us to get us down safely.

    Don't expect to blame anyone else but yourself if things do go wrong. That is how I do every jump and I expect others to do the same.

    You make some very salient points as do several of the other posters here.

    It is true that everyone should be responsible for themselves but it is also UNFORTUNATELY true that everyone else will be judged by the authorities on the actions of the minority who decide to do stupid things such as flying canopies which are definately unsuitable for them.

    I have done my fair share of stupid things and have also questioned those who sought to restrict my fun, however i have very nearly shaken hands with the grim reaper on a few occasions and, like it or not, it would have often been others that would have suffered because of my actions.

    You are right that people should be free to do what they want and should be responsible for themselves - but in which case you need to find a place and a way of doing things where your actions will not affect anyone else.

    Even in the case of BASE jumping - if you go in or you get stuck somewhere - YOUR actions will still affect others whether it be the ones left behind or the ones who witness it or have to risk their lives to rescue you ...

    In a regulated sport (which skydiving is whether you like it or not) the consequences are even greater for those around you hence the rules are more comprehensive (restrictive in some opinions).

    We can debate the somantics of this situation but the status quo is that these rules exist for the general good of all ...

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    Get a reserve you can land safely anywhere, under any conditions, without problems. Then it's the right size ;) Generally for a newer jumper (and for smart not-so-new jumpers) that's a wingload of 1:1 or less. Bigger is better in a reserve ;)

    Just remember that in the worst case scenario - YOU will not be landing the canopy at all - it will be landing itself! :o

    Therefore Bigger is DEFINATELY better (in my opinion) ....