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Everything posted by banesanura

  1. Whats wrong with that? Why is it a "bad" thing? I mean, he puts himself in that position, he obviously must like it..... hmmmm....I think its a compliment! hahahaha Best Girl Scout Ever.
  2. Whos going? Tickets are still haven't been confirmed. Did the application thing...but now we have to wait... Did anyone get anything back? Best Girl Scout Ever.
  3. It was a doc back filmed back in 10. Literally worst part of my life ever, but the filming process actually got me out of the rut I was in! I get love letters in my inbox. I pulled most of my video content offline, a few websites went down, and quit drinking (only on very special occasions) maybe once every few months or so. I don't mind the bruises, I like to poke it every now and again to see if it hurts. haha it does every time! Best Girl Scout Ever.
  4. I hung up my whips a few months back, since the show aired I had a bunch of people trying to meet me. So I cut that shit out! Shit, now its my turn! hahahaha. I can handle a little pain...hehehehe Best Girl Scout Ever.
  5. So, for the last month or so, I have been training in muay thai, and the other day we all had strengthening exercises to do. Fuck, I'm a long way to being where I'd like to be. I've got a bucket list of spending one time in the ring, so I've been at the gym everyday training, training at home, eating clean, while its a WAYS away, Id share some of my bruises! hahaha Best Girl Scout Ever.
  6. Do they put up loads all week long? Best Girl Scout Ever.
  7. I have a friend who wants to get their A license, which DZ is open all winter and has the best vibe for a new AFF jumper. Since I'm a farmer, and I'd opt to jump at the farm, but id like to try something a bit warmer. AND I'm getting back in the air! gonna get a bunch of jump tickets! hhahah Suggestions? Best Girl Scout Ever.
  8. So I've kick started this new work out stuff. And I'm loving the burn. Rub mineral ice and get a massage. Its SO GOOD. I've been working out extra hard just to feel that everyday. (I'm really into sensations ;) Best Girl Scout Ever.
  9. Try the electronic cigarette. It's worked for me. I rarely ever use the e-cig only when I'm drinking. The weight of it reminds you to "quit" smoking. Pick up your work outs, and that will force you to quit. I was on the treadmil weezing and I'm like: fuck smoking. so I quit. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  10. I have some sick and twisted geek fetishes. Absolutely sick. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  11. I don't think I'm mentally capable of concieving a child until I can accept the fact that I will undergo vast and permanent changes to my body...for what? There are millions of starving children who are underprivlidged and didn't consent to a life of poverty and struggle. I couldn't accept or validate why I would allocate time to creating a child when I can create a new life for one that is already here. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  12. YOU stop playing god and mind your own business. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  13. You know me, I always appreciate honesty, even if it could upset me or someone else. And your opinions and email doesn't upset me, so don't worry about that. I'm actually really surprised to get this email from you. But then again not so much lol, I know you're on a womens rights mission to prove that we aren't just fetus ovens. Ya know, I'm all for pro choice but since I've already had an abortion when I was 15 - I just can't do it again at 25. I just felt like I should take responsibility for my actions and keep the baby. I have no clue what's going to happen in a week, a year, or when I'm 80. So I'm just going day by day and seeing what the best option is. Yeeeah I have a track record for making bad decisions and fucking shit up even more but since I've been pregnant I haven't been able or even wanted to have one drink and that is a great feeling cause you know me. Things go to hell when I drink. For now things are good with Vince and I. Will that change? Who knows. I do have options, and some are tempting but right now they aren't the best option. You know most people would have taken this the wrong way but it's nice knowing you still care. I worry about you too sometimes but then I remember that you always find a way to make shit work. that was her response. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  14. Thats what I figured. I'm going to keep searching. It's been an interesting past few years and I'm going to be 25 this year, and every birthday is a bit of a reflection. I have noticed everyone from my past is doing the 2.5 kid thing. I don't think I'm even close or ready to even get near that with a 10 foot pole. Let alone a "relationship" so it's a very interesting time. These are questions I would ask my family, however cultural gaps/generational gaps make it difficult to even communicate with them. I tell everyone I was raised on the internet. haha Best Girl Scout Ever.
  15. I didn't say abortion. I was talking about adoption. She's beyond abortion. Even her mother offered to pay for the abortion. First off, both don't have jobs. They cannot support themselves let alone a child. I don't think its fair to raise a child to struggle and not have resources. I never said guys with tattoos are bad parents either. Just like you are questioning me and my character, I think as a friend I should have the same right. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  16. I went to get my round of STD's done for a new "casual sex partner" and he did the same. So at the gyno exam my doctor asks me just regular questions, I told her that I'm having causal sex with this guy who codes for google. I've been having the worst geek fetishes lately. CTO's OMG.... okay okay... So I really want to get sterilized, because for YEARS the thought of having children disgusts me. And I can tell you already, I would be in jail if my husband wanted to fuck some other girl after I ruined my fucking vagina and body for his ass. Serioulsy have you seen that show "snapped" yeah, I don't want an episode like that....unless he was filthy rich then I really wouldn't care who he banged as long as I can bang who ever I want too. So, I want to stay out of jail and live a happy life. Adoption is the route. ;) So I want to get sterilized. The doctor asked me which procedure and I said essure. She said I was too young and that only one dr. in the state would do it. I have to get a letter written and noterized stating that I won't sue him, blah blah blah blah blah. So I asked my dr. Why am I too young to never have children, what about people my age with children? Best Girl Scout Ever.
  17. So here is what I wrote to my girl friend. * Daisy Saenz o You know I have always been honest with you. I really hopes this makes you happy, despite the fact that I'm not quite happy. I'm happy if you are, but I really had this "idea" about your life. You know how I feel about Vince, he's a nice guy, but you can do so much fucking better and you know that. I will never mention this topic again, but as my friend you should know how I feel. Plus in a few years you are probably going to tell me I'm right and your little nugget is going to be a stud muffin. I really hope you prove me wrong Keli. I'd rather have you hate me for the rest of your life and be happy, than know you could have made a better choice for yourself. I'm not expecting a response from you, nor do I want one. Keli I fucking love you to death. This is just something I had to get off my chest. I will support you in everything you do, but I just want to please let me know this is what you want to do. There are alternatives. And you will probably be angry, but I'm doing this because I do care about you. Keli I really hope you are making the best decision. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  18. How did you know?! Love that shit! Best Girl Scout Ever.
  19. I love getting freaky with IT guys! Best Girl Scout Ever.
  20. Come on man, I need something better than that! Give me something more! Best Girl Scout Ever.
  21. I think the creator of the universe needs a project manager. HELLO - Can I get some teleportation? Built in speakers in our shoulders? Also the world would be a better place if we danced every where in lieu of walking. NO SMALL PENIS OR BOOBS. COME ON NOW?! Breast Reduction = illegal. Opt out of periods. Women plus chin hair....? JEEZE. Sounds like some one wants to volunteer! ME! I'd do anything for that project management position. Man o man. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  22. Fucking right! I like creative sex. Not like klingon creative...eww More like mr .com 2 mil hits a day, software licensing, affillate marketing, innovative developing hard dick of heaven. Omg. I'm so turned on I can't even type correctly. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  23. you should video tape it and sell that shit. Make some MONEY! Best Girl Scout Ever.
  24. I recently went on a date with a dude who works at google in IT and we were talking about the streetview cases and sniffing, and he said, "I don't understand how people think it's not okay to sniff data from other people's routers that WE are unwillingly exposed to, but its okay to give me testicular cancer." I almost spit out my drink. We did have some sweet ass sex and all I could think about was meta data. bahhaha I'm making a new fetish: google whores. hahahha Best Girl Scout Ever.