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Posts posted by likestojump

  1. Quote

    I need a second rig just during the summer, anybody ever heard of something like a 6 month rig lease\rental?

    yes, there's a great self-financing option :


    the delta (if any) is your rental fee

  2. oh my god !!!

    This has NOT A FUCKING THING to do with skydiving gear.

    People who got scammed "buying" ads from this site had just as much chance getting scammed buying from craigslist, eBay, etc.


  3. Quote


    I just bought a new cypress 2 and I know that square 1 got a shipment of 20 or so last week. The price keeps going up as the dollar goes down. Mine was 1420, but i saw other gear stores selling them for $1500. They are out there, if you want to pay for band new.

    As for the used ones, I know rigges that buy up all the used ones they can find for the student/rental rigs at their dzs.

    Wow-the price really has gone up. I bought my cypress 1 about 4 years ago brand new from para gear for $850.

    are you sure it was a brand new Cypres1 manufactured within a few months of your purchase date ? Cypres2 replaced Cypres1s May 2003 as far as I know....

  4. Quote

    Cool.... it looks like everyones a winner, i don't jump with people who are inconsiderate assholes, i've already written on this i would not jump with you guys, as you don't give a shit about anyone but yourselves.

    If you read the thread and read what i'd written you may see the my point. I was making an example, so the owner does not fall into the trap of a being taken to court. by putting a bigger disclaimer up. its not rocket science, if you don't like my idea, i could'nt give a toss. I'm using my knowledge to help people, you are doing what exactly???

    using this forum to vent off your personal frustrations

    Once again ignorance wins.. congratufuckulations

    diablopilot , you are a complete spanner, and reitarate it with every post you make. I truley hope we meet one day, so I can figure out what your issue is with the world, as every comment you make on these forums is full of shit.

    do you realize that you just insulted people with 30x more jumps and thus ALOT more experience with and around skydiving ? Perhaps you should realize that they simply HAVE to know better ???

    cool it a bit, and think about how a adults are considered adults because they can make decisions for themselves. Otherwise your beloved courts would rule them incompetent and appoint a guardian.

  5. Quote


    Let the Buyer Beware. There's a sucker born every day.

    These sayings existed LONG before skydiving or the internet, because people were scamming other people out of money from the day money was invented.

    How many warning labels do we need? If someone can't be bothered to read an obvious security warning on the front of the classifieds (it is very obvious), a line added to an email isn't going to be read either.

    The words "lawyer" and "lawsuit" may be stock in trade for how you relate to situations in your world. In the skydiving world, them are fightin' words. You may get further in your efforts to protect us from ourselves if you immediately discard the idea that suing Sangiro because someone didn't read and understand the scam warnings that are already up is a good idea.

    Funny how you put "buyer beware", thats a law term, btw, so it turns out is in your world already.

    What I'm doing is putting reasons why it would be a better idea to add some big disclaimers in there. and some big warnings, Its called being proactive. or giving a shit about other people apart from myself.

    regardless of your actions or reactions to what i have said, i've still got your back in those skys, i'll still look out for others, and i'll continue to give a damm

    But i would not trust you on here for anything, your attitude to be frank is shit.

    dude, chill.

    and yet again, the law term is "Caveat emptor"

    which applies to BUYERS AND SELLER. NOT to the intermediateary who is not making any money on the transaction

  6. Quote


    Great. The owner of this site offers a free service (classifieds) to aid people in their effort to find gear, and you want to crucify him for it?

    So much for the "family of skydivers" you're talking about.


    Once again diablo you have shown your Ineptitude for even the simpleist of reading tasks, start at the start, read through, THEN make a comment, if you can't be bothered to read a thread, to see why me and the NZ guy are pissed then your wasting valuable skydiving time writing on here.

    With regards to the negligence and a law suit
    Phelps vs london bourogh of hillingdon is how case law would be looked at

    In law, in order to establish negligence, three conditions must be met:

    1.The person who is being held responsible for the negligence must owe the victim a "duty of care".

    In this case providing a service where gear sales takes place, and knowing fraud takes place. they owe a duty however slight it may be to ensure that transactions taking place are both legal and do not enfringe on a persons human rights. etc etc

    2.That duty of care must have been breached.

    Not providing measures to stop fraudsters targeting the classifieds. and a fraud taking place. (that'll be the breach)

    3.As a result of that breach, the victim has suffered identifiable loss.

    Them getting ripped off for lets say $1300 (I would identify that as a loss)

    The wonderful world of law, PLEASE BE AWARE I'M NOT TAKING ANYONE TO COURT.

    I'm just showing how things could go pareshaped very quickly for the owners of dropzone.

    I only studied for 7 years so i could be wrong. but a good lawyer could at least make a case, which would be heard.

    And we're only angry cause its such a simple request to shore up the classifieds and make it easy to see that frauds are taking place.
    And again someones wrote well thats your own fault... once again nice comment WELL DONE, Another person who i would not ask for a flight line check.

    His chest strap was undone, He should have known better, correct!! . but somone looking out for me would have meant i would not have died. An extreme Analogy, but one all the same.


    this website does NOT have presence in the UK, thus i doubt it's bound by British case law. And yes, the US law is based on UK common law... from the 1600s !!!! I don't remember the US case law dealing with online, but lets see if a lawyer type can recall any that charges an at-will site operator with failure to perform their duty.

    Could be a moot point since Sangiro is based in the SA, and the website servers are US or Canada based...

  7. you are kind of right. But let's not forget about the click-through agreement that you agree to when you sign up as a member

    Of course I am NOT an attorney, but those things are VERY enforceable.

    To sum up my feelings to this thread :

    Yes, it is VERY unfortunate that some of our brothers and sisters fall victims to thieving assholes. But I think we do enough to try to beat some common sense into the society as a hole about "a deal that's too good to be true - it's just that" and various other things that in my mind even a fifth grader should figure out. Let's not treat EVERYTHING like they are an idiot. Perhaps having a mandatory scroll through KEYPOINT summary when one enters the classified section for the first time would be appropriate.

    Also, recently eBay started appending ALL their messages that it forwards to you from other members with the FRAUD disclaimer - perhaps emails should get a simialr footer - I know that would be a very easy matter of changing a template .

    In fact, the current footer reads :

    If you suspect this is a scam:

    1) Visit the Security Forum to see if it has already been reported:
    2) If not, forward the entire email to [email protected]

    If we can figure out how to sum up our warning in 2-3 simple BOLDFACED sentences and get Sangire to agree with us and append it to every email - that would probably be a much better solution than most of us bitching and whining in this forum.

    Overall, I think this is a very good thread.


  8. Here's my rehash of your suggestions, I think we need to be willing to give leaway to sellers, as some may want to have more privacy than others. I choose to have part of my profile unfilled- yet I will answer any questions privatly, as well as I provide a phone number with all my listings and ENCOURAGE people to call.

    When posting gear, the following MUST be entered
    1.Local DZ, name and telephone number
    this should NOT be mandatory for public viewing - should be willing to provide in private
    2. Serial numbers container / main / reserve / add
    many people nowdays are NOT shoing that publically so the scammers dont get a hold of valid data.
    3. Colour of main / reserve / container
    YES, that would be agood think to SHOW A PICTURE OF, but should not be required, as some people dont haev digital cameras, others are just not too good with computers
    4.Date of manafacture /
    of course
    5.Last repack date / repacked by whom
    should not be required as some people may be reluctant to disclose in public, but should be able to provide in private
    6.Marks / damage/ missing items (Free bag Pilot chute)
    Thats just common sense :)
    7. Parachute assotiation number (bpa / uspa / etc)
    same issue as above - should not be forced to display publically - private conversation shoudl be good.

    I would add PHONE NUMBER - should be HIGHLY suggested

  9. Quote


    I don't see why the classifieds need to be idiot proofed. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that sending large amounts of money through WU to an unknown individual with no guarantee of jumpable gear in return is a stupid maneuver. Anyone that doesn't ask a few questions, get references, and make wise decisions really doesn't get a lot of sympathy from me.

    Your attitude is arrogant and disrespectful to anyone who has ever been scammed. You also called OP an idiot which is a PA in my book. People like you shift the blame from criminals to victims and by doing so you are basically part of the problem.

    * "Excuse me officer, *sob*, I just got raped by a trucker"
    - "Ok ma'am. Just three questions before we can help you: Was he drunk?"
    * "I guess he had some beers with me."
    - " Did you get in his truck?"
    * "Yes...yes I did."
    - "Ok ma'am. Did you get in his truck wearing those clothes?"
    * "Yes but I don't see..."
    - "LMFAO you dumb ****. Sorry but we have no sympathy for you as this is an idiotfree zone."

    (I'm not comparing rape to scamming and I do NOT feel the same way as the cop. Just making a point about blaming the victim. If any man or woman reading this was sexually assaulted, I apologize if you feel I'm mocking your pain. I AM NOT.)

    You just made a very hypocritical comparison.

    any female who gets into a vehicle with an unknown drunk male is taking a HUGE risk. just like a buyer sending a chunk of $$$ (by unrecoverable method) to an unknown "seller" sight unseen and references unchecked.

    *THINK* !

  10. Quote

    This guy (see attached) doesn't just loosen his chest strap to make landing easier, he takes it all the way off. (Don't try this at home unless you're an old timey accuracy jumper!) :)

    isn't the new trend just to have monstrously long chestraps - long enough to hang down to your knee ? I feel that's at least a little safer...

  11. People who cannot use common sense - will get fucked no matter how many roadblocks are built to insure their safety. I have all the sympathy for the victims, but - c'mon, even $1300 is ALOT of money to blindly send somebody. I again, and again, and again advise - GET THE PERSON ON THE PHONE. Overseas phone calls are CHEAP (if that person is not in US/Canada) - make that extra effort.

  12. Quote

    Please tell me where I can get a new CYPRES for a grand, or a dealer price of 850. Since I'm a dealer paying $1300 for them.

    I bet "cypres" is being used as a term for AAD. And there are deals to be found on Arguses. Which of course are no Cypres2 :)

  13. sorry Mike, you ARE correct, i rushed with my reply. It's that very fine thin line between intentional parachute jumping and stunts :(.

    Pilotdave is correct - to the best of my knowledge the AN2 can only be registered as an EXPERIMENTAL, though it obviously is not.


  14. Quote

    For future reference, always try to use a mutually acceptable DZ Rigger or DZO as an escrow service.
    You'll need to talk with your local rigger/DZO first about any fees or their receptivity to being the escrow agent (Escrow fees are negotable).
    Have the seller send the rig to the rigger for inspection along with bill of sale.
    Rigger holds on to the rig until acceptance.
    Upon acceptance, you give the rigger the money to send to the seller.
    Rigger communicates to the seller of acceptance and that money is on the way.
    Rigger holds on to the rig until seller communicates payment is received and then releases the rig to the buyer.
    Rigger sends transaction settlement to both parties.
    If the rig is declined, the rigger sends it back to the seller and sends a termination settlement to both parties.

    Hint: Make it easy on the rigger (escrow agent). Seller and buyer write an agreeement regarding terms and conditions (shipping to, shipping from if declined, who pays escrow agent fees, how long to allow for inspection and acceptance or rejection, method of payment, etc.

    Edit: Or just contact GravityGirl to act as escrow agent... :D

    not everybody is ok with this. One time when I did a "try and buy" (i was SELLING) - the buyer ended up putting 17 SEVENTEEN !!! jumps on the rig, to just return it to me because "he preferred a different canopy". Didn't care to buy it without the canopy either. I figured he got a free gear rental out of me. So now what I do is ask for full payment upfront that's refundable upon 100% compliant return if what I deliver does not comply with what I advertised.

    think UCC article 2
    sale or return
    sale on approval

  15. Quote


    - OFFER TO COME AND PICK UP THE RIG YOURSELF. IF YOU CAN'T...PASS (this doesn't guarantee that if they agree you won't get scammed, or if they don't agree that it is in fact a scam)



    My friend, I hate to keep going back, but : Western Union is a great tool Lots of our friends in South America and some parts of Europe love it.

    Here's my list of things to help (and I sell LOTS of gear) :

    GET THE SELLER ON THE PHONE - that will eliminate 99% of SCAMMERS.

    USE PAYPAL - PAY WITH A CREDIT CARD. IF there are problems - charge back the credit card.
    Get advice from somebody who is current with internet dealings - there are new fraud schemes every day, it's nice to take an extra 5 mins to get that piece of mind.

  16. Quote

    You cannot make an intentional parachute jump from an experimental aircraft in the USA. There are no exceptions, it is forbidden by the FAR's.

    Other than that, the CompAir 7, 8, or 10 would be great jumplanes.

    Mike Mullins

    Mike, sorry, you are incorrect.
    reference :

    QUOTE :
    The AN-2 is a popular jump plane in several other countries. The Russians used it as a paratroop transport. The FAA has, to date, been pretty consistant about prohibiting parachuting from the An-2. One An-2 known to Dragon Aviation is certified for sky-diving at air shows ONLY as part of a show routine. Since the jumpers were intended to be part of the An-2's show, this was okay. However, flying paying jumpers; from a commercial sky-dive facility would not be okay. Hollywood has used an An-2 in a recent Chuck Norris movie in which stunt men were karate'd and fell to their death (parachuted) out the door. This has been done through special; certificate waivers issued for one time use for films and stunts.

  17. Quote


    how much do you think it costs to buy a cop in some of those places ???

    Based on semi-recent experiences, between USD20 and USD50 for a single action, but north of Nigeria (ex French colonies) there is a definite preference for Euros.

    oh my god. The prices have gone up :)

    thank you for backing me up on this. :)

  18. Quote

    You think they would not care about getting arrested? It would be pretty easy by alerting western union and when they goto collect their money they are arrested.
    Nobody likes getting arrested.

    of course they will care.
    you are forgetting that just because they give you a UK address - it does not mean that they have to collect in the UK. They can collect ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD where Western Union has an office.
    Think poor 3rd world country where crooks own the cops.

    to break it down :

    I am a Nigerian who solicits you with an ad on
    you send "me" money to "my" London address using WU
    I go to my local WU station in NIGERIA and my friend an co-scammer get's the withdrawl "approved"
    I get the money
    you get NOTHING

    how much do you think it costs to buy a cop in some of those places ???

  19. Quote

    Dont you think it is time we sorted this guy out once and for all? He has already stolen a few jumpers money. I reackon we should at least try and get this guy busted by the cops and try and get the victims money back.

    Anyway, he will not reply to me, i just noticed he is watching the forums.


    it's not a "guy" - it's a syndicate. Plus whereever they are, cops could care less. This scam is done in every type of classifieds, they don't care about the things they are "selling". Wasting time getting them busted is like pissing against the wind. It's better to IP block, put in some advance scam monitoring filters, etc.

  20. no, the manufacturers have NOTHING to do with the AAD section in the classifieds. I bet if you call any supplier, they will gladly sell you as many AADs as you want at or closeto MSRP.

    Unlike main/reserve/container - the AAD is good to you for it's whole lifetime (which very minor outlying exception of swoopers and Cypres1). So most people who stick to the sport will be very unlikely to sell their AAD - rather keep going through their gear cycles and recycling their old AAD.

    Best advice to FIND one - keep looking.. There's no magic catch-all solution - the AADs are simply not a device sold-off too often, just like any other thing that you put to use and does it's job well for you :)

    Good luck !