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    Seven Hills Skydivers
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  1. I'm sure everybody noticed there are a lot of new CRW pups in Wisconsin this summer. Thankfully, Razz and April decided to stay at their home DZ this past weekend, and I got my first canopy docks in. Razz, Porter (another pup at 7Hills), and I did a 3 stack for my second jump. For my 3rd jump I did a 4 stack with Razz and a couple other members at our club (All photos courtesy of April Schuldt). Some of you may recognize the colors on the canopy I'm borrowing. A dog by the name of Q bought that canopy as a loaner for new pups shortly before he died. Unfortunately it sat in a closet most of the time since. The good news is, it's back out doing what it was meant to: getting pups into canopy formations. Think, then type.
  2. 79$ doesnt sound as ruthless as these prices. How about paying 899€ for a one meter digital XLR cable ? Though the best money comes from analog cables: Over 5000€ for a pair of 2 meter speaker cables.. I learned my lesson on analog cables... no more cheapo brand from the grocery store. Not many applications call for more than about a $30 cable even iin analog, tho. Think, then type.
  3. A bulb that tiny drawing 250 watts is still going to have huge physical temperatures. Oh, and don't forget the lead/acid weight belt you're going to need to power the little devil! Think, then type.
  4. Don't do that! saying that you can't have magnification below 1.0 is like saying you can't have negative acceleration... it's simply untrue. Also, lens magnification is a function of both lens shape, and distance between lens and subject, as well as lens and viewer (CCD in this case). whether the lens is lower profile is based on manufacturing and design practices, not it's magnification rating. Pretty much any highschool or college level general physics book will have a good section on the math behind lens applications. I suggest checking one out and get yourself some baseline knowledge before taking the word of Joe Blow on the forums. Also, check your local public library for books on photography. If it's published, it's more likely to be based in fact vs. hearsay. Think, then type.
  5. when you play with the cutaway, do it in a small closet or bathroom with the toilet lid down and the drains plugged. Small pieces will try their damnedest to disappear on you. Think, then type.
  6. Multiple formats don't make for low prices. It's good that there's only one top tier format, since it means there's only one top tier video collection. I've been waiting to find out which HiDef DVD format would be the new Betamax. Now I'll wait for widespread licensing and price drops, just like with every major technology upgrade. I just paid $40 for a 1080i upconverter with divx from walmart. It's not as nice as bluray, but the difference in quality is nowhere near the thousands of dollars it would cost me to upgrade my whole collection, much of which isn't even available in BluRay yet. Please folks, don't bitch about new technology being expensive. Invariably, new technology is expensive, then it ages and becomes affordable. It's the way of the world. Just look at the most complicated machine in most homes, the VCR. More complex than a turbocharged direct injected car with all the options, and available new for under $30. Before you know it, Blockbuster will have previously viewed BluRays for $10. Think, then type.
  7. I've been in this sport long enough that I shouldn't still be a WFFC virgin, but school and other things got in the way. Bring it back so I can see for myself what everybody loves so much. Packy Think, then type.
  8. Everybody's got their opinions, and Bill Booth made his clear on episode 16 or 17 of skydive radio. They're two long episodes and I don't have timestamps, but they're interesting and Bill talks a lot about the skyhook. Also, everybody who's planning on talking about the skyhook should read the packing instructions here --> http://www.unitedparachutetechnologies.com/PDF/skyhook/09109PackIns.pdf I jump with an RSL, but when I practice my EP's and when I make my students practice EP's, the silver handle still gets pulled. It's a race I'm not likely to win, but that won't stop me from competing. less relevant opinions--> Personally I don't jump a skyhook because it's not worth refitting my 16 year old vector, and I'm not convinced that V3's and Javelins are worth the $4k or so they ring up to with options that aerodyne includes (other than the skyhook). I'll own one eventually, just probably not soon. Think, then type.
  9. I'm lead to believe people grossly misunderstood my last post in this thread. To clarify, the original poster was wondering about who can legally alter a parachute. 65.111 (b) (3) states "No person may... alter any main parachute of a dual-parachute system to be used for intentional parachute jumping in connection with civil aircraft of the United States unless that person... Is the person making the next parachute jump with that parachute." Therefore, anybody can modify the main parachute as long as they make the first jump using that parachute after the modifications are made, hence the addition of 1 jump ticket to the fee for alterations. Until they are passed and published, what regulations are in the works have no effect whatsoever on who can alter mains. Also, since BASE jumps aren't made from US civil aircraft (unless you're jumping off a helicopter parked on a cliff, or some other ridiculous scenario) this section doesn't cover BASE in any way. Think, then type.
  10. Subpart F—Parachute Riggers § 65.111 Certificate required. (a) No person may pack, maintain, or alter any personnel-carrying parachute intended for emergency use in connection with civil aircraft of the United States (including the reserve parachute of a dual parachute system to be used for intentional parachute jumping) unless that person holds an appropriate current certificate and type rating issued under this subpart and complies with §§65.127 through 65.133. (b) No person may pack, maintain, or alter any main parachute of a dual-parachute system to be used for intentional parachute jumping in connection with civil aircraft of the United States unless that person— (1) Has an appropriate current certificate issued under this subpart; (2) Is under the supervision of a current certificated parachute rigger; (3) Is the person making the next parachute jump with that parachute in accordance with §105.43(a) of this chapter; or (4) Is the parachutist in command making the next parachute jump with that parachute in a tandem parachute operation conducted under §105.45(b)(1) of this chapter. Everybody read number 3 closely, then if you are questioning your legal ability to alter mains, add one jump ticket to your fee. Packy