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Everything posted by johndh1

  1. That's something we all agree on...except Demopolis...err, demopolice, in his predictions. He's trying to throw some dirt over miscalculating swoopers on the field like Jimmy Hoffa or cat shit or something. I'm just glad he has so many friends around to encourage his assertions and tell him "you go girl!" Roll Tide Roll
  2. Was"Muriel'sWedding" and 80's movie? Roll Tide Roll
  3. Your favorite Gramma liked it. Roll Tide Roll
  4. "Back off, Betch - I'll poke your eyes out with my hands tied behind my back..." Princess Ardala/Pamela Helmsley/bad girl who everyone wants to be with. Almost as hot? Cylon 2005. Roll Tide Roll
  5. I tuned in late, but I would swear that the host's tandem was at Z-hills. Roll Tide Roll
  6. Erin Gray - and it just hit me how much that woman favors Nicky Hilton in the face. Roll Tide Roll
  7. Ugh. I just hit wikipedia. 1979? New Chicago. Don't forget 24th century dominatrix Princess Ardala. Roll Tide Roll
  8. THIS ONE used to scare little lad when he was younger - In the Great Lakes, almost 6,000 shipwrecks have occurred since 1878. Scary, especially considering how far inland they were. Not to mention the lost airplanes. Roll Tide Roll
  9. Washington? I know your environment is more accepting, but how did you, as a guy, obtain membership into Curves? Roll Tide Roll
  10. Me too! Hey, I was a kid! I used to think Boy George was an ugly/cool woman. Time Bandits - one of the first VHS movies my dysfunctional family rented for Friday night. Goonies? The fat kid grew up to be Jerry O'Connell?! Christy was good, but Tatum was the bomb. Also, please tell me I am not the only 30-something who remembers Susan Anton in "Cliffhangers?" That was before Dudley Moore, and well before Daisy Duke in the "Cannonball Run II." Buck Rogers, bitches..Erin Gray Roll Tide Roll
  11. For me, it was a combination. On the same Chevrolet pickup, I saw a "Calvin" decal snickering in the back window as he urinated on a "Ford" emblem. In addition, dangling from the trailer hitch was a set of oversized metal testicles. Granted, it was a Florida Panhandle tag, but I have seen this mysterious combination numerous times locally - and it is Talladega weekend (5 miles away). Hot, or not? Hate to say it, folks, but I'll bet this guy votes Republican just like I usually do - this is one of those issues where "the enemy of my enemy is not my friend." Third Party! Roll Tide Roll
  12. And one more freakshow with a good song. Saw him recently on Graham Norton, and he looks like the photo-negative of that Amanda LePore thing: Roll Tide Roll
  13. One more off-the-wall, but especially since she's a Birmingham gal: Roll Tide Roll
  14. Not my favorite at all, and it just came to me for some reason. I hadn't seen or heard it in like twelve years and I'm almost afraid to post it, but here goes. Anyone recognize this forgettable one-hit-wonder (I know, "hit" is a stretch): Now this one didn't get the popularity it deserved, and I still have the original CD: Roll Tide Roll
  15. What about The Bodyguard? I liked Pretty Woman too, but I think the best thing about that was that Debby and Becki were pretending to ignore me that night on the way to Huntsville from the back seat of Becki's car when they just turned the radio way up, and I did this flailing move where I shouted "Turn the radio down noooowwww..." and then, in the silence of the night, I let the most pronounced and acute fart you could ever imagine. That was payback from their little Acapello song toward me they made up earlier going through Arab..."V (clap-clap, clap-clap)- I - (clap-clap, clap-clap) -R- (clap-clap, clap-clap) -G-(clap-clap, clap-clap)- I-(clap-clap, clap-clap)-N-(clap-clap, clap-clap)...bring it home to me Becki!" I love the 80's. Prince. Madonna. Reagan. It was all good. Roll Tide Roll
  16. Has anyone said St. Elmo's Fire yet? What about Purple Rain? Roll Tide Roll
  17. Argh! Poltergeist, ET, and Red Dawn. I hate when people say "choose only one." Roll Tide Roll
  18. You have got to be kidding me. That was so funny, and good. You really should make a video. I made up a song on Curley's trip to Switzerland a couple of weeks ago: "Jet lag and warm beers and banged-up car rentals/ B.A.S.E. jumps and yo-de-ling, 'Yanks spiele mental !'/ Angry mule drivers and drunken puke-streams/ These are a few of my favorite things." >>>No disrespect intended toward the Von Trapps
  19. It's this nation's fault of trying to legislate morality and buy votes from the stupid, and the fact that so many feel the need to belong to a group of like-minded, being scared into voting. I just hate the hypocrisy of it all. John Edwards with his $400.00 haircut and his 20,000 sq ft mansion, purporting to represent the underprivileged? need to explain. Gore and his own personal "carbon footprint" from the jets "...but they were already going there, you see?" Bush's #1 Evangelical out in Colorado and his meth habit supplied by his male prostitute. I just love it how everyone gets on CNN or FOX and throws out these campaign platforms, but when they get caught themselves, it's "...oh, that's a private matter, between myself, my wife, and my God..." Roll Tide Roll
  20. Because to someone like me, they are the obvious, and it's unfair to group them. They are stand-alones. Had I started this thread instead of the jolly Englishman, I would have said "Name your favorite 80's movies after the Star Wars Empire/Jedi..." Oh, let me add also, "Alien." Roll Tide Roll
  21. Weird Science or The Lost Boys. Star Wars movies don't count. Roll Tide Roll
  22. Uh, I thought they were hinting at Foley. Roll Tide Roll
  23. The "crickets chirping" and most of his responses thus far imply to me that he doesn't want to know. But at least we know. "They" may screw over a lot of people, and may impose temporary setbacks upon the resistant, but "they" don't always win, do they? No. They Don't. I am sure of that. Roll Tide Roll
  24. Look, you "Boobies" people, obviously you didn't get the hint earlier - I spend enough time alone in the bathroom combing my hair because of the detailed ideas from some of the threads here. Let us have one platonic conversation, please... Roll Tide Roll