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Everything posted by biker117

  1. if the bushes had slowed his flight, he couldn't have gained the required altitude for opening. an impact with bushes at such a high speed must be violent. so he probably only tuched them wiht his belly. could they have easyly made him unstable in flight?
  2. the bushes can't have have had much resistance where he touched them?
  3. it can't have been on purpose. would he want to touch the bushes in full flight? he probably tried to go very close, but not that close. is a wingsuit flight so controllable? if he had gone a foot or so further down, the bush could have made him spinning or make him loose control.
  4. [explained Cani, who skimmed the bushes after flying past Christ the Redeemer.] well he probably didn't hit the ground, only the bushes, but it's still incredible that he could sustained his flight.
  5. I'm finding myself in the same position. Me too started skydiving partly because it's the first step in the direction of base jumping. I'm still far away from the decision wether to start base jumping or not, but like you I spend 50 percent of my jumps trying to improve my tracking. In addition I got to know a high-skilled jumper at my dropzone who was about to get into base and I started asking him questions about base and he even let me watch him packing a base chute several times. When he did his first jumps he told me all about it. I kind of enjoy trying to improve skills neccessary for base, but still not having made the ultimate decision. It's like something very special is waiting out there for me which I can take when I'm ready for it or leave it. It's an option. The thing about base which I find very appealing is the pureness of the experience in the neature since one usually achieves the altitude with pure body power and going beyond a limit which is originally set for all cratures (going off an edge and living) with the use of human innovation and intelligence (gear and knowing how to use it) In the End Base is something one has to work very hard for. Many obstacles have to be solved reffering to the must of skill in an unforgiving sport like base. Greets Erik