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  1. It's been a long time since I've been here. Just wanted to say Blue Skies Muppet. You had so many friends that will always miss you.
  2. How does the US breed people who think this way? Is it something in the water? Is it the rooting for sports teams? Is it the competitiveness between neighboring high schools that plants these seeds? Yeah, I have some neighbors like you here in Bathurst. :) they're wussies too.
  3. This is a man's topic, you wouldn't understand. Somethings, like mofo muslims like to be killed, so we should just give them a hand. Oh, and I already have a big gun. that thing sure is cute:)
  4. Fuck! (no really. when? am I going to have to do it all myself?)
  5. I think line twists during S/L jumps are awesome! um...wait, what was the question? It's amazing that a simple question like that can bring on the attitude. Really, there are a few good reasons for line twists on S/L, and it's pretty simple for anyone to narrow down the logical's pretty elementary.
  6. Oh get over it! I can't make a joke about a couple potheads giving a dingbat, unfunny performance? jeez. I think the whole thing is fucked up...they never should've been arrested, but they could've been a bit more adult about their press conference. thousands of people had their day screwed up by this crazy over-reaction by the Boston authorites, and these two guys could have shined for the media.....good PR, considering they may ACTUALLY be in a shitload of trouble (the boston Mayor being the complete moron that he is) and instead- they acted like ..well, douche bags. It had nothing to do with "the media sheep" and everything to do with pointing out the real problem...Boston Authorites don't watch Adult Swim!
  7. At first, once this came to *light*, I thought it was a giant, stupid-bomb layed by the Boston DA in arresting those two guys. BUT then I saw them outside the courthouse this afternoon. Holy dickwads, batman! I say lock 'um up now...don't even give them a day in court.........for simply being huge Douche Bags in need of a kick to the head. Other than their douche bag performance, I think it was pretty good marketing.