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Everything posted by damion75

  1. You need to apply for a form from the Department for the Rules of Life at Oxford University. These need to be filled in in Triplicate... one copy for the doctor, one for the President and one for the Bionic Man. The application fee is $1.25 plus postage and packing. This was supposed to be a serious thread dammit! *************** Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.
  2. *leaves DZ.com to look up flight prices to Chicago - purely in the interest of helping out of course* *************** Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.
  3. Rules for life: 1. Have fun (courtesy of RoadRash Philosophy Ltd) 2. You only get one. 3. Nobody can live it for you. 4. Nobody knows what it is for. 5. Nobody knows what the rules are. 6. If you mess it up, you don’t get to have another (see rule 2) 7. If you waste it, ditto. 8. Other people may try to mess it up for you – only you can prevent this. 9. Not drinking, smoking or having casual sex may make life longer or not, but it will seem like it. 10. If you spend all of it working, you will break rule 1. Errr... I'm sure that there are plenty more...
  4. Aha! a new thread idea... I shall credit you with part of it! *************** Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.
  5. I've been called worse... I've even been called stuff which WASN'T true! But seriously, you try going without, and without prospect of any for six months and see how your brain works afterwards!! *************** Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.
  6. And you have to publish the photos or your guy card gets revoked! Threads effectively hijacked today = 3 *************** Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.
  7. I had to read that twice before I realized it had "tit" instead of "tid"... ~R+R...I think you have boobies on the brain...... UK spelling - maybe we have boobies on the brain as a nation!! I said that like it was a bad thing... *************** Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.
  8. People that can spell encyclopedia are smart too. I agree! That would be me then... Oxford Dictionary Don't spank me just because I don't conform to your modern shortened word language!
  9. I am touched by your concern! ~R+R
  10. Good on you - now stop typing and get on the Cabana-phone!!
  11. No - they're just geeks... j/k! How about this titbit... The cult of the Assassins For all those of you who didn't already know...
  12. Congrats! Enjoy it and stay safe! Oh yes... *************** Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.
  13. Agreed that lowering the speed might make the landing less likely to hurt, but the words of wisdom on the Pilot are that it lands really well so... It must be some flaring problem? I went through a similar problem at a similar stage (not so long ago!) and on a Spectre legendary for good landings. It turned out that I was starting too low and just wasn't using the whole flare. Coaching has to be the way forward. I really want to do one of those canopy control courses.
  14. This is probably an American thing, which is why I don't understand it... but what exactly IS a Cabana Boy? (obviously I got that it is your guy, but what does the slang mean?) (He's gonna love this......) Slang wise...well, for me it is someone who lathers me in oil and fans me with palm fronds...but in reality, think tropical, a dark complected guy in a white uniform serving fruity drinks...... ~R+R...You are reading an encyclopedia...look it up!!! I just did... it just came up with something about a Marine... Cabana Boy Well I guess you got the white uniform it anyway...!
  15. These things should definitely be shared. My task always seems to be coming up with the sauce... *************** Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.
  16. This is probably an American thing, which is why I don't understand it... but what exactly IS a Cabana Boy? (obviously I got that it is your guy, but what does the slang mean?) *************** Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.
  17. Now there's an idea I find hard to resist... hmmm let me just find an attractive clean young woman here in this military camp... Days to push... days to push. But tell me, did you know this: If a Mongol soldier was struck with an arrow, it penetrated the skin and sank into the flesh. However, the silk was not cut but pulled into the wound. Mongol doctors could easily pull an arrow from the wound, because it was wrapped in silken cloth. This reduced the chance of infection and made cleaning and dressing the wound easier, hopefully returning the skilled warrior to combat more quickly. I mean, I knew that silk sheets prevented nasty friction burns but this is a whole new idea...
  18. It is always a bit slow surfing DZ.com at the weekends here... and there is very little work to do. I have just discovered an online encyclopaedia: The Wikipedia And I have surfed it from the Cathars through the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail to some stuff about the original assassins and the mongols... I will be full of useless information by the morning!
  19. I am told that chilli sauce is a bad idea... although I am not speaking from experience... And ice cream might have undesirable effects... after all, sausage is not at its best when cold. You could try it with alcohol? So true...
  20. What exactly are you admitting to here??!! *************** Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.
  21. "For evil to triumph, all that is necessary is for good men to do nothing." I would love to say that I am shocked that nobody did anything, but I am not. There are too many people (the majority?) these days who will stand back and let petty criminals and thieves get away with it. It makes me feel sick. *************** Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.
  22. So many answers spring up to that one... but I shall be strong... STRONG I TELL YOU... and refrain. Oh come, give me your best shot...PUT UP YOUR DUKES!!!!!!!!!! ~R+R......come on, this should be fun... Well the important thing when frying the sausage is to use plenty of oil. It should then be served with plenty of sauce. Although some people prefer whipped cream. The great thing about sausage is that while you can have it as a proper dinner (at the table), you can actually enjoy it almost anywhere... in front of the TV, al fresco at a picnic, or even sneak one in to the cinema. Some people even like to share with a friend... Shall I stop now?! Oh yes... HIJACK!!!!!!! *************** Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.
  23. [reply.Just curious, do you tend to fry your food naked on a regular basis or do you take naked chef quite literally? ~R+R Cross thread conversation! That will throw people!! No, naked frying bad , naked making noodles and baking good... Ok - I mostly do wear clothes but then it does get pretty cold in the north of the UK!! Which makes being naked less of an option for many reasons... *************** Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.
  24. I would have loved to but my main flying buddy is coming out here more or less as I leave so... I have now planned to do the Espace Boogie and the Czech Boogie instead... two for the price of ... er... well anyway. I will be at Eloy for new year though, and definitely WFFC next year! *************** Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.