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Everything posted by casey

  1. Thanks to everyone who has taken the survey. I appreciate the words of encouragement from some of you. I will be happy to share the results after we have finished doing the analysis. Anyone who is interested can email me at [email protected]. It will be a couple of months before they are ready though. Blue Skies! Casey
  2. Hi everyone, I am Casey Findley I am former skydiver and a graduate student at Auburn University Montgomery (AUM). I am doing research and writing papers on extreme sports. I have a survey going right now online. I have people from several different extreme sports, but I need some skydiver representation. SO, would you guys (& gals) please take my survey? Here is the link: You might have to copy and paste it. I really appreciate your help. Blues Skies to All. Casey
  3. The busy season here is the entire winter/the time when you guys are "snow bound". We can't guarrantee any specific numbers, but it is a very good opportunity to look into.
  4. My HUSBAND can do video, he has @ 550 jumps...
  5. Great Opportunity for a Tandem Operation at our airfield. We own a private airport on Pine Island, just off the coast of Ft. Myers, FL that has potential for a tandem operation. We run scenic flights from this airport and it is becoming very popular. My husband and I both skydive and my husband can do video. We both think that it is a good opportunity. Anybody who is interested can contact Jamie at 239-344-6909 or [email protected] You can check out the flying school and an aerial view of the airfield at
  6. Hi all, My husband and I (both skydivers) have just moved to the Cape Coral/Ft. Myers FL area. We are looking for other skydivers in this area to meet and also wondering where the nearest dropzone is. Please reply if you have any info that might be helpful.
  7. casey

    Ft Myers FL

    Hi all, My husband and I (both skydivers) have just moved to the Cape Coral/Ft. Myers FL area. We are looking for other skydivers in this area to meet and also wondering where the nearest dropzone is. Please reply if you have any info that might be helpful.
  8. Hi all, My husband and I (both skydivers) are going to be moving to the Ft. Myers area of Florida in about a month, we are coming from South Africa. We were wondering what dropzones are nearby. We visited in that area about 1 1/2 years ago and accidentally ran into a travelling dropzone that ran out of Naples. I think the people's names were Mary and Stewart. Does anyone know how to contact them, or if they are still operating, or if there are any other nice dropzones that aren't a huge drive from Ft. Myers???
  9. After I started skydiving, it became an unspoken mandatory requirement to date me that a guy HAD to skydive. They all at the very least had a tandem. Then I fell completely in love with a totally awesome skydiver at my DZ and married him. Now I don't ever have to worry about the whuffo dating problem again!! Simple Solution: Marry a Skydiver!! haha
  10. Tell your co-worker that it is a little thing called "adrenalin addiction".......
  11. casey

    Valentine's Day?

    Okay, what is something inexpensive, thoughtful, and really cool that I could get for a skydiving boyfriend? (and don't say anything about boobies, i'm serious)
  12. casey

    Favorite DZ?

    SKYDIVE ALABAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS BY FAR THE MOST FRIENDLY GROUP OF SKYDIVERS IN THE COUNTRY! Check it out...............
  13. casey

    Skydive Alabama

    I have jumped at Skydive Alabama quite often recently and I think that it one of the best dropzones in the region. The staff is very experienced, friendly, and honest. I had more problems with the people at ASC (Cedartown) being dishonest with me that I care to go into detail about. Skydive Alabama is a wonderful atmosphere for skydivers of all experience levels. They also have great tandemasters and an excellent AFF program. They also actually do have indoor packing room available as well as a carpeted packing area in the hangar. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND SKYDIVE ALABAMA to up jumpers and beginners alike! I've had a blast every time that I've been!
  14. casey

    Cutaway results

    Don't you think it is a little odd that so many people downed "Cutaway" in the forums, but it is winning on the poll on the home page? HHMmmmm........
  15. casey


    I started jumping at age 19, presently I am 20.........
  16. Yeah, that's right, I'm from Alabama, which just so happens to be right next to GEORGIA. I hope that it's not a problem for you to be in the south, at least the DZs are open.......
  17. I would definitely buy a few if someone could get it all started up.
  18. Hellloooo? Why has no one suggested "CUTAWAY", filmed at Skydive Miami?! It my favorite skydiving movie of all!!!!!!!!
  19. I am definitely going to participate on this one! ;)
  20. casey

    Naked Video 2

    Here is a video that may give those who are asking about naked skydiving and idea of what it may be like...;) P.S. the file was too big, here is the site....
  21. I started a Dive Club (skydiving and scuba diving) at my university last semester. I found that there was a lot of interest from the students. However, the school was not interested in funding us at all (but they did let me use their facilities). But, I did get massive discounts on a heap of tandems. Eventually, the school gave us the axe because such "potentially dangerous activities were not covered" by their insurance policy. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I still got together group trips though, who needs the university anyway... We still had a blast (and still got group discounts) ;)
  22. casey

    Skydiving songs

    I am in the process of downloading several new songs on my computer. Could you suggest any cool skydiving related songs?