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Everything posted by aheavenlytiger

  1. No door fear per say, more of a "diving exit fear". I have no qualms about making a poised exit, but am a little nervous with the diving ones Maybe its just a comfort zone thing...
  2. I've jumped the one Student Wings they have at the Ranch right now, and I refuse to use a Telesis anymore... I wait for the Wings to come down and get all packed and readjust it to fit me. Being 5'5", I appreciate the additional adjustability over the Telesis immensely. Side note: I also prefer the Nav 200 they have in there as opposed to the 220 in the Telesis
  3. I don't know why, but my entire post vanished and I got an annoying error message when I tried to post... I absolutely understand where you are coming from on not wanting to jump with the larger canopy. Up until The Ranch got the sweet new student Wings with the Navigator 200 in it, I was under a Nav 220, and felt like the canopy flew me where it wanted me to go in the wind. I couldn't get forwards drive when I was in full flight into the wind. Even though I have my gear almost all accumulated I still have to put in a more jumps in studen gear. I've taken to waiting for the Wings even if it means going on a later load to have the comfort factor.
  4. Yay! Let me know when you're planning on going!
  5. I don't know if its going to happen this summer, but eventually I'd like to go on a road trip and just go to DZ's all over the place, meeting people, jumping, and just having fun. I'll have to save up for a while before that happens though, because I'm pretty much wiped out right now from "start-up costs."
  6. Since I've introducing myself to the dropzone.com community as a whole already, I'd like to also say to something to Christina (if you're even a member)- you know who you are if you're on here - I give you so much credit for what you had to deal with last week. I hope that I never find myself in that situation, because I don't know exactly how well I'd handle it. Good luck with the rest of IAF, and hopefully I'll see you soon.
  7. You should at least come visit us at the Ranch... It would be nice to have some other newbies from here up there with me I must admit though, Florida is nice and warm and sunny... very good things in my book.
  8. Hello everyone!! After spending who knows how many hours reading through forums and looking for gear, I'm making the jump into actually posting Anyway, I'm almost done with student stuff, and so close to my A I can taste it-- I still have to go and do 1 coach jump, my hop & pop and prove I can pack but since I don't have a rig of my own yet (it's almost complete