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Everything posted by Richards

  1. Excellent point. Too many people today do not get that My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  2. Are you actually following the discussion and reading the commentary in context or simply selecting bits of text that can in isolation be inflamatory and misconstrued for the purpose of a straw man argument. I have already clarified your first point and already answered your question with respect to "flipping off other drivers" My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  3. You hit the nail right on the head with the comment "when used appropriately". Kelpdiver pointed out a potential abuse that I overlooked and I will avoid doing that. I still plan on using it when the situation merits (and if I can get one ordered across the border). My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  4. I actually heard one of these guys on his cell-phone being loud as hell in a library (apparently they do not enforce silence anymore) and he gave the person on the other end of the line his number loud enough for me to copy down. I then proceeded to a pay phone, called him and told him to shut up. I wish I could have seen the look on his face. But seriously, I have tried numerous approaches to no avail. Most of the time I end up having to relocate and have about 5 minutes of silence until somone else has their phone go off. I am tired of confrontations (and I really do start off trying to be polite with these people). I am also tired of taking time out of what I am doing to deal with the problem. This is a quick resolution and since I only have to press it for about two seconds and the range is limmitted I supect that the "collateral damage" will be minimal. In most places where i would use it there are signs saying "no cell-phones" so nobody can really cry foul. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  5. I think Richard's point is that there are still inconsiderate assholes, who impose on everyone within earshot and that he'd like to be able to deliver a little vigilante justice. But like many vigilantes, he's shooting everyone in sight, rather than actual criminals. Oh give me a break. If some jackass has his cellphone ring tune go off in the middle of a movie and answers with a loud "waazzzuuupp " and starts babbling with utter disregard for those who are trying to hear the movie and I press this thing for a whole of three seconds to cut his call off; How many cellphone users in that theatre in the middle of the movie are going to be victimized during those 3 seconds??? Lets put this into perspective. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  6. Oh here we go with the hyperbole. I simply pointed out that there is a complete lack of courtesy and I am sick of idiots who want to scream their conversations to the whole world. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  7. Bill if I have to jam some dickhead for 3 whole seconds and coincidentally they try to call your freind (and get cut off) at that exact same second then they will call right back a second later. If they require faster time reaction than that I suspect your frind will not be on call but actually on the scene. And so long as someone does not leave this on constantly no harm will be done. It can be used in bursts for a couple of seconds If I received a call (on silent buzz mode) at the same time some jackass on a cellphone 3 rows ahead of me was yelling into his cell-phone and all of a sudden he and I got cut off, I would simply look at my call display. If it was St. Michaels Hospital I would simply go "Oh Shit" and leave the theatre. To claim that using this device is goinng to result in loss of life is ridiculous. I agree. And until someone implements that perfect "make every-body happy" solution I will settle for using this device. I doubt my actions will cause the horrific calamities that some posters are claiming they will when I heinously victimize innocent cellphone users for all of two seconds in a movie theatre, monster that I am. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  8. Before you fly off into hysterics read the bit I said about waiting until someone becomes a problem before I use it. Monster I am? Oh good lord....someone might be inconvenienced by having their phone conversation cut off. God forbid that in todays world someone shoud be inconvenienced. Apparently that is only supposed to happen to those of us who wish for some peace and quiet so we can get some work done. What kind of monster would do such a thing? I've dealt with far too many in the past few years. I simply wish to fight back. Oh boo-hoo a few cell-phone users might get cut off in the process. The world will not stop spinning on it's axis if that happenens you know. You are selectively reading my post to make your argument. I conceeded to Kelpdiver that I would only use it when someone is innappropriately using a cellphone. If I am in a theatre and someone has a loud sing-song chime and chooses to talk loudly I can simply end his conversation. I do not have to keep the damn thing on the whole time. Once his conversation is cut he has to try again and get cut again and so-on until he decides to leave the theatre and conduct his conversation somewhere that has "better reception". It does not have to be left on. Once I cut him off I can simply turn the jammer off and all of those good cell-phone users can still receive messages on vibrate mode which they will undoubtedly take outside the theatre. You are blowing this way out of proportion to make a straw man argument. Yes I suppose hitting everyone named Dick (last name) with a bat guarantees that you will ultimately eliminate my crankiness from the world. I have certainly not advocated anything quite that extreme. Cantankerous? Never been called that before. Anyway, I was brought up to always take into account the effect my actions may have on others (yes I know someone will spin that statement against my desire to use this device). Todays society has no consideration. What would you do if you were a student and you could not get anything done at the school because jackasses with cellphones made no attempt to show any consideration for those around them and attempts to deal with the problem directly just led to unpleasant confrontations? Cell-phones are wonderful devices and can contribute greatly to todays society but they are a also a curse. Too many fuckheads couldn't give a flying motherfuck weather or not anyone around them can hear themselves think and these same assholes will basically tell you to fuck off if you try to quiet them down. Call security? Yeah they ever do anything. Will a five second burst of cell-phone jamming frequency be that big of an inconvenience to the average person in a movie theatre, library or a restaurent? No. Where I am right now seems to have better etiquette with this sort of thing so I would not use it here, but don' expect me to suffer in silence if some fuckbag wants to scream his conversation to the whole world while I am trying to enjoy a mivie, diner or get some work done. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  9. And neither of these sets of people give a shit about the rest of us. Blame the ones who forced others to resort to using these. Also as you may recall I did agree that if I got one I would not turn it on right away, but would wait until someone gave me a reason too. Again I am open to constructive solutions but right now this may get other cell-phone users to start policing the bad ones. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  10. It is the total lack of consideration that is forcing people to resort to using these. While there are some pranksters do you really beleive that the majority of people who are shelling out cash and taking the time to use these are actually trying to make this world a less courteous place? People using these are not the problem. People forcing people to resort to using these are the problem My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  11. That's why cell phone jammers are illegal in the US. Sometimes inconsiderate people can only be coerced with the force of law. So at the gut level you can appreciate the effectiveness of shifting the consequence. From that you should be able to see why many like myself would like to be able to use this device. I am sure that most of the people who want to use one are not out to be pranksters. Most just want to send a message to the loudmouthed cell-yellers. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  12. Straw man arguments are not normally your style. I am somewhat surprised. Anyway, to answer your questions; cell phones in public places-Depends on how courteous they are smokers-No problem. If anything I think that the backlash against smokesr has been a bit excessive (and no I have never smoked) dopers-so long as you are not endangering me I do not care what you put into your body CrW dawgs- Why would I dislike them? swoopers-I have heard the various debates pro/con but I do not have the experience to offer an opinion one way or another public urinators-Again, many of us have felt the urge and not been able to find a bathroom. All I ask is that people exercise some courtesy by picking a reasonably discrete place (and not doing it on the war memorial). I once saw some dickhead swaggering along in hip-hop clothes oozing attitude in the middle of a crowded sidewalk stop and theatrically unzip and pull out his schlong and piss right there on the sidewalk (not even facing the wall). He seemed to be quite proud of himself and gave everyone a look as if to say "that's right this is my big dick pissing on your sidewalk. What are you going to do about it?". I personally would not have seen any harm in the cops taking this guy into a back alley to teach him some manners with the baton. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  13. I do not enjoy being maliscious. I realize that from an outsiders view the desire to block cell-phones may seem childishly vindictive but it in my experience that sometimes is what it takes. If you have two groups of people and only one side seems to be paying the price for the others actions often the group causing problems have no incentive to change their behaviour because they perceive the other group as being whiners. Tring to speak to some people often results in being blown off. Sometimes both sides of the debate need to get angry before people are willing to discuss constructive solutions. If I am someone who is naturally inconsiderate and my behaviour is bothering you why will I care to change it if it is upsetting you and not me? That is the way many people think. Sometimes you have to speak to them on their level. I do not like knee jerk solutions to inconsiderate people but I have always found that they are often the only thing that works. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  14. The conduct of most cell-phone users indicate that far too many are stupid. I don't have an answer for you there. Again if you can suggest a solution that will work I am all ears. I am just getting fed up with people who show no consideration. I am also tired of getting into blow-ups with people who act like jerks with their phone. This just seems like a simpler way of getting some peace of mind while I sit in a theatre to enjoy seeing and hearing a movie I have paid to attend. I would rather use that than have to ask a waiter to move my wife and I to another table when some guy at the next table uses the restaurent as his personal call center. Constructive solutions? My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  15. Short term solution until a better one comes along. Is it critical that you get that call the instant it comes? Can you not check your messages after the movie? If a call was that absolutely urgent I would not be going to a theatre. What did people do before cell-phones? There is no easy solution that will make all people happy. One should ask themselves why many people are anxious to buy one of these though. I do not like hearing phone chatter in a theatre or a library. You might show a certain degree of courtesy, but far too many don't. It is not just a small minority that don't show courtesy, it is becoming the norm. You ask what will be learned by doing this. The problem users can't seem to be bothered to learn anything right now because their behaviour is not affecting them. Once it starts affecting them they might think. If you can suggest an alternative that will work I will consider it. The problem is that merely offering silent ringing depends on the willingness of the cell-phone user to actaully switch it to that. Most wont bother. Instead you hear some ridiculous sing-song chime followed by a booming "waazzzuuuuppp" Nothing seems to be getting through to most cell-phone users. Again, maybe the frustration of occasionally being blocked might force people to think a bit about other people when using a cell-phone. Again I supect that the use of these jammers will die off when the abusers finally get the point (mostly due to having their calls interupted/blocked). However, taking your point into consideration, if I get one I will wait until I hear ringing (in an innapropriate location) before I use it. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  16. What would be wrong with that? How did people cope with going to theatres befor the advent of the cell-phone? It would not kill somone to go for an hour and a half without phone access. Maybe if these devices started driving cell-phone users crazy they might actually give some thought to why people are doing this in the first place ! Sometimes it takes a bit of backlash before people consider the effect that their behaviour is having on others. Again, even if some courteous cell-phone users are hurt by this in the short run, think of how many people have been driven nuts by rude cell-phone talkers until now. If this product forces cell-phone users to start giving some thought to how their actions affect others, people eventually will not feel the need to use these. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  17. My point presumes (perhaps erroneously) that the person doing the jamming is exercising a bit of discretion. It looks from the ad that it is pretty small and it apparently can still work even if it is inside your bag or jacket pocket. Unless there are only one or two people who are not talking on cell-phones it may be pretty hard to identify the person doing the jamming. I want one. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  18. The other cell-phone users will know that someone in the room has a jammer (as these devices become more well known). They won't know who is doing it but they will probably be able to figure out why it is being done. Since they cannot punishg the one doing the jamming, they can punish the loudmouth. This will cause cell-phone users to police themselves. Fair? I don't care. It's not fair that when I was studying I spent more time getting into fights with cell-phone users and constantly relocating than I actually did studying. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  19. Sorry but in my experience, if you try to tell one of these obnoxious cellphone users to quiet down you get one of two reactions; 1: They tell you to fuck off 2: they say sorry and then quiet down for a minute or two until the volume goes right back up. You tell them to be quiet again and the volume goes down for even a shorter period of time than the first before it jacks right up again. This proces repeats itself until the nth time you ask the person to be quite he finally blows up at you and tells you to fuck off and move if it bothers you so much. You can say just move somewhere else, but there seems be a cellphone-jackass everywhere I go so personally I think I would prefer to use this. Since I would only use it in places where someone should not be talking on their cell-phone in the first place it should ultimately have no effect on the courteous cell-phone users because they will likely have shown the good sense to at least move to a more appropriate location for cell-chat. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  20. Does anyone know where I could buy one around Toronto? My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  21. Heeeyyyyyyy....I like that. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  22. I aint getting on a plane with her. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  23. If you do that then nobody will ever become experienced My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  24. I base the "happy" part on the fact that she survived. All things considered this story should have been more tragic than it actually was. I think it is great that she survived under such unlikely circumstances. As for personal trauma, I think kids can bounce back better than we give them credit for. She will have nightmares and some phobias maybe but I would bet that she is going to ultimately have a normal life. Looking at the plane she should have been dead or even disabled/disfigured for life. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  25. Quite the miracle. Pretty impressive when you read the story. Love happy endings. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.