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    United States

Everything posted by SethInMI

  1. "road rage" has been used twice in this thread says the search box with a 6 year gap between them:
  2. i'm not surprised, and i am not at all confident i will get my fly swatter anytime soon. I agree with Coreece, they just came up with a design on the spot and will have to organize manufacturing and distribution. if i get it by the election that would be great, but i will settle for getting it by the inauguration / secession / civil war or whatever next January brings.
  3. not sure if this is even getting mentioned in some other thread in SC, but we were watching the VP debate last night and a fly landed on Pense's head for a few minutes late in the debate. I bet it was maybe 20-30 min later that the Biden web store was selling fly swatters with the phrase "truth over flies" molded on the handle. i was amazed the amount of work that happened in that short amount of time; they must have had a team in place ready to monetize anything that happened during that debate. I ordered one right then (for a $10 contribution), and i hear they are sold out now. i got it just because it was so ridiculous that it was "a thing" that fast.
  4. i ate a clock yesterday. it was very time consuming.
  5. did you see either of them coming? (probably not if they got found...)
  6. Physics question: Do Catholics have more mass than Protestants?
  7. mother's little (the rolling stones ode to prescription drugs)