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  • Home DZ
    Gold Coast
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  1. First of all Thank you to everybody that posted here. The information is very much appreciated. I am open to anything anybody has to say on this as I am so new to this sport. Also, I dislocated my shoulder doing a tandem jump! I did not pick my feet up high enough so when we landed my feet hit first and threw us foward face down in the dirt and apparently all the impact was on my left shoulder.
  2. Yes, I have talked to the Doc and therepist both about this and they seem to share the same opinion that once i finish the physical therepy and also the "strength training" that I will be fine. That is the reason I have been in pt for so long, to strengthen the muscles and everything surrounding the shoulder in hopes that it will not dislocate again. Naturally there are no guarantees that it wont happen, from either of them.
  3. As previously said, good catch...way to go kid!! Ok, now i trust you to give me those last minute checks!!
  4. I also am an insulin dependant diabetic and take 5 or 6 shots per day, every time i eat! I am not too big on trying new things when it comes to diabetic treament, ie, the insulin pen rather than a needle and a bottle...i have been diabetic since i was 9 (15 years) and have seen and tried many different things through the course of my treatment, not many worked (resulting in going right back to the needle and bottle)! But something like this, you almost cant help but think it would have to be a whole lot better! Not to mention easier! So, dont know about you guys but i would sure be willing to give it a try!!
  5. I never said I could, SHOULD is the question here...and you asked! typing...go figure!!
  6. For someone who cant type...they r just easier...but will try!
  7. I have 2 go along with all the others and thank you 4 this post, i cant tell you the emotion that went thru me while reading it!! I have not been in the sport nearly long enough 2 appreciate everything you know and feel about it, but the spritual and emotional side of it, I do. I only wish you and your family all the best in the world and hope that no matter what may happen...that you will be able 2 return 2 skydiving and teaching as I can tell how much it means 2 you! Good have my prayers...
  8. well lets see, after that oh so horrible jump #6 we all know that whether or not 2 go back up and do it again was the hardest question i had to answer! Honestly, every skydive i have made from then up 2 now i have told myself i will decide after this jump if i want 2 continue or not. Granted i have not been able 2 make as many jumps as you since then, but find myself ready 2. I have chosen 4 the time being 2 take it 1 jump at a time and as long as i want 2 keep doing it, I will, I have the desire, much so like yourself, 2 learn 2 do it right and 2 make skydiving a part of my life, but the question is still there, should I quit??!!
  9. i also like their votes of toggles and slider but as she and i discussed, spinner would just fit in the family!!!lol
  10. Congarts!!!! Been a long road but a fun one, right?!! Im glad you made it!!