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Posts posted by mostwanted

  1. what do you think of this one:


    and you know what? a 200-230 fits just fine in an average skydiving rig. I have a rig that i can put a 220 in - and i also put my 84 velocity in it... just change the loop length and you are set. and while it's bigger than the tiny rigs, it doesn't look like a tandem or those student rigs you've been jumping.

    i also have two deployment bags; one for the big canopy, one for the smaller one.

  2. Quote

    what do you think:

    how many skydives would i get out of that?
    how much should i be willing to pay for that?

    @tom (and all the others): would you encourage me to buy a Raven II even though a Raven III would most likely be better? (who knows if i get the possibility to buy a Raven III in the next months...)

  3. thanks all for your help. (that chart is great!)

    posted to add:
    the zp.exe 235 has a pack-volume of 570 and weights 10 Lbs. - compared to a 218 Raven II with (211 sq.ft.,) 419 6,5 Lbs - compared to a 249 Raven III with (241 sq.ft.,) 515.

    ZP.exe 235
    10 Lbs

    Raven II (218)
    211 sq.ft.
    6.5 Lbs

    Raven III (249)
    241 sq.ft.
    (estimated 7.5 Lbs)


  4. how much load do i have to include in the wingload-calculation?

    i have 62 kg (= 137 lbs) (naked ;)).

    let's assume that i will jump a container with a 218 Raven IIg (7-cell-canopy) as the main-canopy and a suitable reserve in it. i just finished my AFF and have no idea what my weight with the gear on could be...

  5. can anybody tell me what the difference between RAVEN II, RAVEN IIg and RAVEN III is?

    i would like to use one for BASE-training as a main-skydiving-canopy.

    edited to add: i already searched the forum but no answer to that specific question.

  6. Quote

    1) It's probably smaller than you'll want to BASE jump (but still much better practice than a Triathlon or similar canopy),

    too small to skydive it for base-training? or too small to base-jump it from fixed objects?

    what size (for a raven) would you recommend for 62 kg (naked ;)) and do you know which size the next avaiable/produced raven would have? (245?)


    2) Find out if it has a bridle attachment point.

    ***ebay: The Raven can be used as a reserve or main canopy as it has a bridle attachment point.

    how much is that ravenIIg worth?

  • i read that ZP-canopies need more volume than F-111-canopies when packed...

    how significant is the difference?

    i also read that 9-cell-canopies need more volume than 7-cell-canopies when packed...

    how significant is the difference?

    example 1:
    220 9-cell-ZP-canopy vs. 220 7-cell-F-111-canopy

    example 2:
    235 9-cell-ZP-canopy vs. 218 7-cell-F-111-canopy
    (= zp.exe vs. super raven)

    well, i had one of those really big student rigs during my AFF (235 ZP.EXE - 9-cell-zp-canopy) - would i also need such a big container if i would buy me a 7-cell-F-111-canopy? (e.g. super raven as my main-canopy)

    how significant would the difference between my AFF-student-rig and the requiered container for the 218 super raven be?

    i am looking forward to your replies. thank you for your helping efforts!

  • what would you say to this one:

    "another problem is, that you could regularly not go skydiving on (more) windy days, because of the bad gliding-performance of such a docile canopy (e.g. raven). you could maybe "often" not reach the DZ anymore..."

  • Quote

    Get your self a Raven or Manta thouse should be really cheap theese days..

    how much skydives already done with those canopies would be just acceptable?


    62kg i would choose a 245sqft Raven

    wow, that is even larger than my 235 ZP-EXE i jumped during my AFF - therefore i guess i would have to use one of those really big student-rigs?


    cool seeing one who wants to do it the right way. my best whishes that you succseeB| first pint on me as we meet one day

    i will remind you ;)

  • Quote


    the next "problem" i would have to face: infact i am everything but not keen on the fact that the guys at my local dropzone would come to know my getting-into-base-plan. (my AFF-instructor would kill me! *g*)

    Depending on what attitude you have displayed at your dropzone so far, that might say more about your dropzone and instructor than about you.

    most likely his critical position during the AFF-course had something to do with the fact that one day before my course started one of his former students died base-jumping.


    As long as you've established a humble, eager, patient and intelligent attitude at your dropzone, they shouldn't have a problem with your desire to get into BASE at some point. In fact, they better get used to it because it's going to make up a growing part of their business into the future.

    you most likely be right.


    I don't skydive a whole lot these days, but I always pick the dropzone with the people who supported my desire to get into BASE and enabled me to get their with better preparation (by renting me a student rig that would fit a BASE canopy, by allowing me to skydive a BASE container with a belly-mount, by allowing me to jump with toggles-unstowed or steering-lines outside the grommets, etcetera).

    that's a good point.


    In the long run, honesty pays off...

    (would it be a lie if it was only a secret? *g*)

  • Quote

    In the end it all depends on how badly you want to BASE jump and how uninterested you think you'll be in other areas of canopy piloting.

    REAL HARD, but i guess a little bit of RW would also be VERY funny. at the moment i am not that interested in freeflying, but i remember that when i started with the AFF the situation was inverse. once again: what do i know with only 30 skydives on the credit side...

    on the other hand side i think i wouldn't have started and maybe wouldn't continue skydiving (it is indeed a very expensive hobby...) if base wouldn't be in my mind.


    My recommendation is to get a cheap used BASE canopy. If somewhere down the road you learn that you enjoy other things, you can just buy, rent or loan a second rig then.

    well i thought of that a few months ago - infact i had the plan to focuse on base-drills 300% (at least *g*)! but then i contacted an experienced "local" base jumper, skydiving instructor and rigger. he advised me to play the sport (base) as save as possible (!) but on the other hand side told me that he would not buy a really big, docile base-canopy(-alike) for my first canopy. ("what if you stand on the exit-point the first time and you shit your pants after torturing yourself while skydiving for 2 years?")

    all his arguments seemed conclusive, even though i wanted to beliefe, that i would will not shit my pants anyway! *g*

    the next "problem" i would have to face: infact i am everything but not keen on the fact that the guys at my local dropzone would come to know my getting-into-base-plan. (my AFF-instructor would kill me! *g*)

  • hmm, this (making a decision) is all so difficult (and expensive *g*)!

    how much do i know about what makes fun with only 30 belly-skydives on the credit side?

    @jaap: how did you start skydiving? did you know that you wanted to get into base at the beginning? would you really buy yourself a super-docile base-canopy(-alike) if you would be in my situation?

  • thanks tom,

    i was told and i read severel times that it could become frustrating to focus 200% on base-jumping while learning to skydive. well, i started skydiving just because of base but of course also want to have fun in the air while skydiving...

    maybe an acceptable option could be to start skydiving with a canopy that also makes fun and jump one of those docile canopies 30 times (or so) in the weeks right before the FJC?

    what do think of that? would therefore a triathon be acceptable?

    edited: spelling

  • i hope it is ok to post this on the base-forum.

    well, it is time for me (after AFF) to buy my first skydiving-rig.

    as i would like to get into base in the future i would be interested to hear your opinion on aerodyne's triathlon as a first-skydiving-canopy for me.

    well, it would be a 7-cell-canopy - maybe not too bad to make the recommended drills?

    if you could recommend it - wich size should it have? i have 30 skydives and 62 kg.

    i am looking forward to your replies.

  • well, this may be crap...

    i thought speed of a base-canopy mostly depends on break-settings?

    as i already mentioned - this may be crap - forgive me, i am new to canopy-sports - but would appreciate it if anybody could explain the facts on this topic.

    edited: spelling