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Posts posted by mostwanted

  1. sorry - my fault - i guess i have to edit my posting because the quote referenced to "stall-drills", didn't it?


    Case in point is stalling your canopy or riding your canopy very near the stall point to set up a landing in a specific spot. The crossbraced canopy has a much smaller flight range and control stroke and is far more sensitive around the stallpoint, which makes it better practice (added: concerning the "stall-drills") than a large 7-cell because they (added: the 7-cell canopies) are so forgiving and therefore only develop your awareness and skill to a lower degree.

    do you all agree?

  2. Quote

    The Raven is a great BASE Canopy for any knowledgable BASE jumper. Unless you are some kind of BASE wanbee-pussy with 2 pierced rings in your lower-lip with only a 150 skydives and have no knowledge of HOW to FLY and Properly Pilot a 7-cell Canopy. But if you are or anywhere like this kind of Canopy Deficient FuckUp you shouldn't be BASE jumping anyway. Stay the hell away from BASE jumping & Go back to your mandatory assigned USPA dive coach and suck his Tit.

    my question: how to fly and properly pilot a 7-cell canopy (when skydiving)?

    PS: i bought a Super Raven III (250 jumps - DOM 3/1989 - wingload 0.7) to jump/fly it as my main when skydiving.

  3. i bought an old used Raven III (DOM 89) and want to jump it as my main (i know that it is an old, docile canopy...). it was jumped as a main in the past (250 jumps).

    now some (maybe silly) questions:

    do i have to pack it a special way?
    would it be dumb to jump it without prior inspection of a rigger?
    any tipps for the first jump with a "new" canopy?

    edited to add: wingload will be 0.7

  4. Quote

    My Spectre has a lot of the info on the orange label filled in by hand. Why are you so sure that something has been faked?

    1. the canopy was not produced anymore at that time - if the information i have is correct.

    2. according to a serial-search-engine on the manufacturers' homepage the imprinted serial number is not valid.
    ...but i am waiting for concrete information from the manufacturer. i hope they will reply my email.

    the problem is that in my country we have to buy an insurance for the canopy - not for the pilot. and i do not want to get troubles with the insurance in case of accident...

  5. there is this canopy with an orange label which seems to have a faked (with a black filler) DOM and serial number on it.

    how could i cleanse the label so that the original digits are visible again but the canopy and the orange label itself (and the information on it) will not be damaged?

  6. Quote

    Raven production started in 1983 or 1984.
    Since the first batch of Raven-A opened slowly, the factory gave out free bikini sliders, to speed up openings. When a bikini slider is installed, the data panel should be re-marked "-B".

    ok, the Raven-A production started 1983 or 1984.
    but when did the Raven-B production start?

  7. Quote

    Before 03/88. B stands for bikini slider. It's not a Super Raven just a Raven with a different slider.

    and when did the production start?


    Don't use it for BASE!

    i wanted it to skydive it as my main to train for base. but thank you for the tip anyway!

  8. there is this Raven - it says "Raven 3 (b)" (not "Raven III") on the orange label - unfortunatelly the DOM (and maybe also the last digit of serial number) on the label seems to be faked (with a black filler)...

    now i wonder in which period the "Raven 3 (b)" was manufactured? does anyone have a clue?

  9. Quote

    Tip 3, KNOW the ORA wind. If anyone wants me to, I will explain it so that one can understand what causes it, when to expect it and also how strong it is likely to be at which time of year.

    Space -- maybe you should write it up and have Tom attach it to the SITE SPECIFIC GUIDELINES sticky at the top of the forum....

    you could also post it on - that would be great! thank you for your effords.

  10. Quote

    BASE WIKI is looking for an experienced web designer to spice up its website. We need somebody to help us redesign the skin, create a logo, and generally help us turn it from todays minimalistic website to a fully fledged good looking BASE encyclopedia.

    i like the current skin.
    keep up the good work!
    thank you for your efforts!

    PS: why "anonymous"?

  11. Quote

    It makes the sleeves rigid. Same for the legs.

    Rigidity and no flapping = good thing.

    ok - this sounds logical. :$
    do the cords strech (a little) or are the inductile?
    inductile cords could be risky when pulling the PC, couldn't they?