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Posts posted by Vectracide

  1. Keep the feet and knees together thruought the opening sequence. Dont fly the opening with harness if you can help it....I use rears if I have to. Roll your tail very lightly, not tightly around the lines where your grommets are. I tried packing it just like I did my Xfire and it really really REALLY doesn't like that. I had a buddy take vid of it and the canopy just stayed rolled like a cone for about 2 seconds.....and did 2 rotations giving me some nice twists. Not fun. All in all, it takes good body position to get good openings......cause if you dont have will let you know. I was apprehensive when I first put my camera helmet on with a Nikon 2DX and PC 120, but after a was no big deal.


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  2. Azul,

    Bro! Hey man, missed ya at the second Perris bigway event. However, I got to hassle Javier instead. It was a good time and we needed El Cucurahachas like yourselves. ;) Hope to see you in Chicago. I might have to make a trip to Mexico City in the future........

    Safe Swoops bro.....



    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  3. Well, I just got some insider info on the tunnel, and forget it. Apparently the tunnel doesn't support freefly speeds, and if you want to sit... you need a balloon suit. Its a whuffo tunnel I guess....not that anything is wrong with that. Unless you advertise to actual skydivers...:)


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  4. I might have a group of 4 total for you, but only myself is a USPA member...what deal can you give me for an hour on Thrusdays 8-10?


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  5. Good question....I just assumed it was fast enough. What speed does the tunnel go to? And can one wear a normal jumpsuit in it for HD? Or does one need a balloon suit?



    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  6. Before this becomes a "bash the new guy" for being so about some facts......?

    # of jumps?
    When start camera?
    Coaching what.......?

    I'm not taking sides......I am about having ALL the information before casting my own opinions.....

    Besides.....what good is your rant in the first place......will any good at all come from it to begin with?


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  7. Quote

    Anyway, you may be directing your anger in the wrong direction as in some respects the DZO of Pitt wasn't 100% incorrect and I disagree with your assessment where you think they don't care.

    If you knew what I know about this DZ, you wouldn't be saying that. There are several other issues that helped me make my decision to not jump there anymore, not just the Cowboy. Unfortunately, to air these in a public forum would be just bad form. If you want to know what I'm talking about, give me a call.


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  8. Damn dude......I baited you that all you got?

    On a serious note......I have been watching this thread with all kinds of emotions.....some points are really accurate, and some people are so F'ing ignorant that I want to rip their tongue out and beat them with it.

    So, I felt best to let those that express themselves in a constructive, accurate way speak for me as a swooper. My elected voices are Ian Drennan, Stu Schoefeld, Orangeblue (even if he is gay), Chachi and Canuck (yes...even if they are Canadian).

    Now, in specifics Ian and Stu are pro's...and seriously, someone needs to open up their minds a little and stop being so damn emotional about what is going on here..... What they are saying couldn't be more accurate, please please people...consider what they are stating here.

    And Steve, in reference to what happened in Pitt last Sept.......well, I can tell you that I have not jumped there since...and don't plan on any time soon. When the DZO tells me to my face that the chaos in her landing area it isn't her problem....then its the last day I jump there. And it was. I packed up my trailer and went home. If you cannot control the idiots in the sky and on the ground....its time to move on to somewhere where people give a shit about staying alive and other peoples safety. This is why I jump at Snohomish.


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  9. Keep pokin us ya little fucker......we'll have to hand you your ass in Colorado....just like I did....ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL season last year. *cough* under a 9-cell *cough*

    And by the way....since when did you grow a set? Your quite lippy these days... I didn't know testicles grew in the cold, frozen, unlit barren wasteland that you call home.

    And you better come packin like Tom does.......try eating a shitload of that Poutaine up there......ya know....the Fries with what looks like Chihuahua puke all over them......of snobs would use French Poodle vomit instead....only the best.

    Pardon me....would you pass the Grey Poupon?

    And Goddamit....would you change your name to CanuckNotInUSA already. Or CanuckWishesHeWasInUSA, or CanuckFuckingFrozenAndSurroundedByTheFrench, or..................


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  10. Uhhh....perhaps whomever deleted my post missed my chickenfucker humor.....have you not seen the movie SuperTroopers? There was no malice whatsoever.....I know the swoopers there, specifically Keith.:)


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  11. Don't limit yourself to just the sky......especially if you are only focusing on belly. Tunnel is another great option.

    If jump for 7 days...and jump hard, like lets say 7 jump a day average...thats 49 jumps. Lets just make it 50 to round it out.

    2 slots = maybe 44 bucks
    Coach price = what....around 20 bucks per jump?

    Total per jump = 64 average....
    If you get a coach that will jump for slot only, its still 44 a jump

    Worst case = 64x7x7= $3136
    Best case = 44x7x7= $2156

    Ok, so tunnel is around $700 an hour. At the above rates, you can get 3 hours for the same price. You can learn a lot more in the tunnel that you can in the sky...especially at your level right now. Even if you did 2 hours and spent the other 700 in the sky, working on what you are learning in the tunnel, thats 30 jumps.

    Point here is, spending all your cash on in air coached jumps, is an extremely expensive way to spend all your money...and your not going to get that many jumps out of it. If you combine tunnel with focused in air jumps....your learning curve will accelerate dramatically. Perris tunnel is the closest to you, but there is Eloy with some of the best tunnel coaches around.


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  12. Yeah, I have decided to spend at least one more year on non-crossbraced. I got my KA just before last season started, so I really didn't have enough time under it to make it really shine. I was loading it at 1.8 last year, but have plans to bump that up a little bit for this season.



    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  13. Hello NW Pilots,

    Here are the dates for this season.

    May 26th-27th Snohomish
    June 23rd-24th SDO
    July 14th-15th Shohomish
    July 28th-29th Location TBA
    Aug 11th-12th Location TBA If it is needed, it will more than likely, be at Sno.

    I have been working on some off DZ events, but so far, the insurance rates have been prohibitive. I will keep trying to make this happen.

    If any of you plan on attending the Comp in Colorado, and want to train out there sometime this summer, let me know and we can set up a trip and share on car rental and accommodations. If you are a freeflyer as well, and want to spend some time at SVCO, let me know and I will try to set up some good rates for us.

    I hope to see you all on the circuit.



    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  14. Quote

    if anyone comes and wants to share costs for a hot shower ;) I have the room Friday and Saturday.

    Drop me a note - first come first serve.

    Oh my many opportunities here.....I can't even pick one they are running thru my head so fast.

    Suck it up


    need a shower


    share a shower


    who is coming to play

    and last but not least....

    first come, first serve***

    Damn Denise... you make it so easy. kisses.:ph34r:


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  15. Monkey,

    They will allow me to use their machines as demo's, but its not the machine that is the issue for me here, its knowing what kind of thread to order for my application. Since no one in this town carries anything but stuff for making quilts and frilly stuff like that, there is nothing to try out.


    I used type 69 also known as Tex 70 or Gov E to sew the panels together. I was going to use them to satin stitch the patterns on, but that proved too much for the machine. I need a lighter thread in either polyester or nylon. Straight stitch is no problem when sewing with 69 on Taslan. BTW, 4-ply Taslan is the same material that Liquid Sky uses. It is a very tight fabric that is incredibly strong, yet drapes nicely with no stiffness.


    I am using a Viking/Huskavarna model 630. Its about 8 years old and I bought it used for 225.


    Controlled and Deliberate.....