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Posts posted by Vectracide

  1. So I just got iLife 06' and I want to start sending out Photocasts and stuff. What kind of software does my recipients need to view these? Is it easier to have them use a RSS browser? Or a stand alone RSS reader that is not attatched to a browser. Also, I will be sending these to family that is not very computer lit, so it has to be easy to use.

    Anyone with experience in this area?



    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  2. Dottie,

    I say travel as much as you possibly can, but try to get your A licencse first. It will be much easier to find people to jump with and you wont have a DZO having to watch over you. Besides, it is good to get the bulk of your first jumps at one place for familiaraity of the landing area and the student gear.

    Traveling to other DZ's is what makes this sport so great. You can go somewhere and jump with people you have never met and create new friendships. It gets even better as your jumps and skill increase. Make the best of your travels, as in, go to places that give you the opportunity to become a better and safer skydiver. Go to DZ's that have coaches, and load organizers and turbines. All of the above exist at Sebastian, so you dont have to go far. Jim there is a good coach, and if he cant take care of you personally, he will find someone to place you with.

    I personally have jumped at the following DZ's in the last 4 or so years:

    Pitt Meadows, BC (first DZ)
    Kamloops, BC
    Abbotsford, BC
    Chilliwack, BC
    Snohomish, Wa (Current home DZ)
    Northwest Skydivers, Wa
    Kaposwin, Wa
    Skydive Oregon, Or
    Davis, Ca
    Perris, Ca
    Eloy, Az
    Lost Prarie, Mt
    Mile High, Co
    Moab, Ut
    Sebastian, Fl
    SoBe, Fl

    Traveling in this sport is awesome. Do it while you can. Just make sure you have the basics down to be safe and comfortable at any DZ.


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  3. Thanks Stu and SunnyDee.......!

    The event was a great experience for me. I have been practicing on gates since the beginning of the year, but this was the first time I have been able to visualize and set up for all 3 courses and hit them over water. Very very fun, and very hard as well. I took several things from the event. First is that as soon as you have the gates you cannot just "let" the rest happen, you have to be thinking about your next input immediately, as it happens so fast. Setting up tight to the outside gate on the speed course really helps. After clearing all 4 gates in the accuracy round, giving the canopy a sharp stab of the toggles really helps scrub any unnecessary speed and gives you a slightly sharper angle of attack on the landing zone, preventing you from sliding into the negatives.

    Thanks again for the props guys....... Till we swoop again.....


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  4. His post was hardly a troll.

    The Sebastian 5 offered free freefly coaching this past weekend. Free beer on Sat. night as well. One of the packers there gave me the best openings on my Xfire I have ever had from packers. Damn girl packed my shit better than I do.

    I don't know if you have been there, as it looks like you jump at Miami, but if you would know that it does, in fact, "rock". Except for the railing pushing butthole, Will. :o


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  5. Hey Jaye, I have had, and more than likely everyone at one time or another, this same experiences. Now, if you are at a DZ where you know at least one person, you can always ask them about the person in question afterwards. That will give you the abitliy to either hold their advice to heart, or discard it. If you are at a DZ where you know no one, you can always ask the DZO, or S&TA about either the person, or the advice if you don't feel comfortable. If you tell them that you dont know the skill and level of someone and you recieved advice from that person, they will understand and not judge you. If you are talking about Snohomish in particular, or Mt.Vernon even please feel free to ask me any questions you have and I will give you the straight up truth. That includes the 3 hardest words for some to say, especially in our sport, "I don't know". PM me if you want my contact info.


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  6. What you call "bashing", I call defending against your comments. Your comments and attitude do not reflect any professional firefighter I know. Especially myself. I am done here as there is no point in discussing this further......


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  7. I have looked around and have not been able to find a course diagram that I can print out to set up my course by. If anyone knows where I can get my hands on one, (with all the distances and such), that would be awesome.



    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  8. Quote

    My dept. has one one the most selective hiring processes in Fla. You cant even apply without scoring in the high 90's on the mesh first. Out of the 45 people that scored high enough to apply. Only 2 apps. and myself made it. What does this have to do with skydiving? Do you always hate on people when you can't adress the issue.

    Too bad they don't incorporate personality profile as well.

    And when you spend more time in the sport, you will realize the amazing parallels between my statements and being a "skydiver". You will look back on this post and be ashamed of yourself.


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  9. Quote

    What kind of department do you work for? Saying stupid shit is what firefighters do best!

    You comments and general attitude is a discrace to the brotherhood for which you serve. The testing process must be dumbed down in FL. Please hand in your IAFF card now. I wonder what kind of lip flappin you do on


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  10. Damn Steve, why couldn't of you had that mal yesterday? Maybe I could have won that swoop comp.;) Course, you would have probably swooped it with your reserve anyways.

    Damn, I always miss the "good" days. Was it a H&P? Or did they fix the KA so you could get some alti?


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  11. Mac Powerbook. I wouldn't even consider buying another PC again. I have been a PC guy for years to the point of buliding them mysef. The problem with PC's is that they have the shittiest OS on the planet, unless you learn to work with Linux. Microsoft has yet to develop a OS that doesn't have gaping security and crashing issues. They you have all the non compatible programs out there, that every programmer in the world thinks he can make for a PC.

    With a Mac, there are NO security issues, NO compatiability issues, NO crashes, an OS that is intuitive.

    The biggest reason that people don't consider a Mac, is because they don't want to learn how to use a Mac when they have been using a PC all their life. Don't let that stop you. They are easy to learn and once you have had it for a couple weeks, you will think to yourself, why the hell didn't I get one of these sooner, they are so friggin easy to use!


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  12. Carver,

    I pack exactly like Rob does. It's a very easy and fast way to pack. It works especially well with new canopies, as you are not trying to put a bunch of folds on top of one another and then bag it. Funny thing is Rob is my rigger, but never showed me this technique...... I guess some of his riggerness has rubbed off on me.


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  13. Sounds like a good time! I was down there a couple months ago and did some organized jumps with some of these hosers. Watch out for Peter's spiraling flock of death. Good vibe there with a restaurant, fire pit and bunk house. I'd definitly go if I wern't in friggin Washington state.


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  14. I had that guy leave the Cessna about 1 second after i did on a H&P just this weekend. In the plane, I laid out the exit and landing order. Due to WL, I would leave and land first. So, I saw my talk being completely ignored so I was watchful. After I left the plane, I rolled on my back to see if he was anywhere near me, and sure as shit, there he was damn near in my airspace. I had to track 180 and open at around 2.7. Irritated to say the least. Then I realized that this guy opened lower than I did, forcing me to bring it down quick. I was in the saddle at 2300 and he was a good 3-500 below me. There is no way I would have been to hang out for this guy. Then I pooched my setup.

    Never again on a H&P with this guy, or before him on any FF jump. Some people just don't listen to a damn thing you say, even when they should know better. 450 jumps and a coach 1. Kinda sad.

    edit to add: I believe that everyone deserves a chance to be learned. I have attempted this before at another DZ with a dude that does stupid shit. It didn't have any effect with him. Perhaps I will give it another try with someone else. I hope I can help him realize the error of his thinking, or at least assist him in making better decisions thru mentoring.


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  15. *ahem* Attention all DZ.Com shoppers, we have a special on Guilty as Charged Chips in the St.Mary's isle. A modesty coupon can be used for picture size. Over in the Pharmacy, we have Swedish made Celts. This OTC drug helps with bouts of loss of humor and defensiveness.:ph34r::ph34r:

    ps. nice hijack by the way.;)


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  16. Inspired from the "If women didn't know they were beauitiful" thread:

    There would be alot less avatars with seductive, scantily clad body shots.

    Then act surprised when so many pathetic horny men start sweating over thier keyboard in the cubicle trying to type "How U Doin", "Your hot!", "Is that really your bootay?", "Are those really your boobies?"

    The thread becomes a complete hijack of whatever mindless dribble the female was posting about in the first place (not like it really mattered, they just wanted to put some ass or nip in the avatar to get some attention whoring).

    Shortly after, several posts of how the baby feline species just suffered a near extinction....... they act all shy and change the to some sitting on the couch in sweats pic. Please....not foolin anyone. At least the ones wittnessing this sad little show, not posting to it.

    This is where the second wave of reinforcing self-infatuation begins. The little posts containg the pathetic, yet amusing display of men crying to the fact that they somehow missed out on the picture, because they were actually doing something for the paycheck they receive at the end of the month. "Can you PM me if you don't want to put it up?", "Oh! I was putting a cover sheet on my TPS report and didnt see it!", " For the love of god.

    Don't forget the dude who leaves his know the one. Hes the guy that says her "ass and or boobies" aren't nearly as nice as *insert DZ.Com name of some chick they guy wants to bag*, knowing she would see it, or even better, be replying to that actual female in the same thread. That's the equivalent of a virtual cock-block hijack, and a death warrant to any possibilities of shaggin the original chick. (not like shes lookin for that in the first place here guys)

    The thread finally dies after many ingored posts of whiners not seeing the goods, mostly because, the original poster has left some time ago after becoming bored of the train wreck they have caused, only to be revived the next day by some dope who just got back from visiting his dying grandmother in another state. "Oh man! I go away for a second and I missed it.....was it good?" *sigh*

    These can and usually are repeated by the same offenders as the effects of attention whoring only last so long. It appears to be like crack cocaine for some, which return with another gem only a couple weeks later. And some do it only once, as afraid of being banned a cyber tease.

    Although, I could be wrong. The camera might of just been sitting next to the computer and she was bored. Nah, I'll stick with my original thesis.:P:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  17. Well, here is a good example of what COULD happen. Not saying either way, good or bad idea on your part. I have not seen you fly your canopy, so I will not comment.

    What I will say, is that it isn't how you fly the canopy when all is going as planned, its how you fly the canopy when it isn't. Although the size is the same between the 2 canopies, the Vision will react quicker in all areas, so the time you have to make the right decisions will be decreased. That is where experience helps you.


    Controlled and Deliberate.....

  18. The only way I would ever buy another Neptune is if they fixed the bugs that haunt every one I have ever had. Even the ones they send back to me have issues. And yes, I have had them compeletly replaced before as well. They eat batteries like a crack whore with a box of Ritz to boot. Unless these issues are fixed....its like a shine on a turd.

    Other than that, when it works, its great!;)


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