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  1. In Static Line jump especially for beginners it could happen due to your body is not stable that in opening sequence something like riser or the static line passing close to your neck. When I started with military round canopies and static line it was common. In military slang in Hungary they call it: Line-kiss :) So no worries, after some more jumps you'll get more stable and it won't happen. There is movie on where some static line jump filmed at the end in slomo there you can see that instable opening could cause that. That less likely happens with the modern student gear but it could. No worries :)
  2. Hi mate! a friend of mine is jumping with eye surgery. (same as you had). The surgery has been done 2 years before he started jump, and I could see him since the very beginning of his skydiving carrier. Definitely no issue. However it was a difficult story to fight through the medical jump license. (I'm not sure if it is neccesary to have medical examination before you get your license to jump in your country. In my country -Hungary- we need the same medical licence as non-commercial pilots.) Windflow problem: wear proper quality jumpglasses. Not the fancy ones but the good ones :)
  3. When I was kid, I wanted to learn how to ride a bicycle. Alone. 2 wheels only :) My father was running behind me all the time keeping his eye on me. I failed that exam probably a hundred times. My "Instructor" helped me to never harm seriously myself or anyone else. Some little bruises don't matter. So finally it worked out. Biking is not natural for a human being either. Can be learned. Keep working on it :) be conscious, watch out yourself and the others, be a man to say enough for today if you feel less concentrated. Until you have the heart and desire it’s enough to be a good respectable skydiver. Talent only matters when you want to be PRO. It could be that you are not talented to be a member of Golden Knights, but who knows? None can tell you after a few jumps. At this level where you are, in my opinion the most important skill to develop is being 100% concentrated and conscious from the time you start packing – until you land your canopy.
  4. What I did checked my wallet and talked to my instructor. My opinion is that the size only is not reasonable. What emphasised here is that the characteristics of the canopy should be considered. After student status you will still learning how to control that thing and a canopy which is 'friendly' could save your ass when you do stupid things during landing. And you will do bet on that. So the first canopy which is not student therefore more fun more joy, however stupid-proof is recommended. And last but not leas talk and talk and talk to your instructor who have seen your landings. Note that I1m still flying a 185 Turbo and I had trouble with another 185 Turbo with diffrenet harness and brake control so if you have chance to try the new rig in controlled situation: make it so :)
  5. On my first jump with hand deployed pilot chute I forgot to release the pud. Even if I've been told hundred times as the most important thing to release that "little thing" I grabbed it as a handle for pull out. After a few seconds (and feets later) I felt that something is wrong and I was changing position as I thought my pchute got stuck in the turbulence on my back. Then I noticed some weird very unusual colored thing was dancing in my sight. (My pchute is fortunately pink…) Turned away and realized that I’m still carrying the pilot chute in my hand. I threw it away as it was burning :) I had an open canopy around 1000 feet lower then excepted, with no malfunctions on rig. Quote