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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPrTWSSD6AQ comments? try and watch the whole vid it's full of interesting shite
  2. there was actually a little write-up in the winnipeg sun about this on monday...
  3. mirage has been offering finacing for a while http://www.miragesys.com/DesignOrder/Financing.aspx
  4. he kind of does, holding on to another jumpers rig off of a small cliff
  5. just the context of this gives me the 'goosebumps', never meant 'relaxed' in that sort of way;)
  6. shit dude, i hope i will never be that relaxed if i watch someone "bounce.....
  7. jeez sorry dude didn't think it was so specific...
  8. Nick Alkemade of the RAF, tail gunner in an AVRO Lancaster bomber, was trapped in his burning gun turret after the bomber was attacked by a German Ju-88 bomber. His parachute was in the cabin area, but he couldn't get it, so he jumped out of the plane, preferring a quick death to being burned alive. Alkemade fell from 18,000 feet, all the while thinking of his impending death, falling in a position with his head down. Suddenly, he was on the ground, looking up at the stars through some pine trees. He couldn't believe he was okay, but moving both arms and legs he soon realized he was not even hurt badly and smoked a cigarette before getting up. Pine trees had slowed his descent and he fell to soft snow. His most serious injury was a sprained leg. Alkemade was captured by the Germans. The Gestapo did not believe his story until they inspected the parachute harness and found his burned parachute at the crash site!
  9. What are the odds of this happening under canopy http://www.stuff.co.nz/3949230a4560.html