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Posts posted by StreetScooby

  1. Isn't Gonzales the guy who approved the "Guantanamo Torture Memo"?

    Is it true that Scalia had a woman's tape recorder confiscated, by force, at one of his talks? Any idea why he did that, if true?

    Not trying to flame, just looking for information.

    While I'm a middle of the road conservative, I'm starting to believe the pendulum needs to swing the other way for a little while...
    We are all engines of karma

  2. In my personal experience, Chaser is not very good. RU21 is much better, but I've only been able to find it over the internet.

    The New York Post did a pretty thorough study of anti-hangover pills in the last year. If I recall correctly, RU21 was their choice, also.

    We are all engines of karma

  3. billvon - you've got a good point. Having been in NYC financial services for over 10 years now, I'm not at all convinced that capitalism is a long term stable system (...though I have _no_ idea what could be better).

    There isn't _any_ certainty cheaper energy will become available, and odds are, they won't in practical terms.

    BTW - the US Senate tabled a bill today that would allow our govt to sue OPEC as a monopoly.
    We are all engines of karma

  4. I went through a period of my life (a long time ago) where I tried to reconcile God and Science (1st law of thermo). It finally dawned on me that God is best viewed as a verb, not a noun, IMO.

    1st law of thermo basically says "Nothing changes by itself". So, any time there is change, we need to ask what are the "reservoirs" of energy involved?

    When you apply that to free will, I don't believe our science have fully identified all the reservoirs of energy that are out there, due to the requirement of strict reproducibility independent of the observer (...puts a huge burden on language). So, when we use our free will, that fraction that isn't biochemically based, may/probably is interacting with one or more generally unidentified reservoirs of energy.

    You can lump those unidentified reservoirs of energy into, for the lack of a better phrase, the "fabric of the universe".

    Your thoughts count, alot...

    In summary:
    1) God is more likely a verb than a noun
    2) Kind of like a big river that we are part of, whether you want to be or not
    3) Stay in your inner tube
    4) Keep the cooler close
    5) Watch out for the rocks
    6) Laugh, it's good for you
    We are all engines of karma

  5. Thanks very much for the helpful comments.

    To close out the story, I have "bi-fold" doors on my closet, and somehow they weren't completely closed. On top of that, one of my children closed the door to the basement, where the cat's litter box is located. So, here we are...

    My wife and I have had the cat since we first started living together, so killing her (...the cat) is not in the plans.

    To the best of my smell sense, the cat only got the BOC, pilot chute, and my carry bag. Guess it could've been worse (thank goodness I leave my rig in an upright position).

    Thanks, again, and Blue Skies!
    We are all engines of karma

  6. I have an old cat (17?) that recently went into my closet and pee'ed on my BOC. Does anyone know if Woolite Pet Stain & Odor Remover is safe for a rig? Any other suggestions (..besides killing the cat)?
    We are all engines of karma